Peek at Our Week December 9, 2024
Paonia K-8 School
Paonia K-8 School Info
Email: sam.cox@deltaschools.com
Website: pk8.deltaschools.com
Location: 846 Grand Avenue, Paonia, CO, USA
Phone: 970-527-4882
Principal's Message
Dear PK8 Families,
As we approach the end of the second quarter these last couple of weeks are filled with making sure students have completed all their assignments, middle of the year testing, and special holiday activities. It is a very busy time of the year at school, and an important time for students to be in class. Please keep your child in school unless there is an important appointment or your child has a fever over 100.4 degrees. The more regularly a student attends school, the more successful they will be in keeping up with their classwork.
With the change in temperatures we see our students shedding clothes like snakes shed their skins. Our lost and found has been growing the last couple of weeks. Please encourage your students to check lost and found, and feel free to visit the coat rack during our Holiday Program on December 18th.
Thank you for supporting our Paonia Parents Organization at this time of year. The Gingerbread House fundraiser was a big success last weekend! Coming up we have the basket raffle and bake sale at our PK8 Winter Program on December 18th. See you there!
Congratulations to our 6th-8th grade MATH COUNTS teams!
The 7th/8th grade teams took 1st and 2nd place, while also sweeping the top three individual spots with Joe in 1st place, Ian in 2nd place, and Gideon in 3rd place.
The 6th grade team also did a fantastic job taking 1st place as a team, and Brailee taking 1st place in the individual competition.
Way to SOAR Eagles!!
PK-8 Upcoming Events
Gingerbread House Building Party!
Friday, December 6th, 4:00-6:00 at Paonia Town Hall
Please come help PPO build Gingerbread houses for our annual fundraiser.
Gingerbread House Fundraiser
Saturday, December 7th, 10:00-2:00
Paonia Town Hall
Come purchase and build a Gingerbread House and support student programs at PK8!
7th Grade Aquatic Ecology Symposium
Wednesday, December 11 from 6:00-8:00
Come listen to our 7th grade students present their science results from the semester-long study of our Gunnison River drainage.
PPO Meeting
Monday, December 16 at 3:45 in the school library
Final Preparations for the Winter Program
PK-8 Winter Program, Basket Raffle, Bake Sale
Wednesday, December 18 at 6:00 in the school gymnasium
Enjoy a holiday celebration featuring music presented by our K-5 music classes and the 6th/7th/8th grade band, and the 7th/8th grade choir. This annual tradition includes our basket raffle (Cozy Blanket Basket, Farm Basket, Family Game Night Basket) and bake sale fundraiser for PPO. Students should dress in their best red, green, or black attire. See you there!
7th/8th Grade Girls' Basketball
Open Gym starts 12/9 on Mon/Wed evenings after school.
Interest meeting is on Friday, December 13th at lunchtime.
First practice is on Tuesday, January 7th.
End of 2nd Quarter
Friday, December 20th
Report Cards will be sent home on January 14th.
Christmas Vacation
December 21st - January 6th.
School resumes Tuesday, January 7th.
A Peek at Our Weekly Activities
Kindergarten Forest Friday Birdfeeders
Kindergarten Forest Friday Birdfeeders
Third Grade Reading Lesson
1st Place Overall - 6th Grade Math Counts Team
1st Place Overall - 7th/8th Math Counts Grade Team 1
2nd Place Overall - 7th/8th Grade Counts Team 2
PK-8 Holiday Program Bake Sale
It is time again for our annual bake sale, taking place after the Holiday Program! Families are asked to bring a baked item for the sale. Just like for the Back-to-School BBQ, we are asking families to donate items by their last name. Here’s the list:
Last name A-D: Cookies, jams, or jellies, salsas.
Last name E-H: Pies or cakes
Last name I-M: Quick bread, sweet rolls, etc
Last name N-R: Fudge, coated popcorn/pretzels, etc.
Last name S-Z: Dessert bars, cupcakes, brownies, muffins.
If you have a favorite family holiday recipe, please feel free to bring that instead of the items listed above. Please drop off your items at school on Wednesday, December 18th before the end of the day.
All proceeds go to the Paonia Parents’ Organization (PPO)! The PPO supports the purchasing of playground equipment, student rewards (such as eagle gear, plaques, etc.), student field trips, and teacher supplies and appreciation gifts!
Annual Giving Tree
The Annual Christmas Drive for the Paonia Care Center starts Monday, November 18th and runs through December 10th. We want to help make Christmas bright for our North Fork seniors who are not living with their families. There is a little Christmas tree in the lobby with gift suggestion ornament tags. If you want to help, pick a tag, buy the gift, and return the UNWRAPPED gift to the box under the table in the lobby. Please bring in the gift if you take a tag.
Thanks in advance for making Christmas brighter for our seniors!!!
Christmas Cookie Fundraiser
Our SPED Department is a holding their annual Christmas Cookie Jar Fundraiser again this year. There are five varieties of cookies available: Cowboy Cookie, Treasure Chest, Sand Art, Friendship Brownie, and Chocolate Cookie. The cookie jars are $10 each. These make great gifts and the proceeds are used to fund our therapeutic horse back riding lessons. The order sheet is at the front office and orders are being taken through December 20th.
Paonia Parents Organization (PPO) Happenings
Next PPO Meeting: Monday, December 16th at 3:45 in the school library - see you there!
Friday Teacher Snack Sign-Ups
Parents, our PPO organizes a snack for school staff every Friday. Parents sign up and bring in treats for roughly 40 staff members on Friday mornings. There are still a few open dates in December. Please offer to help by signing up for one of the available Fridays at this link:
Help Wanted
Paonia K-8 School is looking for a 4-hour kitchen staff employee as well as bus drivers. These part time positions may be combined for more hours and benefits. If you are interested, please apply at deltaschools.com, or contact Mr. Cox directly.
Girls on the Run Volunteers Wanted
Do you want to help support our elementary age girls build confidence, make new friends, and be physically active? Our PK8 Girls on the Run team is looking for one or two additional Coaches or Happy Pacers (running buddies). Girls on the Run is for girls in 3rd-5th grades. We will start practices in March and we will end our season with a final 5K in May. This is a super fun way to connect with our students and see them grow! If you are interested in volunteering, or want more information, please contact Ms. Jalan at school.