First Grade Newsletter!
Week of 8/12-8/16
Welcome First Grade Families!
Students will need headphones (that plug into the computer) by August 27th for MAP testing.
This Thursday 8/15/2024: Open House!
Please make sure your students know how they are going home, and to let the front office know/ your child's teacher know if there are any changes.
Please pack a change of clothes for your students to keep in their backpacks. While we take many bathroom breaks throughout the day, accidents happen! By having a change of clothes in your students bag, it insures that your student has clothes they are comfortable changing into incase an accident happens. It also supports our clinic, who may be running low on extra clothes.
Upcoming Events
Coming up:
8/13: Vision to Learn
8/13: Girl Scout Sign Up (6:00pm)
8/15: Open House 5:00 pm-7:00pm
8/21: Boy Scout Sign Up (6:00pm)
8/27-8/20: MAP Testing
Meet the Team
Ms. Kuranda (First grade Team Lead)
Mrs. Gonzalez-Soto
Ms. Sheilds
Mrs. Sato
Ms. Reed: EIP Support
From EIP:
Welcome back! My name is Ms. Reed and I am an EIP teacher. EIP stands for Early Intervention Program. In order for a child to qualify for EIP support they need 2 qualifiers
1. score below the 30th% in reading and/or math on MAP and
2. score below 15 on an EIP checklist is reading and/or math. I work with 1st graders to provide math support to those students who qualify. In the weekly newsletter, I will provide a math skill and/or strategy as a way to help you support your child’s math learning outside of school.
Making Ten: Help your child understand the different ways to make ten. This is an important skill they will need from K to 12th grade. For example: 10 + 0 = 10, 9 + 1 = 10, 8 + 2 = 10, 7 + 3 = 10, 6 + 4 = 10, and 5 + 5 = 10. Watch this short video How Many More to Make 10.
From Our Reading Specialist
Hello 1st grade families!
As I begin working with your students during small group reading time, I will be practicing phonics, writing, grammar, and reading fluency!
Lori Flanagin
How to Help at Home:
Helping at home helps build a positive connection with your student and their learning!
Practice handwriting, counting to 100, and social and emotional skills.
Practice adding and subtracting problems within 10 and 20! Use things at home like beans, dried pasta, grapes, to help them add and take away!
Go over high frequency words with your students like:
the, I, a, said, to, do, of, see, he, be, me, from, look, book, are, was, you, what, have, your, want, no, go, so, goes, says, she, we
Make sure your students know how to preform self care acts: buttoning their pants, wiping their face, blowing their nose.
Brains On Podcast:
Inside Our Classrooms:
What we learned this past week:
Reading: We finished up our pre-module on why and how we examine books.
Phonics: We continued to review kindergarten standards focusing on review of short vowel sounds, and reviewing the FLSZ rule (words with short vowel sounds ending in l,f,z,s; you have to double the last letter).
Writing: We began working on the writing process and discussing the foundational skills of writing. We will be incorporating writing throughout our day with responses to text and questions.
Math: We began our Unit 1 in math: Extending number sequence understanding to build compare and interpret numbers within 120.
Social Studies: We began our Social Studies unit on geography. This past week learned about maps and how we use maps.What we will learn this week:
Reading: We will begin our first real module in our new reading curriculum "A World of Books". This unit inspires kids' love for reading with exciting stories. They travel to new places and meet different characters whose lives are changed by books. They also explore art, read stories like "Tomás and the Library Lady" and "Waiting for the Biblioburro," and learn how books bring happiness and change to kids everywhere. The module ends with students writing their own stories, celebrating the power of reading.
Phonics: We will review and begin learning more about digraphs. Digraphs are two consonants that make one sound. This week we will learn about -ck and -sh.
Writing: We will begin working on the writing process and discussing the foundational skills of writing. We will be incorporating writing throughout our day with responses to text and questions. We will work on our writing stamina, going from writing to finish a sentence, to writing complete sentences on our own.
Math: We be continuing our Unit 1 in math: Extending number sequence understanding to build compare and interpret numbers within 120. This week we will begin making tens and working on place value.
How to help at Home from DLI:
Check out: Arbol ABC at
Uniform Reminder
Reminder that all students should be wearing tennis shoes every day.