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Level up your Schoology Game
Teach Learn Tech
Time to Review Some Key Schoology Skills
Establishing digital classroom procedures will be essential to the daily success of our students. From the beginning, consider the classroom norms you want your students to follow. We will need to explicitly state how students should:
- navigate coursework
- check feedback on assignments
- keep assignments in order (through checklists or making intentional use of the built in Schoology calendar)
Help students track through their work with hyperlinked to do lists, and keep them in Schoology as much as you can with content pages that includes embedded videos and readings.
Below you will find videos to help you with some of the big skills that will help you set up Schoology for success.
Link your Courses to Save Time
If you teach multiple sections of the same course, and you have to personalize the courses, you will likely not want to link them.
If you are going to link your course, you must do this before we start the school year, otherwise you will lose grades.
This year we will also need to wait until our Schoology duplicate courses are straightened out. It would be good to wait until the end of the week for this. *Please note your customizations as far as course photos and updates may be lost when you first do this and you will need to re-do this.
Before you make up your mind, check out more information from Schoology here, and check out the video below.
Managing your Workload
Schoology Microsoft and Google Assignments
This is the digital equivalent of making a copy of a handout.
As students add their own work, the teacher can check in on it in real time and make sure students are staying on track.
Student Completion in Schoology Materials
You can require students view, submit, score a certain score and discuss things before they get to move forward in a unit. This is a great strategy for mastery learning or for NTI where students are more independent in their path, pace and place in the lesson.
Saving time with Schoology Assessments
You can turn worksheets into fill in the blank, drag and drop activities that will grade themselves and you can use highlight image and upload file question types for quick math or written assessments that require students to circle correct answers or show work. The highlight image question type could even be used to have students annotate a picture of a text for key details and main idea.
There are also certain textbook platforms like Inspire Science that will allow you to export the test items like a Blackboard test and upload them to Schoology.
Check out the videos below for the basic how-to.
Collecting Written Work and Providing Feedback
Once students have made submissions as an image, doc, or pdf, you can use the annotation tool through the iPad app to give handwritten feedback like you would on paper.
See how students do this in the first video, and then check out how you can give feedback in the second.
Helping Students Stay on Track
Schoology Pages
A Schoology page is also a great way to create a hyperlinked To Do list that sits inline at the top of the materials section. The video below will show you how to create pages to help students stay on track.
Teams and Schoology
Scheduling the meeting through your Teams calendar and then posting links to a To Do list or to a Schoology Calendar so that it appears in the "Upcoming Area".
Schoology and the Bitmoji Craze
Need help?
Email: heidi.neltner@fortthomas.kyschools.us
Website: ftisedtech.blogspot.com
Twitter: @heidinelt