Maungatapere School
Newsletter 25 July 2024
Welcome to Term 3
It is great to see the children back at school from their break. During break times, while on duty and
interacting with the children, what keeps striking me is the way the Maungatapere students interact
with each other. A large game of self-managed soccer, and touch rugby is going strong at the moment. Lots of tag games, imaginary play, hut games in the hedges and nature area play in front of the school is happening. As well as the ‘Wedgy Tree’ with some sort of apes climbing with strange made up names I didn’t understand. There are active children everywhere, as well as a relaxing library environment.
It was great to see so many students signed up and playing afterschool basketball on Tuesday night. This has been organised by the Y7/8 Aim’s Basketball team parents to promote the game, as well as fundraise for the Aims Tournament in Week 8.
Cross Country training has carried on from last term this week. It looks like the students have
maintained their fitness, which will go a long way towards preparing for our School Cross Country
21st August, Week 5.
Science Fair
Our seniors have just completed their science investigations or technology projects. The students
have put significant time and effort into this learning last term, during the holidays and finally this
week. School judging day is this Friday with the school walk through happening on Monday. The
walk through allows the seniors to explain what they have done to others. In Week 6 our top entries
will attend the Northland Science Fair.
Mathex Competition
In week 3 our Y5, 6, 7 & 8 Mathex teams will represent the school at Whangarei Boys High School. A
large number of students worked very hard on their maths problem solving skills and knowledge, to
gain a spot on these teams. A Mathex Competition is a highly competitive, loud, energetic, an
exciting spectacle. A team of four sits at tables within a large hall in rows. When the countdown hits zero, all runners (only 1 on a team) run between tables to a designated marker table (1 of many
markers), grabs a piece of paper with a maths problem on it, runs back around a loop of tables, then the team solves the problem. The runner returns to the marker who says correct or incorrect. The runner either chooses to pass or take the next question. The winning team is the fastest team to solve the most questions. A running score is kept updated for the audience, but tends to have a few surprises once the judges complete the process.
Well done to the named teams
Y5 Kobe F, Kaylin R, Connor B, Austin M
Y6 Evie W, Samuel N, Finn Y, Carter A
Y7 Mia R, Ayla W, Freddie C, Kayden C
Y8 Team A: Liam R, Devon, N, Millie T, Josh W
Y8 Team B: Leo A, Hannah B, Hudson T, Arabella C
Parent Interviews
Tuesday 30th July 3:30pm – 7pm
Thursday 1st August 1:15pm – 6pm School closes at 1.00pm on this day (Thursday only).
Buses will run at this earlier time. After School Care will be available from 1pm – 5:45pm.
An email has been sent out with booking instructions.
Note: Room 6 had their interviews last term with Mr VC.
WGHS & WBHS Enrolment Scheme Consultation – with Maungatapere School
Last term the Maungatapere School Board of Trustees and community were consulted in regards to
the enrolment schemes for both town secondary schools. Initially, the first proposal excluded approximately half of our graduating Y8 students, or classified them as out of zone for both WGHS & WBHS. This would have impacted many families going forward, who would have had to apply for out of zone positions.
I am pleased to inform the community that both WGHS & WBHS have listened to our school board and community members who put in submissions. Both schools have informed us that if you are in zone for Maungatapere School, then you are in zone for WGHS & WBHS. If you are unsure of the Maungatapere Zone, it is on our website. I have been informed that the new WGHS & WBHS enrolment schemes will be published on ‘Education Counts’ website with maps to zoom in on and
descriptions, in due course.
This is really good news for those in zone families intending to send students to these schools.
School Term Dates
26th July Ag Day Entries must be in
30th July Parent Teacher Interviews 3.30 to 7pm
1st August Parent Teacher Interviews 1.15pm to 6pm - School closes at 1pm
6th August Mathex
8th August Tauraroa Area School Open Day (Year 8 Students)
8th August WBHS Open Evening (Year 8 students)
14th August WBHS Enrolment Interviews
16th August Te Horo Cross Country
19th August WGHS Enrolment Interviews
21st August School Cross Country
26th August Science Fair Judging Day at Forum North
30th August Daffodil Day (run by school council)
4th September Interschools Cross Country at Barge Park
7th - 13th August Aims Games
27th September Last Day of Term 3
Ag Day Entries must be in by TOMORROW
Contact the office if you are unsure of how to do this.
Temporary access to the office
School Hours
Most of our communication is done via our school app, Facebook and email. If you haven't already, follow our Facebook page and download the app (SchoolAppsNZ)
Sore Throats Matter
THANK YOU!! To our generous sponsors
About us
Email: office@maungatapere.school.nz
Principal: principal@maungatapere.school.nz
BOT Chair: botchair@manugatapere.school.nz
Website: https://www.maungatapere.school.nz/
Location: Mangakahia Road, Maungatapere, Whangarei, New Zealand
Phone: 09 4346743
Facebook: facebook.com/maungatapereschool