Eagle Edition February
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Message from the Principal
Dear Euclid Families,
Over the past two weeks, we have received important updates regarding immigration enforcement and its potential impact on public schools in Illinois. Alongside Dr. Megerle and the entire District 26 team, I want to reaffirm our commitment to supporting all students. We firmly believe that every child deserves a welcoming environment where they can learn and thrive. We are dedicated to ensuring that dignity, respect, and opportunity are at the heart of their educational experience.
We also want to reassure all parents that our district has clear policies in place to safeguard the safety, privacy, and well-being of our students, should immigration officials ever visit our schools.
Every child is entitled to a free public education, regardless of their background or immigration status. In line with the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Plyler v. Doe, District 26 does not ask about or collect information regarding a student’s or family’s immigration status during the enrollment process.
Federal and state privacy laws, including the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Illinois School Student Records Act (ISSRA), protect student information. These laws prevent the sharing of student records with law enforcement or immigration officials unless proper legal authorization is provided or consent from a parent/guardian is obtained.
Agents from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) or Customs and Border Protection (CBP) are not permitted to enter our school buildings without a valid, judge-signed warrant. In the event of any such situation, we will carefully review and manage the matter with the guidance of legal counsel to ensure the rights of our students and families are fully protected.
The Illinois State Board of Education has offered non-regulatory guidance and resources to public schools that you can access at this link.
Please know that your child’s safety and well-being are always our top priorities. Please do not hesitate to contact me or Dr. Megerle if you have any questions or concerns.
Ms. Daly, Principal & Dr. Megerle, Superintendent
Euclid School Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
- 8:30-8:45 Arrival - school supervision
- 8:50 school starts (after = tardy)
- 3:40 Dismissal - car pick up, bus riders, walkers
Thursday (Late Start)
- 9:20-9:35 Arrival - school supervision
- 9:40 school starts (after = tardy)
- 3:40 Dismissal - car pick up, bus riders, walkers
What's Happening @ Euclid?
- 8- PTC Annual Fun Fair 11-2
- 11 - BOE Mtg 7p
- 12- PTC Mtg 6:30-7:30
- 17- No School - President's Day
- 19 - Kindergarten Registration 4-8p @ Prairie Trails
- 26 - McTeacher Night! 4:30-7:30
March (IAR State Testing)
- 7 - Jump-into-Spring Fundraiser
- 9 - Daylight Savings (Spring forward 1 hour!)
- 11 - BOE Mtg 7p
- 12 - PTC Mtg 6:30p
- 13 - Family SEL Night #2 6-6:45p
- 24-28 - Spring Break-No School
- 31 - Back to School
Euclid Artists
We finally got outside to play!!
Officer Charlie-the-Dog came for a visit!
Driver Safety in Euclid Lot
Do you drive to Euclid for arrival or dismissal?
Read below for several safety reminders:
Why do we have to pull past Door 3 when dropping kids off? Please pull all the way to the end of the drop off lane. This helps to keep our families from dangerously waiting on Euclid Avenue during morning rush hour.
Why can't I drop off my student before supervision begins? Student safety is most important. Euclid adult supervision begins at 8:30am (9:20 on Thursdays). Do not send children to the playground or drop them off before that time.
Why is the visitor parking closed during arrival and dismissal? The lane in front of the main office/cafeteria/visitor parking area is ONE-WAY going east for busses only. This lane is CLOSED to through traffic from 8:30-8:45am and again from 3:30-4:00pm.
Upcoming Testing Information
- ACCESS: Now - mid-February - A test of English language proficiency for our multi-lingual students.
- IAR/ISA: March 3 - March 21 - State accountability tests in Math, Reading, Science
- Spring MAP: Week of April 14 - Local, standardized, & individualized tests in Math & Reading for 2nd-5th.
- Panorama SEL Survey: Week of May 5 - measures student mindsets, behaviors, and attitudes that might be related to success in school
- Aimsweb: Week of May 19 - for screening and progress monitoring of math and reading skills for 1st and some 2nd/3rd.
Miles of Smiles - Free Dentist @ Euclid
Our visiting Dentist will be at Euclid on Thursday, March 20.
Registration is DUE by February 17. Send filled out and signed forms to school or register online.
Forms will be sent home in blue folders by the end of the first week of February.
PDF of forms.
If you use Online Registration, please contact Lisa Gutzler (224-612-7405) to tell her you signed up online!
Order your 2024-25 Yearbook Now!
Purchase forever memories for $15.00. Gift a book forward for $15.00.
School Code: 0112565YB
Euclid Parent Teacher Council (EPTC)
Next EPTC meeting is Wednesday, February 12 in Euclid's LMC @ 6:30pm.
Mark your calendars for Euclid's Annual Fun Fair!
Saturday, February 8 (11-2pm)
2nd Grade Families - Fill The Fridge!
Calling all 2nd Grade Families: FILL THE FRIDGE during January!
Show Euclid teachers how much we appreciate them by sharing some extra snacks/treats/drinks during the grayest of winter days! Sign up (HERE) to share what you're bringing!!
Is DAD not available? Moms, grandparents, aunts/uncles can also serve our student community as a WATCH DOG! Spend part of the day with your student, in classes, at lunch, in music/art/gym!
Menu Rotation: We will begin our new menus on February 3rd starting with Week B.
New and Exciting Options: We’ve brought back some past favorites like Orange Chicken, alongside exciting new additions we believe your children will love! Be sure to check out some of our new Vegetarian friendly options like our Grilled Cheese, Bean Nachos, and Pasta with Marinara Sauce.
Easy-to-Understand Allergen Information: We are committed to the safety and well-being of all our students. Our new menus now include clear allergen symbols for all major allergens. Please take a moment to review these symbols with your child and discuss any dietary concerns with the Director of Food Services, Jill Kersten (jkersten@rtsd26.org).
Daily Dose of Fruits and Vegetables: Did you know that students who purchase school lunch have access to at least 5 fruits and vegetables every day? Throughout the week, they’ll enjoy a variety of vegetables from all color groups and a large selection of fresh fruits.
Convenient Online Access: View the full weekly menus on our district website: https://www.rtsd26.org/departments/food-services/lunch-menus.
We encourage you to review the new menus with your children and discuss any questions or concerns with our Food Services Department.
Food Pantry Schedule
Attendance Line: 847-259-3303
Contact Us!
Please call ahead or email with any questions. Thank you for your patience with trying to limit the traffic of people at Door #1.
Office Hours on School Days: 7:45m - 4:30pm
Main Office: 847-259-3303
- Erni Santiago esantiago@rtsd26.org
- Claudia Rodriguez crodriguez@rtsd26.org
- Lisa Gutzler (Nurse) lgutzler@rtsd26.org
- Principal, Karen Daly: kdaly@rtsd26.org or 224-612-7400
- Assistant Principal, Sarah Hogan: shogan@rtsd26.org or 224-612-7401