Welcome to Seventh Grade
Back to School Newsletter
Greetings Parents and Caregivers of our new Seventh Graders!
The school year has officially begun and I wanted to take a minute to introduce myself. I am Melissa Graham, World Studies teacher and 7th Grade Team Leader. Madhuri Tallapragada (7th Grade Administrator), Lisa Estwick, Christina Newbill-Redmond (7th Grade Counselors), and I will be the main points of contact between our 7th grade families and Parkland. We are so excited to welcome our students back on Monday. There is much to look forward to in this year. This newsletter contains important information to help your family prepare for a successful 7th grade experience. Please review and reach out to any of us if you have additional questions. We look forward to working with you this year.
- Madhuri Tallapragada, madhuri_tallapragada@mcpsmd.org - Administrator
- Melissa Graham, melissa_a_graham@mcpsmd.org - Team Leader
- Christina Newbill-Redmond, christina_m_newbill@mcpsmd.org - Counselor (last name A-Mor)
- Lisa Estwick, lisa_a_estwick@mcpsmd.org - Counselor (last name Mun-Z)
Recommended School Supplies
We highly recommend that ALL seventh graders come prepared with the following materials.
- 3-Ring Binder (2-inch or 3-inch)
- Subject Dividers (8)
- Loose-Leaf Paper Wide Rule
- #2 Pencils
- Black pens and Blue pens
- Pencil Pouch
Some students may also benefit from bringing:
- 4-Pocket Folders (two for odd day; two for even day)
- Agenda Book
- Colored Pencils
- 2 Highlighters
- Pencil Sharpener
- Earbuds/Headphones for use with Chromebooks
Our Calendar - Upcoming Events
Parkland has a lot of wonderful events planned throughout the year. Below, you will find a list of some of the events you have to look forward to. For a comprehensive list of events, please visit the calendar found on the Parkland website.
- Thursday, September 19th -- Back to School Night
- Friday, November 15th -- Field trip to Medieval Times
- November 25-26 -- Parent/Teacher Conferences
- March 24-26 -- Field trips to Finance Park
- June TBD -- Field trip to Smokey Glen
- Tuesday, June 3rd -- 7th Grade Awards Ceremony
Parkland Panthers REACH for the Stars!
What is REACH?
REACH is a program at Parkland to encourage character development in our students. The letters stands for Respect, Empathy, Accountability, Community, and Health & Wellbeing. Throughout the school year, students will engage in different activities that encourage and celebrate students who have exhibited these characteristics.
How will REACH be incorporated in the school day?
REACH will be celebrated in many ways - lessons that will take place during class, events (such as Community Day) where students can put these characteristics into practice, pep-rallies, and other celebrations to recognize students that have gone above and beyond.
How will students be recongized?
Quarterly Awards will be given out to recognize student accomplishments. Awards will include:
- REACH Award - Staff will nominate students that demonstrate REACH characteristics on a daily basis. Students with four or more nominations will receive a REACH Award.
- Attendance Award - Students that are present 95% of the quarter will earn an Attendance Award. Any absence (excused or unexcused) will be counted.
- Honor Roll - Students who earn a 3.0 GPA with no more than one C on their report card will earn an Honor Roll Award.
- Straight A’s Honor Roll - Students who earn an A in every class (4.0 GPA) on their report card will earn a Straight A award.
- Academic Improvement Award - Students who are academically eligible AND demonstrate an increase of at least .25 points in their GPA from one quarter to the next will receive an Academic Improvement Award.
Parkland's Electronic Device Policy
All personal electronic devices (which includes cell phones, Air Pods, personal laptops & tablets, etc) should be out of sight throughout the entire school day (including hallways, lunches, bathrooms, locker rooms, etc). Students may carry their personal electronic devices with them, but again, they must remain out of sight. Out of sight can mean:
- In their pocket.
- In a small pouch inside their binder.
- Inside their locker.
For more information, please see the link below.
Chromebook for Home Use Request Form
We request that all students have a device at home that they may use to complete school assignments. Students, parents, and MCPS staff can use the form below to request a home use Chromebook for MCPS students who do not have access to a personal or home device. When a request for a device is fulfilled, a chromebook will be assigned and delivered to the school for distribution to the student. The home use device is to be kept at home. Requesting the device implies consent of use in accordance with MCPS policy (IGT-RA) and acknowledgement that the Chromebook, software, and issued peripherals are owned by MCPS.
Working toward Greatness - Seventh Grade End of Year Awards
Awards & Descriptions
- Attendance Award: Earned the quarterly attendance award for at least 3 out of 4 quarters.
- Distinguished Academic Achievement: Maintained a 4.0 GPA (all A’s) for the first three quarters of 7th grade.
- Academic Achievement: Achieved Honor Roll for the first three quarters of 7th grade.
- Academic Improvement: Made significant improvement in their GPA from the first quarter to the third quarter.
- REACH Award: Continuously demonstrated the REACH characteristics throughout the year (Respect, Empathy, Accountability, Community, Health and Wellbeing).
- Student Service Learning: Reached 75+ student service learning (SSL) hours during middle school.
- Only SSL hours submitted before April 1, 2025 will count
- This award can only be earned once. If a student earned it in 6th grade, they will not receive it in 7th or 8th grade.
- Emergent Multilingual Leader: Awarded by MCPS to students who are proud speakers of other languages while also working hard to develop their English Language Skills. These students are Cultural Ambassadors in their school community.
- Aerospace Technology Awards: May include awards related to Invent the Future , Science Fair, Robotics Team, etc.
Cumulative Awards: The following two awards are given only at the END OF 8th GRADE but are based on continuous achievement across all middle school levels.
- Presidential Excellence: Earned at least a 3.5+ GPA for 6th grade, 7th grade, and the first three quarters of 8th grade and earned the Panther Award.
Presidential Achievement: Earned a 3.0+ GPA for 6th grade, 7th grade, and the first three quarters of 8th grade.
Attendance Matters!!!!
Did you know...? Why Daily Attendance Matters:
Missed Lessons = Falling Behind: Even one day can mean missing critical instructions and activities, making it harder for your child to catch up.
Impact on Future Success: Consistent attendance is a strong predictor of academic achievement and future opportunities.
Building Resilience: Regular attendance teaches your child the value of perseverance and responsibility—essential skills for success in life.
Stronger Friendships: Daily presence helps your child develop and sustain friendships, which are crucial for emotional and social development.
Healthy Routine: Attending school every day establishes a stable routine, promoting better mental and physical health.
If you have questions about your child's attendance, please reach out to their counselor.