Career Center Newsletter
What can we do to help get students college-and career-ready?
Academic readiness is key, but it’s only part of the equation. Social and emotional learning (SEL) is also important. Developing students’ social and emotional skills has been shown to improve academic performance and provide students with a solid foundation for achieving success in post-secondary environments and the workplace.
Here are six ways to increase students’ college- and career-readiness with SEL:
1. Teamwork: In school and the workplace, students need strong relationship skills. They must have the ability to work collaboratively, and their success often depends on being a team player.
2. Decision-Making: Employers rank strong problem-solving skills at the top of their list of desired traits in workers. In our ever-changing digital world, students need to be able to apply knowledge in creative and constructive ways. They need to learn from others and from their own experiences and apply critical thinking to solve a problem.
3. Effective Communication: The ability to communicate clearly is essential to students’ success throughout their lives. Communication depends on listening, emotional regulation, and critical thinking. SEL helps students develop the skills needed to be effective communicators.
4. Organization: Whether it’s keeping track of lessons and assignments or managing duties and deadlines at work, students must demonstrate strong organizational skills.
5. Goal-Setting: Earning a college degree or completing a post-secondary program is a big
commitment. It’s important to teach students how to set goals and create a plan to achieve those goals. This way, they will have experience working toward a goal and will be more likely to stay on-course in college and the workplace.
6. Self-Efficacy: Students need to know they can succeed. In fact, their belief in their ability to
succeed can impact how successful they become. Confidence can determine which activities
students choose to participate in (or opt out of), how much effort they put in, and how long they persist. It can also help them persevere through failure. Whether students choose a trade school, an apprenticeship, or a traditional college or university, we need to better prepare them for success. Schools and educators can teach students the social and emotional skills they need to thrive in post-secondary and workplace settings. Implementing SEL strategies now will lay the groundwork for long-term success.
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Have a wonderful October,
Cam Wyatt
Career Center
Early Childhood Profession
This quarter flew by. The students have been working hard on safety and sanitation procedures along with lesson plans and positive speaking to young children.
Huge celebrations in the E.C.P. room, we have given out over 100 state certificates to our students in areas of 1st Aid, CPR, Food Handler Card, Standard Precautions, Safe Sleep. These certificates allow your student to enter the early childhood workforce with certificates necessary for state licensing standards for employees.
This quarter is one that most of our students love. We will be entering our "baby simulation" unit the week prior to Thanksgiving break and will complete it the end of January. Students are not required to bring home the "baby' however, will be required to work with the "baby" during class time. More information to follow.
Special thanks are due the following students:
Kielea Winder for taking initiative in our internship program.
Norma Fuentes for her sense of humor
Presley Rouse for stepping up and going above expectations.
Small Animal Class
We have a new addition!! No, it's not an animal...we have a new fenced-in yard for our "doggie day care" business!
It's a safe place for students to work with dogs off-leash, play, and explore the booming business of "doggy daycare"!
This program is an addition to our student-run dog grooming business. Make an appointment and you will have the cleanest dog given the most TLC and at the best price in town!!
We are looking forward to 2nd Qt. because our academic work includes animal cell biology, vet/med terms, animal systems and our popular Pet 1st Aid CPR Certification! If you see dogs in the classroom with bandages on, it's ok, they are just being models for the students
(they work cheap - for treats!).
Plus...we are working on our CTSO fundraiser dog treats and paw balms, holiday pet food drive for local shelters, Parade of Lights and more!! Busy hands and busy minds!
We visited a local florist shop, an aquaponics greenhouse business, and a worm farm.
We made candy mugs, gift baskets, and Enstrom toffee baskets with a cookie recipe included.
Studied floral design history, floral forms and elements, and learned how to process cut flowers, made flower arrangements, divided iris and aloe, and upgraded foliage plants for sale.
Students earned their Safe Food Handler's Certification for when we harvest greens in our own aquaponics greenhouse. Whew, that was a lot and that was just the first quarter!