The Family "Celebration" Chronicle
February 2025
A Message From The Principal
Greetings Margaretta Middle & High School Families,
I want to take this opportunity to thank all of our families that attended Explore Your Future: Enlist, Enroll, Engage. We were so excited as a staff to share with you all of our course offerings and the best pathways for students to best prepare them for their future. We are also striving to improve our students' transition from 8th grade to high school. It was an informative evening and we look forward to offering this event each year for our students and families.
Winter sports are winding down and our student athletes have had great success thus fare over the season. I know each of our winter sports will finish their season strong and represent Margaretta with with pride and integrity. We wish all of our athletes the best as we approach tournaments.
Mark your calendar for Friday, February 14th. Between the junior varsity and varsity boys basketball game we will be inducting the newest members into the Margaretta Academic Hall of Fame. Being inducted into the Margaretta High School Academic Hall of Fame is an incredible honor, recognizing the exceptional achievements of those who have passed through these halls. Over the years, our school has been fortunate to have many distinguished individuals walk these hallways, contributing to a legacy of excellence in both academics and character that continues to inspire future generations.
This is a reminder that we have two testing days during the month of February. On Wednesday, February 5th our sixth through tenth grade will be taking with the math iReady Diagnostic or the State Readiness Assessment. All junior and seniors will be on a two hour delay on Wednesday the 5th. Additionally, on Tuesday, February 25th our juniors who have signed up to take the ACT test, that will be administered in the morning at Margaretta High School. Look for more information to come.
Finally, both Mrs. Lott and Mrs. Wiley are beginning to visit classrooms to review scheduling for the 2025-2026 school year. Look for planning schedules to come home with your students to select their courses for the 2025-2026 school year. Please feel free to reach out to your student's school counselor to ask questions or to schedule an appointment to meet in person. Don't forget, if your student is planning or even thinking about participating in College Credit Plus next year their intent to participate letter must be turned in to Student Services no later than Tuesday, April 1st. This is a firm deadline.
Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need assistance. Thank you for being such an important part of our school community. Your support makes all the difference, and we look forward to continuing our work together this month. Take care and enjoy all the opportunities February has to offer!
Phone: 419.684.5351
Email: jtheis@margarettaschooldistrict.com
Dr. Jennifer Theis
Principal, Margaretta Middle & High School
Assistant Principal Additions
Update Final Forms/Addresses
Mr. Roberts
Assistant Principal
Main Office Information
Attendance reminders: Please email jmorriscox@margarettaschooldistrict.com or call 419-684-5351 to report your child’s absence. Dr. notes can be emailed to jmorriscox@margarettaschooldistrict.com or dropped off in the student services office.
Senior Parents: Please be sure your student has ordered their cap and gown for graduation as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Morris-Cox.
Registrar and Testing Information
Spring testing is right around the corner. The student tutorial link below provides an overview of how students log into the testing system, the layout of tests, test tools, and student navigation of tests.
High Counselor's Corner
During the first week of February, I will be visiting high school students in their English Classrooms to begin the scheduling process. I will present next year's Course Description Book.
- All current Junior students will be required to schedule an appointment with me. During these appointments I will review students' transcripts and graduation plans with them.
- Freshman and Sophomores will be given the option to schedule an appointment with me.
Please feel free to contact me with questions at 419-684-5351 or email me at hlott@margarettaschooldistrict.com or if you would like to schedule an appointment with me. You can use the QR code below.
There is a Business Career Day field trip on February 13th from 8:00 am until 2:00. If students are interested in attending they should sign up in Student Services.
On February 25th juniors that have requested will be given the ACT.
Middle School Counselor's Corner
Hello students and families! We are already thinking about scheduling classes for the 2025-2026 school year! I will be visiting your English or Science classes early in February to discuss your options. In the meantime, visit the Guidance page via the Margaretta website and check out the Course Description Guide.
As always, if you have questions or concerns about your student(s), please contact me at hwiley@margarettaschooldistrict.com or call the MS/HS office at 419-684-5351.
Mrs. Wiley, Middle School Counselor
Important Dates
February 3rd - MARMO Meeting @ 6:00 p.m.
February 3rd - Athletic Booster Meeting @ 7:00 p.m.
February 5th - Two Hour Delay for Juniors & Seniors Only
February 14th - Margaretta Achievement Hall of Fame @ 7:15 p.m.
February 17th - Presidents Day/No School
February 17th - Board Meeting @ 6:30 p.m.
February 25th - ACT Testing (Juniors)
February 26th - Club Pictures & Senior Retake Picture