Panther Pamphlet
September 22nd, 2024
Principal's Corner
We had a great September so far! Below are some pictures of our September fun. Including our first graders on their library field trip, and a few of our kindergartners all dressed up for Picture Day.
Our Panther Prowl fundraiser is in full swing! Students are earning individual prizes daily and making progress toward their classroom goals, and school-wide goals! Last week we earned a school wide hat day. Next week, we will celebrate passing fundraising benchmarks with a school-wide pajama day tomorrow, Monday September 23rd, and students can bring a stuffed animal to school on Tuesday!
Please register your student for Panther Prowl online. There is no cost to register and classes earn rewards when all students are signed up.
Thank you again for being such a collaborative community and here's to another exceptional week!
-Principal Jessica Rosecrans
(269) 337-0720
First Grade Library Field Trip
First Grade Library Field Trip
First Grade Library Field Trip
Walking Field Trip Form
General Walking Field Trip Form- Panther Prowl & Literacy Parade
- Our district's general Walking Field Trip permission forms were sent home about a week ago in students' folders.
- Thank you to everyone who has returned them already!
- These forms give students permission to participate in our annual Panther Prowl and Literacy Parade because these both involve walking down the block to Crane Park. The Panther Prowl will take place October 4th and Literacy Parade will be Oct 31st. Also, in the spring many grade levels walked to Crane Park for a picnic celebration at the end of the year.
- We will be making a list of which students have not returned a permission form and reach out before our Panther Prowl.
- If these forms are not returned or permission is not given, families have a few options:
- If parents/guardians do not want students to participate at all in these school wide events that involve walking, they can choose to keep their child home that day or pick them up early.
- If they do want their child to participate, but are hesitant to give permission on this form, they can attend the event and walk with their child. They can also work with the teacher to give written permission on that specific event only.
- I have attached the form below as well.
- Feel free to reach out to your child's teacher if you have any questions about the form or about how their class participates in each event. More specific school wide information on each event will be in future newsletters as it gets closer.
Families Please fill out this form
Save the Date
Dates to Remember:
Sept. 30th- Pfizer Science Demonstration for 5th graders at school
Oct. 1st- First Day Shoe- shoe fitting day for signed up students
Oct. 2nd- Count Day
Oct. 4th- K-8 Half Day Dismissal 12:06 Panther Prowl
Oct. 10th- K-8 Half Day Dismissal 12:06
Oct 11th- K-5 Half Day Dismissal 12:06
Oct. 21st- K-12 Half Day Dismissal 12:06
Oct. 31st- Literacy Parade
No 1st No School