Stewart Stampede
September 1, 2023
From the Principal
This school year is off to a great start. Students came onto campus ready for a new school year. I am so very proud of our kids. Stewart Mustangs are amazing!
We have so many wonderful activities planned for this year. Please be sure to mark your calendars so you don't miss anything.
Please be sure to check out the PTO webpage. You will find additional information there about our wonderful and supportive PTO and the activities they have planned. You will be able to find out information about how you can get involved in one or more of the many activities we have planned.
We continue to focus on safety at Stewart. Don't forget to complete a background check if you want to come on campus and volunteer, read to a class, participate as a Watch Dog, chaperone on field trips, or work in the library.
We are all looking forward to a wonderful school year. We excited to be growing, learning, and discovering together. It's going to be a great year.
Your teachers and our staff are here for your children. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher.
Thank you for your continued support.
Dr. Julie English
Parent Access Accounts
Attention...Parents of students in 3rd-6th Grade
You can even set it up to send you a notification when something is posted or when a grade is posted that is lower than a threshold that you establish. For can set it up to send you a notification if your child scores less than a 70% or 80% on a test or assignment.
Click below to get started.
Picture Day!
Car Line Reminders
Here are some reminders about morning drop off. Please remember...
- morning drop off begins at 7:30AM each morning,
- please help us keep the car line moving,
- avoid waiving or trying to get your child's attention as you drive by,
- students must be in their classroom at 8:00AM or they will be counted tardy,
- make plans to arrive at school early each morning, and
- using cell phones in a school zone is prohibited.
Safety at Stewart
Volunteer in Conroe ISD
Watch Dogs
WatchDOGS are fathers, grandfathers, uncles, and other father-figures who volunteer for at least one day each year. During the day, WatchDOGS may read and work on flash cards with students, play at recess, eat lunch with students, watch the school entrances and hallways, assist with traffic flow and any other assigned activities where they actively engage with not only their own students, but other students as well. Please use the QR codes on the flyer below to sign up.
If you have any questions about Watch DOGS, please contact our counselor Tonya Mathews at
Applying for Free and Reduced Lunch
- Parents must complete an application for students to be eligible for Free or Reduced meals
- You can access the online free and reduced application at
Library Services
This site includes access to online libraries, school library standards, Board Policy with regards to library materials and a library book access form.
If you have questions about the Stewart library, please feel free to contact our library, Ann Shafer at
September Lunch Reservation Sign Up
Stewart Dress Code
Students are expected to adhere to the dress code expectations set by the school district. You can find these at:
In addition, Stewart dress code includes:
1. Shorts must be mid-thigh length.
2. Mid-drift and halter tops are not allowed. Students should be able to raise their arms without the mid-drift showing.
3. Muscle shirts are not allowed.
4. Spaghetti straps or straps that are not at least the width of two adult fingers are not allowed.
5. Jeans with rips or holes that are above the mid-thigh are not allowed, unless there is a patch under the rip for fray.
6. Cros , sandals and flip flops are not allowed at school. Students must wear closed toe shoes.
7. Work out type yoga pants or leggings are allowed ONLY if the length of the shirt/top reaches the top of the thigh.
8. Undergarments should not be visible.
9. Hair must be a natural color. Pink, blue, green, not a natural hair color and therefore not appropriate for school.
10. Make-up is not allowed. Our Mustangs are natural beauties!
11. Athletic and running shorts must be mid thigh length all around the leg, including any slit on the side of legs.
Teachers and staff monitor adherence to the dress code. Parents will be called if students are not dressed according to the dress code and students will wait in the front office for a change of clothes. If parents are unable to come to the campus with a change of clothes, the campus will provide the student with a pair of shorts and a t-shirt for the day.
We have seen a few girls wearing make-up and some shorts that are too short. We have not said anything yet. Students will be asked to remove any make-up they wear to school.
Conroe ISD Counseling Program
Our campus counselors are always here for students, families and staff. Please feel free to reach out to them.
Grades Kinder - 2nd - Tisha Smith at
Grades 3rd - 6th - Tonya Mathews at
If you need additional resources, please check out their website at
Here you will find additional resources for students and families.
10 Ways to Help Your Child Succeed in Elementary School
Teacher of the Month
Congratulations to Cara Portillo - Special Education
Paraprofessional of the Month
Congratulations to Melissa Burrington - Special Education
Each Sunday evening you will receive information about the strength your child will be discussing during the week. Please be sure to ask you children about this strength. It makes for great dinner conversation.
Mustang Art Gallery
Thank You!
- All our Stewart families - Thank you for helping us kick off our new school year! Thank you PTO for organizing our school supplies and delivering them to our students, helping walk our younger children to class, helping with afternoon carline, and for making our Yoohoo Boohoo breakfast a success.
- PTO provided a wonderful breakfast for our staff on our first day back from summer break and surprised us with Sonic Drinks on the first day of school.
- The Church at Woodforest for providing a yummy breakfast for us on September 1st.
Stewart Spirit Day!
PTO Updates
Stewart PTO Auction
Thank you so much for your support of our Stewart PTO Auction! We are also grateful for the support of our community! Please consider these businesses when shopping for your family.
(Please include business logos - See attached)
Stewart PTO Membership
2023-2024 Stewart PTO Membership is now open! Your PTO membership is a family membership and is good for the school year.
By joining the Stewart PTO, you’re not only supporting school programs and events, but you’re also gaining a voice within our school. Only members may vote on PTO issues. PTO Meetings are the first Friday of every month at 9:00 a.m. and are available in person and via Teams.
Your membership dues are also important to helping fund our programs and goals for the school year.
Stretched thin on time? Don’t feel like you have time for another time draining obligation? Joining the PTO is supporting our school, not committing to monthly meetings and volunteering. Although, we’d love to have you!
One School, One Book
On September 20, all students will receive a copy of "The One and Only Ivan" with a reading schedule. The goal of this program is to sit down as a family and read together every week and promote a connection between reading at home and school. This book will be read at home, and students will have a chance to answer trivia questions at school and earn prizes on Ivan Fridays.
Thank you all of our generous sponsors !
Looking Ahead at Important Dates
( All dates are subject to change.)
Fall Semester Important Dates
1st – Auction Closes/PTO Meeting
4th – No School - Labor Day
5th – 8th CHS Homecoming Week
8th - Conroe High School Homecoming Football Game
7th – Fall Pictures
20th - “Read for a Better Life” / PTO One Book Delivery
26th - ZOOM GT info night 6:30pm - for parents of current GT students
5th - PTO Meeting
6th - No School for Students - Staff Development Day
9th – No School
11th – Class Pictures and Make- ups
12th - Community Bond Meeting 6PM
13th - Mighty Mustang
16th – 20th – Book Fair
20th - Stellar Student
23rd - Coffee w/Counselors 9a.m. Topic: Anxiety in Children
23rd-27th – Red Ribbon Week
27th – Storybook Parade K-3 @ 9:00AM
3rd – Fun Run
7th- Voting Day - No School for Students - Staff Development
10th – Veterans Day Celebration
10th - PTO Mtg
13th – 17th – Generation Texas Week
14th- 4th Grade Program and Open House
17th – Turkey Trot
20th -24th – Thanksgiving Break
1st – Stellar Student
1st - PTO Mtg. @9:00AM
4th – 8th - Holiday Store
6th - Mighty Mustang
7th - PE Night and Art Show for 1st grade @6:00PM
8th - Kinder Gingerbread Houses
12th - Choir Concert - CHS Auditorium @ 6:30PM
14th - Grinch Day and K-2 parties
15th – Polar Express Day and 3-6 parties/ Half Day