EE Oliver Elementary
June 2020 Newsletter
Happy Summer
We hope that everybody has a wonderful break with lots of sun, fun and memory making!
We will have updates about what back-to-school will look like as we receive them from the higher powers!
We are saying goodbye to Ms. Groves and Mrs. Green, but we will be welcoming back Ms. Gamble as our Vice Principle!!
We miss you and can't wait to see you all again soon.
Safe safe and be amazing!
June 21st is National Indigenous Peoples Day
It is an occasion for all Canadians to recognize the contributions Indigenous peoples have made to Canada.
Although the Indigenous peoples have similarities, each group has their own distinct culture. Fairview is in the Treaty 8 territory and we acknowledge that this area is the ancestral and traditional territory of the Cree, Dene, as well as the Metis. We are thankful that Knowledge Keepers and Elders are able to educate us on the traditions of our local Indigenous Peoples.
Due to Covid-19 the Government of Canada encourages you to celebrate National Indigenous People’s Day at home. You can do this by reading a digital copy of one of the books from the #IndigenousReads reading list and taking part in the Indigenous activities that will be posted on your google classrooms.
· Sing O’Canada in Cree https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8v_qM-OgCl0
· Make Bannock
· Indigenous Math Games
· Learning and Activity Guide http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2018/aanc-inac/R5-99-2018-eng.pdf
You might also wish to take part in the Summer Solstice Indigenous Festival that includes music, dance and Pow Wows. Virtual Edition June 1-21, 2020! While on the site you can register for Indigenous culinary and arts workshops and receive a “Manitou” spirit box with all of your supplies to follow along at home. The workshop provides for Elder teachings and shopping at the Virtual Marketplace. There are also Education Days for students, teachers and families at home. Check out the website for more information. https://www.todocanada.ca/city/toronto/event/summer-solstice-indigenous-festival-virtual-edition/
Grade 5 At-home Learning
Grade 2 At-home Learning
Fairwell Fairview
I have spent a lot of time thinking about what I want to say to a community and a school who have welcomed me into their fold. I have accepted the position of Principal of École Springfield Elementary School in Peace River for the 2020-21 school year.
I look back upon the past 4 years at EE Oliver Elementary School and the community of Fairview with warm memories and a belief that I have helped make our school a better place for everyone, especially our students. I feel it is important that an administrator must have, as the primary goal, the improvement of school life experiences for students, staff and school community.
I am pleased to have assisted with refining and re-focussing our school’s vision around improving student literacy by introducing assessment kits, Guided Reading, enhanced classroom libraries and Literacy Blocks of time in the school schedule. We were fortunate to have had a grant proposal for a part time Literacy Support teacher approved and supported for 2 years. In addition, we were able to access funding to put in place a part-time, First Nations Metis Inuit teacher who also supported literacy growth for our students. All of these have ensured that our students have been exposed to good literature, excellent teaching strategies and access to supports when needed.
We are also well on our way to implementing a very focussed approach on Numeracy. We are exploring how we can ensure that students have the necessary pre-requisite skills so that they can have more success with their grade level Math programs. I owe a very big thank you to my Vice-Principal and valued colleague, Evelyn Krol, for leading this initiative. I would also like to congratulate Evelyn on being appointed to the position of Principal of EE Oliver beginning the 2020-21 school year. I am pleased and feel reassured that the school is left in good hands.
I also felt it was important that our students, staff and parents feel proud of their school. We wanted to make sure that EE Oliver was well cared for by everyone. We applied for funding from Peace River School Division to have beautiful murals painted in our foyer and in our ancillary area by Melanie Hellum. We are so pleased with the contribution that Melanie made to make EE Oliver look more appealing.
I am very appreciative of the time I have spent with the wonderful students and the dedicated staff of EE Oliver. Students are the energy and the enthusiasm, which we all thrive off. The staff of EE Oliver, in my experience, are second to none. Their caring, their commitment to learning, and their determination to have all students succeed make me feel proud to have been a part of their team.
Farewell Fairview and EEO. You will not soon be forgotten.
Elizabeth Green,
Principal, EE Oliver Elementary
Thank you from Dr. Bennett
As we approach the end of the 2019-2020 school year I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your contributions to education. 2020 is without a doubt a year for the history books and I am certain that when I look back to this time, I will be filled with great pride in the way our school communities responded to the challenges COVID-19 has imposed.
First and foremost I would like to acknowledge our students. The impact of being suddenly shifted from attending school to learning at home, and being away from friends, sports, clubs and the usual school environment is not an easy transition. You all deserve to be commended for your resiliency, adaptation and dedication to your studies. To our graduates, my heart is with you. Your final year of high school took a very unexpected turn and I can only imagine the impact this must have on all of you. We look forward to celebrating your completion of high school when it becomes safe to do so and we wish you all the best in all your future endeavours. We are very proud of each and every one of you. To all our students; please know that the positive impact you have in your school, community and society is far-reaching and makes a difference. I am very humbled by the countless examples of collective and personal accomplishment, growth, school and community spirit demonstrated this school year.
Thank you to our parents, guardians and family members for your outstanding support and involvement. The way our families have rallied together to support learning at home, to provide child care, and to support one another is absolutely incredible. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us what we can accomplish when we work together and our families deserve to be commended for their tireless efforts to support students learning at home. The pandemic has certainly caused a variety of stressors to our lives and for our parents who are already juggling many roles and responsibilities, thank you. I recognize and appreciate the time, sacrifice, coordination and effort you have and are all making.
To our staff, thank you. Providing learning at home plans and delivering education in this way is not something we anticipated or planned for and I am astounded by the incredible response of our staff. Your resiliency, creativity, dedication and adaptability is noticed and is very appreciated. It has been a learning curve for all of us and the ways in which our staff throughout the division are collaborating and supporting one another is a true example of our mission statement “Learning together, success for all.” Every role in the division has a direct impact on student learning and success and I am so grateful for the care, support and guidance that I see demonstrated every day in the division.
Thank you to our community members and organizations. We are very grateful for your involvement and participation in education. Your support and involvement shows our students the importance of teamwork and community spirit – very important attributes that will serve them for all of their lives. We are very thankful for your time spent volunteering, providing input, advocating, and forming partnerships throughout our school division that brings increased opportunities for students and increases community and school spirit. Your support is significant and very much appreciated.
Students, staff, parents, community members and businesses, I sincerely thank you for your support and contributions over the past school year. You are all important members of the Peace River School Division family. Thank you for your hard work and endless contributions toward student success and well-being especially during this very challenging time. I wish you all a wonderful summer, you deserve it!
Paul Bennett
Superintendent of Schools
Peace River School Division 10