The Cougar Chronicles
March 4, 2023
Message from the Office
5th Grade Electives
Attention all 5th grade parents and guardians. If you have not already filled out the Microsoft form to select electives for JFK, please use the link below.
Electives and World Language Options
Secure the School
On Tuesday, February 27th, we conducted a secure the school drill. All students and staff successful completed the drill and returned to our regularly scheduled day.
Read Across America Week 3/4-3/8
Students will have mystery guest readers from our staff share books with them, teachers will share and discuss diverse books daily, we will all drop everything and read together. Finally, students and staff at both Prudence Crandall and Henry Barnard will participate in school spirit days that are outlined on the Read Across America schedule (see below). We are looking forward to bringing everyone together this week to share in our love of reading!
Teacher Experience Raffle
Back by popular demand, our 2nd Annual Teacher Experience Raffle. Prudence Crandall teachers and staff are proud to offer exciting prizes to support activities for our students! Our very own Crandall staff members are donating their time and resources to the students for some fun activities. Each raffle ticket will cost $1, please see the attached order form below. Tickets will also be on sale during lunch on Fridays.
Upcoming Dates:
March 4th- Spring Picture Day
March 8th- Report Cards Issued
Invention Convention
Congratulations to all the participants in Invention Convention on March 2nd! Crandall had 16 representatives who went through the inventing process and shared their invention with judges from the community. A very special congratulations to our two finalists Morgan Dibattista and Tyler Czaplewski who will be moving on to the virtual States competition!
Internet Safety Presentation
On Friday, CT State Trooper First Class Officer James White, the CT State D.A.R.E Coordinator, delivered an interactive presentation to the 5th grade students discussing responsible choices online, regardless of the app, game, or platform.
Read Across America
Monster Jam
Black History Month Projects
Students in Room 7 showcased their Black History Month presentations. They have been working on reading biographies and developed their own projects to present to their class.
Teacher Experience Raffle
Prudence Crandall teachers and staff are proud to offer the following exciting prizes to support activities for our students! Our very own Crandall staff members are donating their time and resources to the students for some fun activities.
All activities will take place on the campus during school hours. Time and dates will be worked out once winners are announced.
Each raffle ticket is $1 and will go back to the students to fund upcoming field trips and grade-level activities. The order form is attached. Please fill out how many of each experience tickets your student would like to purchase and return to school. We will help your student enter their tickets into the corresponding raffle box during the school day.
The raffle will run Monday, February 26th through Friday, March 22nd.
Raffles will be announced during the assembly on Tuesday, March 26th. Families of the winners will also be contacted via Remind/Email.
If you have any questions, please email Mr. Duperre at aduperre@enfieldschools.org.
We cannot wait to see all the incredible experiences your students will get to have with the best staff!
February PRIDE Award Winners
Kindness Award Winners
3rd Grade
Trestyn McCann-Russell
4th Grade
Olivia Kelley
5th Grade
Oscar Bialobrzeski
Screenager: Growing up in the Digital Age
I’m excited to announce ETC will be hosting a 3-part film series, featuring the Screenagers trilogy. Screenagers: Growing up in the Digital Age is a documentary featuring Delaney Ruston, MD and her daughter as they navigate the crazy world of smarts phones, internet use and its impact on youth. Delaney documents her journey as she determines if/when she should give her daughter a smartphone.
The following 2 films (Next Chapter and Under the Influence) follow Delaney as her child grow into teens and start facing different challenges. She uncovers the connection between social media, mental health and substance misuse with the support of various experts and research. These films depict the real struggles of not only youth, but their families as they figure out how to use technology in a safe and healthy way.
Join ETC as we unpack these documentaries together and strategize how to help the youth in our lives. Panelists with both professional and lived experience will be at each screening to offer their perspective and participate in discussion. To watch the trailers, click the link below.
Healthy Habits with Coach Silk
In the month of February and March we will be talking about healthy habits during our community building time. Coach Silkowski will be giving tips on our morning announcements with a focus for each week.
Healthy Habit Week 4
Make sure you are always using positive self-talk.
Parent Information
Shoe Drive Update
Keep those shoes coming!!! Help us reach out goal of 1000 pairs collected!!! One last final push, help us read our goal.
We are so close!!!! Please dig deep in those closets!
Classroom Standings
1st Place- Room 8
2nd Place- Room 15
3rd Place- Room 24
PowerSchool Registration Updates
Prudence Crandall T-Shirts
Attendance Letters
Per district attendance procedures, attendance letters will be sent out for all absences, excused or unexcused, following this schedule:
5th absence – 1st Letter
9th absence - 2nd Letter
10th absence – 3rd Letter
Additional letters will be sent after every 5th absence. (ex. 15th, 20th, 25th)
Regardless of the content of the letters, if the majority of absences are excused as defined in the student handbook, we will most likely not reach out unless there are a large number of absences.
If the majority of the absences are unexcused as defined in the handbook, an administrator will be reaching out to offer available support to make sure your child comes to school on a regular basis.
Prudence Crandall School Store
The Prudence Crandall School Store will be open Friday, March 22nd, during all lunch waves. All of the items will be between $1 and $3. Please see below for the merchandise list.
Items for $1.00
5 color pens
Sticky notes
Mini rubix’s cube
Gibbets (2)
Small notebooks
Items for $2.00
Pencil bags
Key chains
Kinetic sand
Sport ball squishy
Big eye pop it
Tech decks
Rubix’s cubes
Fidget spinner
Items for $3.00
Draw string bag
Water bottle
Pop it balls
Light up pop tubes
Infinity cubes
Banana/carrot fidget
News from the PTO
March Lunch Menu
Pick Up/Drop Off
Arrival- Drop Off
Students will be dropped off at the back of the building, follow the cones on the right-hand side. All 3rd grade students will be dropped off at the first door, 4th grade students will be dropped off at the second door and 5th grade students will be dropped off at the third door. All parents/guardians will remain in their cars. Follow the path around the building to exit.
Dismissal- Pick Up
Students will be dismissed from the back of the building, follow the cones on the right-hand side. Please make sure your car tag is visible for the staff. All 3rd grade students will be picked up at the first door, 4th grade students will be picked up at the second door and 5th grade students will be picked up at the third door. All parents/guardians will remain in their cars. Follow the path around the building to exit.
2023-2024 School Calendar
Helpful Links
Important Dates
03/04/24- Spring Pictures
03/08/24- Report Cards Issued
03/13/24- Early Release Staff Development
03/26/24- March PRIDE Assembly 1:30pm
03/28/24- 5th Grade Dessert for Dinner 5:30pm
03/29/24- No School- Good Friday
Andrew Duperre- Principal
Email: aduperre@enfieldschools.org
Location: 150 Brainard Road, Enfield, CT, USA
Phone: (860) 253-6466