Spring Canyon Newsletter
February 2025
SCMS Student Registration for 2025-2026 School year
Very soon sixth and seventh grade students will be selecting classes for next year. Sixth grade students will see with counselors on February 7th and students will bring home paperwork for parents to review and sign. This paperwork will be due February 11th. Counselors from the junior high school will come to our school to present class options to our 7th grade students on February 20, 2025. The students will bring paperwork home to be reviewed and signed by parents and this is due on February 27, 2025.
Be sure to come to our LAST parent conference of the year! It will be February 6, 2025 from 3:45-8:00. Meet your student's pod teachers and any new teachers your student may have. Come set some good goals for the remainder of the year.
Valentine’s Day is coming up and we are all excited for the day dedicated to showing love. Please know that we love your students and strive daily to create positive meaningful educational experiences for them, even on Valentine's Day. We have seen that schools can be easily inundated with deliveries on Valentines Day. This can be a major distraction for students and teachers as well as a logistical challenge. Because of that, we will not be delivering Valentine gifts to students at school. Please save any student Valentine deliveries for outside of school. If you choose to send something, we will hold it in the office for your student to pick-up after school. Thanks for your understanding and support!
Come celebrate Chinese New Year with Nebo School District.
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Springville High School - Cafeteria and Auditorium
Market: 5:30 - 7:30 pm
Performance 1: 6:00 - 6:40
G1, G3, G5, G6, G7, HS1
Performance 2: 7:00 - 7:40
G2, G4, G8, G9, HS2, HS3
Parents and students are welcome to watch the performance or enjoy the booths, but we kindly ask that you choose and refrain from moving between them. If you have younger children in the marketplace, please supervise them to ensure their safety and enjoyment.
Due to limited seating in the auditorium, each student will receive two tickets for the performance they are participating in. If you require additional tickets, they will be available starting 30 minutes before the show on a first-come, first-served basis.
For those unable to attend in person, the event will also be streamed online for your convenience. The link will be sent out to teachers as we get closer to the celebration.
Projects can be done in each of these areas:
- Scientific
- Engineering
- Computer
STEM/Science teachers are offering after-school help in February where Science/STEM teachers will assist students with project direction if needed. The last date will be Feb 4 from 3:15-3:45.
As winter begins, we want to mention that on days when the weather is severe, there may a possibly of a delayed start or another alternate schedule. The status will always be posted on both the Nebo website (nebo.edu) and our school website (scms.nebo.edu). We will also use every method we can to notify you in case of an alternate schedule. Click HERE for Nebo District's inclement weather policy and process of determining weather-related delayed starts or closures.
LITERACY WEEK - Coming to SCMS March 3rd!
March 6th, the PTA is sponsoring a family skate night. Families can come free of charge and bring their own skates and/or scooters. There will be a small rental fee if you do not have your own, but we can't wait to skate with you so put it on your calendar right today!.
Research shows that attendance is a very important factor in student achievement! Students who attend school regularly have been shown to achieve at higher levels than students who do not have regular attendance. Poor attendance has serious implications for later outcomes. Everyone here at Spring Canyon Middle School wants the students to be as successful as possible. We enjoy seeing the kids each day and are sad when they are gone.
Intramurals and Clubs
We have so many fun intramurals planned this year! They can be found on our school's website under the Parents - Intramural tab. February intramurals include Anime club. Check out the website for permission slips and for the Intramural activities that will happen each month.
Hashtag Assignments
February Calendar Items
Feb. 4: Science/STEM Fair Club
Feb. 6: SEP Conferences 3:45-8:00 pmFeb. 7: 6th Grade Registration Presentations
7th Grade Job Shadow Day
Feb. 11: 6th Grade Registration Forms Due
Feb. 12: School Level Battle of the Books
Feb. 13: District Level Battle of the Books
Science/STEM Fair 3:15-4:15
Chinese New Year Celebration SHS 5:30-7:30 PM
Feb. 14: Valentine's Day - no deliveries please
Feb. 17: Presidents Day - No School
Feb. 20: District STEM/Science Fair 4:30-7:30
7th Grade registration
Feb. 27: 7th Grade Registration forms due.