Lewis & Clark Lynx Newsletter
February 2025
Please be sure to read all the way to the end to be in the know about all that's going on at
Lewis & Clark and community opportunities!
Missoula Children's Theatre, "The Pied Piper" Comes to Lewis & Clark
Our Lewis and Clark students will work with Missoula Children's Theatre traveling staff February 3rd - 7th to learn and present "The Pied Piper". The L&C community is invited to come see the peformance on Friday, February 7th at 6:30 in the gym. Way to go L&C performers!
Super Bowl Food Drive - February 3rd-7th!
The annual Super Bowl Food Drive is almost here!!!
Our food drive will run from February 3rd-7th
This is our 4th annual friendly competition with Chief Charlo. The principal and the secretary of the winning school will pie the other principal and secretary in the face.
We will video this and send it out to both schools!
Remember to bring lots of HEAVY items! Last year we lost by 211 pounds. We also brought in more food than ever. What an amazing cause we are supporting. We can do this Lewis and Clark!
Super Bowl Food Drive Details!
Bring your non-perishable items and turn them into the bins by the front office. Put your items in the corresponding cart to vote for the Chiefs or the Eagles!
Most needed items at the Missoula Food Bank:
•Canned Tuna or Meat
• Peanut Butter
• Canned Fruits (in juice)
• Canned Vegetables
• Salad Dressings
• Canned Chili
• Cooking Oil
• Tomato Sauce
• Canned Beans
• Oatmeal
• Canned Soup
• Pasta
• Flour
• Sugar
• Whole-grain items
• Gluten-Free items
All the food collected will go to the Missoula Food Bank where they will weigh our donation. We will be bringing a bin of high protein items back to Lewis and Clark for families in need at our school. Any high protein items you can donate is very appreciated!
On behalf of the Lynx Service Club,
Kelan Sticka and Riley Kohler
Thank you Lynx Service Club for organizing the Food Drive!
February Calendar at a Glance
February 3-7 - Missoula Children's Theatre - "The Pied Piper"
February 3-7 - Super Bowl Food Drive
February 3 and 10 - NASS Earring Making Class - See Flyer Below!
February 11 -March 14 - Lynx Fourth Grade Read-a-Thon - See details below!
February 10 - No School - Teacher Professional Training Day
February 12 - Early Literacy Screening for 4 & 5 year olds @ Lewis and Clark - 8am-4pm (See Calendar Below)
February 17 - No School - President's Day
February 25 - Bingo for Books Family Night - See details below!
Feburary/March Lost and Found Items
Displayed during Parent/Teacher Conferences - March 4-14
4th Grade Read-a-Thon Kicks Off
The fourth-grade Read-a-Thon is scheduled for
February 11th-March 14th 2025!
The three fourth- grades will be voraciously reading while they ask you for your support during their annual Fourth-Grade Read-a-Thon! The Read-a-Thon will be from February 11th-March 14th! Please support our fourth-graders so they can make their annual trip to the Montana State Capitol building
and ride the Helena Capitol Tour Train!
Book Fair Thank You!
With your generous support of the Book Fair in December,
$1126 was raised to
purchase new books for the library.
Thanks again for your continued support of
the library.
Mr. Nordtome
From the Principal's Office
February brings a milestone for the school year and some fun activities. We will have a couple fun photo booth options as we celebrate the 100th Day of School...a big deal for all grades but especially for our youngest students, and Valentine's Day! This will be a fun week of celebration and we will share student pictures on the lobby TV screen! Be sure to stop by and see their cute photos! The month will begin with our MCT performance of The Pied Piper AND with our Super Bowl food drive for the Missoula Food Bank. Be sure to join us Feb 7th for our play performance, and if your kiddo would like to vote for their favorite team, please send some goodies for the food drive. The kids are again asking and planning for the 'pie challenge' between Chief Charlo principal and me in our friendly food drive competition. The winning school will get to put a pie in the face of the other principal...so please help us get back on top this year and win this challenge...Save Ms. Vaneps! February also brings kindness month, BINGO for Books Family Night, recognizing President's Day, and a staff professional development day (no school for students). Be sure to read my weekly newsletter for updates and details. Have a great month!
Best, Alanna
Counselor's Corner: A Note from Ms. Myers
Lewis and Clark School Counseling is partnering with Tamarack Grief Resource Center for a one day after school "camp" for kids who are grieving the death of a loved one or family member.
Space is limited to 10 students in grades 1-5; we will have a first come-first served policy. We will gather with staff from Tamarack to reflect, share, learn coping skills, and talk about managing big feelings. The date is Feb 13 from 2:15-5:15.
Please use the QR code below to register. You can reach out to Linsey Myers with questions.
lemyers@mcpsmt.org or 728-2400 x4379
Kindness & Community
In February, all Lewis and Clark students will participate in an activity with School Counselors, Linsey Myers and Erika Asay, to spread kindness to the community.
Students will be decorating coffee sleeves for DRUM coffee!
Starting February 14, stop by DRUM for a warm drink and
one-of-a-kind coffee sleeves by L&C students.
Lewis and Clark Spelling Bee Winners
On Friday, January 24th, our Lewis and Clark 5th grade students competed at our school spelling bee. After several rounds, Lukas Anastasia was our top speller! Lukas will represent Lewis & Clark at the County Bee in February. Rylee Bird was our runner up.
Way to spell, Lynx!
Reminder about Phones, Watches & Toys
Please be mindful when sending phones or watch phones with your child to school. Students are asked to keep them in their backpacks during the school day. Also, please do not send toys from home unless invited for a class celebration. Toys are likely to get lost and often create distraction. Thanks for your help and understanding!
MCPS Early Literacy Program Screening
The MCPS Early Literacy Program is a free, full-time, classroom-based program offered during the regular school year. The Early Literacy Program provides early literacy interventions for children who score below proficient in one of the early literacy skills as identified through a screening process.
Screenings takes place through March 11th. See the calendar below for specfic dates/schools. Screening for 4 & 5 year olds at Lewis and Clark will be Wednesday, February 12th - 8am-4pm.
The Early Literacy Program for fall of 2025 is for:
- Children who will be 4 years old by September 10th.
- Children who are born between May 1, 2020, and September 10, 2020, who turn 5 during these dates.
Dates and locations:
The Early Literacy Program takes place during the regular school year.
- To be eligible for the Early Literacy Program, children must be screened by an MCPS screener and score below proficient in at least one of the Early Literacy skills.
- Screenings are not first come, first served. All students who qualify will be offered placement. Should a school over-enroll, a lottery and/or placement at another school will be offered. There is no advantage to screening early so families are encouraged to screen at a time that is convenient for them.
- Families will be notified no later than March 26th and have until April 1st to accept placement.
- To schedule your appointment, please visit the MCPS Early Literacy and Kindergarten Jumpstart Screening online form.
- For questions, please email earlyliteracy@mcpsmt.org.
Attendance Matters!
If your child will be absent due to illness or travel, please call the L&C Attendance Line to excuse them. 406-728-2400 ext. 4362
Please make sure and call or email the office when students are absent or tardy as sometimes teachers don't get to their emails once the day starts: atranel@mcpsmt.org or 406-542-4035
January Attendance Celebrations!
Lewis and Clark Families! We are aiming to fly to new heights this year with attendance to make this a year of SUPER H.E.R.O.s (Here! Everyday! Ready to Learn! and On Time!)
In our effort to encourage attendance, each month any student who misses 0 or 1 day of school is entered into a drawing for a prize.
For January, 327 students of our 426 students qualified for the drawing.
Ten students won a L&C Lynx water bottle. Way to be at school Lynx!
We celebrate one class of SuperH.E.R.O.s who had the most students at school all month long. That class gets a special visit from Ms. Vaneps and keeps the Attendance Trophy in their classroom for the month. The top 2 classes with the most students here for the month will also receive attendance charms.
Our top class winner for January is Mrs. Aldrich's 1st Grade Class with 95.01%!
Our second place class for December is Mrs. Jones' 4th Grade with 94.9%!
Keep up the good attendance, Lynx!
The LC Lynx PTA Pages
The Parent-Teacher Association of Lewis & Clark Elementary School strives to build an enriching school culture and a welcoming environment
for all children, parents, and staff.
Happy 2025 Lewis & Clark Families!
We are gearing up for our spring round of teacher grant requests. Thanks to your support through events such as the Jog-A-Thon and Coffee, Toffee, Tea we, are able to provide additional resources, field trips and specialty items that benefit students, teachers and the entire school. The PTA will review the teacher grant requests during our March meeting, please feel free to join us!
The PTA is excited to once again help support the MCT play and classroom workshops! Looking forward to watching our students perform in the Pied Piper!
It's not too late to get involved with the Lewis & Clark PTA. Joining is totally FREE and all PTA members receive a Lewis & CLark directory.
Save the date- our next PTA Meeting is
Wednesday, February 5th from 4:30 to 5:30 in the library.
With Gratitude,
Lewis & Clark PTA
PTA Officers 2024-2025 School Year
Contact the PTA at: lclynxpta@gmail.com
President– Keri McHugh
Co-Treasurers—Kyle Bocinsky & Staci Nugent
Secretary— Josh Harteis
Teacher Liaison— Rachel Mosbacher, 4th Gr Teacher - rmmosbacher@mcpsmt.org
Teacher Liaison—Sharon Jones, 4th Gr Teacher - sgjones@mcpsmt.org
Family Resource Center Thanks and Needs
Thank you to the following donors for their support of L&C, PTA and the FRC
Ogg Family - Boys' Outerwear and Boots
Seidel Family - Girls' and Boys' Clothes, Shoes and Outerwear
Devlin Family - Boys' Clothes, Shoes and Outerwear
Nichols Family - Girls' Outerwear
Taylor Family - Snow Pants
Dougherty Family - Snow Pants
FRC Needed Items
Healthy Snacks - High Protein Items preferred.
Tracey Cravy and Lisa Hayhurst
406-728-2400 X4355 or frclewis@mcpsmt.org
Family Resource Center Hours: M/W/F - 8:15-3:15; T/TH 11:30-3:30
Make Sure Your Child is Prepared for the Weather!
When coming to school, please remind your child(ren) to dress for the cold, wet weather. Students will be going outside to play each day they are at school, unless it is below zero or a complete downpour. Students should wear a warm coat, mittens, a hat, and rain/snow boots.
If you need help providing your child(ren) with warm outerwear, please contact the Family Resource Center for assistance at: 728-2400x4355 or frclewis@mcpsmt.org
Lost & Found!
Our Lost and Found boxes are purged monthly.
February/March Lost and Foundwill be displayed during Parent/Teacher Conferences -
March 4th-March 14th.
Unclaimed items will be donated or added to the FRC collection.
Items with legible first and last names are delivered to students.
FREE Parenting Classes!
The Lifelong Learning Center is partnering with Families First to provide training in MCPS Elementary and Middle Schools. Call Lifelong Learning Center at 406-549-8765 to register for the FREE CLASSES and FREE ONSITE CHILDCARE or at www.MissoulaClasses.com (Search Parenting and Family Classes)
Wednesday, February 19 - 6:00-8:00 - Helping Kids Manage Emotions at Jefferson School RM 205
Children are not born knowing how to express or deal with their emotions. Whether it's your five-year-old's frustration over trying to get their shoes on, or your ten-year-old's anger that a friend refused to play with them, learning how to deal with anger, upset and the accompanying feelings can become a regular challenge if you don't create plans and strategies for managing emotions. In this class, you will learn how to identify the emotions behind your child's behavior, and to help them manage their emotions by connecting and developing new skills. Child care is provided for families who pre-register.
Don't Forget the amazing FREE science activities with SpectrUM at Missoula Public Libary!
Check out some new books while you're there checking out cool science stuff!