Linden Middle School Newsletter
May 2022
May Updates
This week is Staff Appreciation Week. We have planned goodies for all of our staff. They continue to work hard these last weeks of school teaching our students and preparing them for the next level.
LMS students have completed their state assessments including M-STEP and PSAT8. Next week all students will take their final NWEA benchmark assessments in Math and English Language Arts (ELA). We are anticipating documented growth for all students in these content areas! With the warm weather comes a lot of coats and water bottles in the lost and found. Please remind your child to check the lost and found by Friday, May 13th.
All students will turn in their Chromebooks on May 26th. Please be sure to check your child's school issued Chromebook for any damages including the screen and the keyboard.
We hope you have a wonderful summer and we look forward to a great end of the school year!
Dates to Remember
May 9-12- LMS NWEA Testing for ELA & Math
May 11 - 7th Grade Band & Concert Band 7:00 pm at LHS
May 12 - 8th Grade Band & Wind Ensemble 7:00 pm at LHS
May 18 - Parent Vaping & Cyber Safety Presentation at 6pm @ LMS Media Center
May 19 - 6th Grade Band 7:00 pm at LMS
May 19-24 - 8th Grade Washington, DC Trip
May 20 - PSAT8 Scores Released on College Board Accounts for 8th Graders
May 20 - Last day of After School Tutoring
May 23-25 LMS Hosts 5th Grade Student Tours
May 26 - LMS Chromebook Turn In Day
May 26 - LMS 5th Grade Parent Meeting in the Café at 6:00 pm
May 27 - LMS Band Party 6:00 - 8:00 pm
May 30 - NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day
May 31 - LMS Student Pep Assembly
June 1 - LMS Choir Concert at 7:00 pm
June 2 - 6th Grade Field Trip to P3/DEFY Park
June 2 - 8th Grade Picnic, Recognition Rehearsal & End of the Year Activities
June 3 - 8th Grade Recognition at 7:45 am in the Gymnasium
June 3 - Last Day of School - 1/2 Day - Dismissal at 10:45 am
Linden Middle School
Email: cthomas@lindenschools.org
Website: https://middleschool.lindenschools.org/o/lms
Location: 15425 Lobdell Road, Linden, MI, USA
Phone: 810-591-0712
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LindenCommunitySchools