Falcon Flyer for Families!
May 20-May24, 2024
Falcon Families,
Another busy week down! Congratulations to our 8th graders on completing their IB Projects and presenting on Thursday. We are proud of their accomplishment!
We have one week of state testing down, and there is one more to go! Friday, May 24 will be the last day for any informal/formal assessments so that students have time to retake, if necessary. Next week will be the last week for tutoring, and teachers will submit all Q4 and Final grades to administration by Friday, May 31.
Awards Day and Field Days are scheduled for the last week of school (first week of June), and they are listed below for your reference. We look forward to celebrating all of our amazing students and their accomplishments!
Also, important summer dates are included in this newsletter. Please save the dates!
Last, but not least, please remember that Monday, May 27 is a Holiday! Please enjoy the long weekend and we will see you back to wrap up the year.
Dr. Persinski
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Upcoming Events and Information
Monday, May 20--Spring Pictures for any student who would like one is May 20th.
Tuesday, May 21--SCReady Math; Tutoring; PTO Meeting @ 5:30
Wednesday, May 22--English 1 Exam; Tutoring; French Honor Society Induction
Thursday, May 23--Algebra I EOC; Final day of Tutoring; Related Arts Awards
Friday, May 24--8th French and Spanish Exams begin
Monday, May 27--Holiday
***Please make sure your student check's Lost and Found before the 27th.*** Remaining items will be donated.
French Honor Society
We are proud to announce that we will induct over 20 members into our first chapter of Les Jeunes Amis du Français (or National French Junior Honor Society) on Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 6pm in our Sullivan Auditorium. As it is our first ceremony, we induct current 8th graders this spring. In the fall, we will induct all eligible rising 8th graders. This nationally recognized organization sponsored by the American Association of teachers of French is the highest recognition that students of French can receive. Those selected have been chosen based on their excellence in the classroom, outstanding character, and dedication to service within school community.
Félicitations to our 2024 inductees!
For any questions, please contact the JAF Adviser Madame Teixeira and for supplemental information here is the JAF site.
School Verification!
Check your email for an email from Rock Hill Schools concerning School Verification for the 24-25 school year. Completing this now will save you time later!
End of Year/Next Year--Save the Dates!
8th grade Dance--May 31
Awards & Field Days
6th Awards June 3 9:00-11:00; Field Day June 5
7th Awards June 4 9:00-11:00; Field Day June 3
8th Awards June 5 9:00-11:00; Field Day June 4
Summer and 24-25 school year
SUMMER CAMP! We are working on a rising 6th grade summer camp for all of our new 6th graders! It will take place Wednesday, July 24 and Thursday, July 25 from 9-12. 6th graders will get their schedules at the end of camp. E-mail Ms. Wilmore to sign up: EWilmore@rhmail.org
Please make sure that you have verified your student for the 24-25 school year so that you are ready to begin.
7th grade Schedule Pick Up: 3-6 pm July 29
8th grade Schedule Pick Up: 3-6 pm July 30
VOLUNTEERS! Sullivan is looking for parent volunteers who would like to help monitor at lunch and during testing weeks. Please look for a sign up as we begin in August. Volunteers must be approved through the district process. https://rock-hill.jotform.com/223140705783150
Sullivan Volleyball and Cheer!
Volleyball Spring Training: 5/20, 5/21, 5/22 3:45-5:15 in gym
Reach out to Coach Walker with any questions: LWalker@rhmail.org
Cheer Tryouts: *Must have a current physical on file*
5/20, 5/21, 5/22 from 5:30-7:00 pm. Students must leave school and return at tryout time.
5/23 from 4:00-6:00 (may stay afterschool)
Cross Country, anyone?
If any students are interested in running Cross Country at RHHS this Summer/ Fall please contact the following coaches or see Coach Huechtker in the Gym.
Head Coach: Roma Stutts Assistant Coach: Debbie Teachout
rstutts@rhmail.org dteachout@rhmail.org
803-487-3955 803-417-3662
Business Partnership
Sullivan Middle School's Eighth graders will travel to Washington, DC in March of 2025. We are searching for businesses in the community to partner with us in fundraising. Sullivan students will sell discount fundraising cards beginning June 2024. We ask that you consider advertising your business and providing a discount to your patrons through our cards. For example: 10% off a dinner item, $2 off a haircut, or a "buy one get one" entree item. We appreciate your support!
Please contact Casey Espich for more information at 803-981-1450 or CEspich@rhmail.org.
Thank you for your consideration!
Eighth Grade Teachers
Sullivan Middle School
Related Arts Newsletter!
Please check out the final Related Arts Newsletter!
Student Sign-Ins and Pick Ups
Parents, when bringing students to school after 8:25, please enter with your student to sign them in to school for the day.
Also, please do not pick up your students along Caswell or in the parking lot, but please come through the car rider line so that we can ensure student safety.
8th grade Dance!
For dance donations, click HERE!
Please note: Tickets are non-refundable. Any disciplinary referral from 5/15-5/31 will result in removal of dance attendance privileges.
PTO Meeting for 23-24
The last meeting for this school year will be Tuesday, May 21 at 6:30! PTO will meet to outline dates and events for the 24-25 school year.
New officers were elected at the April 25 meeting. We look forward to all PTO will accomplish!
President: Erica Smith
Vice President: Ashley Lang
Secretary: Melissa Maynard
Treasurer: Amanda Winters
Coffee Cafe
Sullivan PTO provides a Coffee Cafe in the teachers' lounge throughout the year as a gesture of appreciation for our faculty and staff. Sign up to help us restock!
SIC Dates for 24-25-Save the Date!
July 18
Aug 20
Sept 17
Oct 15
Nov 19
Jan 21
Feb 18
Mar 18
Apr 15
Derion Kendrick Youth Leadership Camp
Meaningful May!
Help support our Falcon Store. HERE is the wish list to help supply us!
Uniform Donations
Families, please consider donating new or gently used uniform items including pants, shirts, and crewneck sweatshirts for our students who may be in need! Ms. Bostic, in our front office, will collect and store the items.
School Store Link
Please see this link for the PTO School Store!
Sullivan Middle School
Email: jpersinski@rhmail.org
Website: https://www.rock-hill.k12.sc.us/Domain/29
Location: 1825 Eden Terrace, Rock Hill, SC, USA
Phone: 803-981-1450
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/smsfalconsrh/
Twitter: @smfalcons
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sullivan.ib.middle.school/