Glenn School Eagle Post
November 2024
Superintendent's Nest
Welcome to November!
We have the Circle of Lights coming up the day after Thanksgiving, November 29th from 5:00-7:00 pm. This is a time we open the school up to everyone to come and see our school. The whole town will be decorated and glowing with cheer. If you would like to help decorate the school or town there is a committee formed and they are always looking for new members and/or helpers; I can get you in touch with them. The PTC orchestrates a wonderful fundraiser with “The Cookie Caper .” Donations of freshly baked cookies of all flavors are readily accepted to create an assortment of boxes to purchase. The PTC will also be selling hot cocoa and there will be crafts children can participate in throughout the classrooms. They will also be selling tickets to raffle off baskets. All of the proceeds go directly back to the students, staff and school. This is a wonderful opportunity to showcase our unique school and community.
Students continue to bring home a book monthly to add to their home libraries compliments of donations from the South Haven American Legion and community members. Remember Readers are Leaders!
Jamie Walle
Important Dates
11th- Board Meeting at 5:30
29th - Glenn Circle of Lights Celebration with PTC Fundraiser
5th - Winter Concert at 6:00
9th - Board of Education Meeting
Glenn on the Go
Third, Fourth and Fifth Grade took a trip to Lansing. They visited the Capitol Building and the Michigan History Museum. This field trip happens every three years and is a part of learning about Michigan History. A big THANK YOU to the volunteers who drove and made lunches.
Michigan Resources
School House
Entering the Capitol
Capital vs Capitol
Building Tour
Star Student
Congratulations to our October Star Student, Chloe L!
Many staff members have commented on Chloe L.'s growth as a student this year. In the classroom, you can find her studiously focused on learning or helping her classmates solve problems. Chloe always puts her best foot forward in academics, friendships, and playing, frequently going above and beyond what's asked of her. We look forward to seeing what else she can achieve this year!
Fire Safety
Learning about Fire Gear
Running the Obstacle Course
Spraying the Fire Hose
Thank you to Ganges and Clyde Fire Departments!
Watch Us Grow
Thank You!
To our helpful crew of students, parents, community members, and staff.
Completed Space
The garden was completed with paths and sitting areas. Further planting to come this spring.
Student Engagement
The garden became a space students used for art class.
Glenn Flies High
Thank you to Jill Woods, and her assistants, who helped our students make kites to fly.