News and Events 9/10
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Family Engagement Night / Welcome Back Dinner
All families are invited to school on Thursday, Sept.19th for our first of four family engagement nights. Students and parents/guardians will start in classrooms for a 20-minute presentation by classroom teachers. The event runs from 5:00-7:00. Your attendance at one of two presentations, either 5:00 or 5:30, in classrooms will result in tickets for the free dinner, with a DJ & inflatables outside. All families are asked to attend just one of those two (identical) presentations. If you have more than one student who attends Sand Creek, you only need to attend one grade level session. If you're wanting the other grade level/s presentation information, please check in with your student's homeroom teachers.
Please RSVP by completing the google form below. It's going to be a fun & informative night for our community!
All families are invited to school on Thursday, Sept.19th for our first of four family engagement nights. Students and parents/guardians will start in classrooms for a 20-minute presentation by classroom teachers. The event runs from 5:00-7:00. Your attendance at one of two presentations, either 5:00 or 5:30, in classrooms will result in tickets for the free dinner, with a DJ & inflatables outside. All families are asked to attend just one of those two (identical) presentations. If you have more than one student who attends Sand Creek, you only need to attend one grade level session. If you're wanting the other grade level/s presentation information, please check in with your student's homeroom teachers.
Please RSVP by completing the google form below. It's going to be a fun & informative night for our community!
Fall (Oct.) Conferences Grades K-5
The schedules for K-5 Fall Conferences are now open. Please sign up for one 20-minute conference with your child's homeroom teacher. Conferences are held twice during the school year, Fall & Winter, and are an important part of the home/school partnership.
Faith Partner - Thank you!
Reminder - Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
UPDATE - Olive Street Pick Up/Drop Off Vehicle Line - Please do not block driveways and mailboxes of residents that live on Olive Street as you wait in the parent pick up line.
It is important that students are here on time 9:15 and picked up on time 4:00. Students are unsupervised until 9:15am, should not be dropped off early, and should remain off the playground when they arrive.
The front driveway is reserved for buses only during arrival & dismissal. Handicap spaces are reserved for vehicles with a visible handicap sticker/tag. The 15-minute spots are reserved for parents who need to enter the building. Please review the visuals below.
Please Note - Walkers during dismissal will need to exit out Door 5 only. This is to lessen traffic in the front of the building for our students who access special education transportation.
Free Lunch Explained
Note: free meals are complete meals only. Students who do not want the complete meal, or only want specific items will be charged A la Carte pricing for these items.
Examples of A la Carte purchases would be:
• The entrée portion of the day.
• Milk purchased separately from a meal, for example when a student brings a lunch from home.
• Snack items, beverages such as bottled water, sports drinks, etc.
Apply for Educational Benefits
We encourage all families to complete an application for Educational Benefits, including free/reduced lunch. Yes, breakfast and lunch are free for all students this year, but those who qualify for free/reduced lunch receive this benefit from federal funds, those who do not qualify receive the benefit from state funds. Sand Creek also receives additional federal funds based on the number of families who qualify for this benefit. Please follow this link to apply for Educational Benefits today.
Student/Parent Handbook
All families are required to review the information in our Student-Parent Handbook. Thank you to those who have already done so. Important information to review includes our cell phone/smartwatch policy, guidance on birthday treats, and our School-wide Behavior Plan. Once you have reviewed the information, please indicate so by completing the form below.
Important Upcoming Dates
Thursday, September 19 - Family Engagement Night/All School Dinner, 5:00-7:00
Friday, October 4 - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS, Staff Development day
Monday, October 7 - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS, Fall Conferences,12:00-8:00
Thursday, October 10 - Fall Conferences, 4:00-8:00
Thursday & Friday, October 17 & 18 - NO SCHOOL
Not Attending Sand Creek?
If you are no longer planning on attending Sand Creek, please let Kari know at 763-506-4302 or by email at
This e-newsletter is published by Sand Creek Elementary School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.