Ripon Cathedral School Update
Week ending Friday 3rd May 2024
Year 2 Visit a Synagogue and Mercer Art Gallery
Year 2 Visit a Synagogue and Art Gallery
What a fantastic day Year 2 had in Harrogate. Catching the 36 bus was such a great experience, seeing the world go by from the top deck was eye-opening, and the children even spotted a herd of alpacas on the way.
The Synagogue was very informative and the children were incredibly well behaved and asked some very relevant questions. They were shown where the beautiful handwritten Torah scrolls were kept and how labour intensive they were to write in Hebrew. Each one is the same length as a football pitch from one end to the other. The boys had to wear a Kippah (skull cap) for respect once inside the Synagogue.
The sun shone beautifully as the children had their picnics in the Valley Gardens.
The Mercer Gallery was a relaxing and inspiring place. The children looked at the art of John Atkinson Grimshaw and how he had influenced others in the gallery. Looking at how he painted the dusk landscape and used a vanishing point with his perspective, the children then created their own John Atkinson inspired sketch.
Lots of walking followed by another bus ride home. A great day out was had by all.
Year 2 Fair Trade Worship
Price of Bananas!
Year 2 are courageous advocates for Fair Trade. This week they put together a great worship to inform the school and parents and carers about Fair Trade. They illustrated how the money paid for bananas was distributed along the supply chain with farmers and plantation workers receiving a very small amount. The children explained how Fair Trade helps those who farm the food to get a fair price. They used sign language whilst singing 'What a Wonderful World' at the end of a wonderful worship!
Headteacher Update
Headteacher Update from the Chair of Governors
Dear Parents and Carers,
It gives me great pleasure to announce the appointment of Mrs. Sarah Walsh as our new Headteacher. Following a rigorous selection process, it became evident that Mrs. Walsh embodies the qualities and vision that align seamlessly with the Christian values and ethos of Ripon Cathedral School.
Mrs. Walsh's commitment to fostering a supportive, safe and aspirational environment for both pupils and staff, coupled with her dedication to academic excellence, stood out during the interviews. Her leadership style, collaborative nature and dedication to continuous school improvement were unanimously recognised by all involved in the selection process as essential attributes that will enable our school family to flourish.
I invite you to join me in extending a warm and enthusiastic welcome to Mrs. Sarah Walsh as she embarks on this new chapter with us in the new school year.
Warm regards,
Paul Nel
Chair of Governors
Worship with Open the Book and The Dean
Wonderful Worship
This week we have been visited by the Open the Book team who told us all about the story of David and how he beat Goliath. The children learnt how David wrote Psalm 23 which the children sang in the worship song, 'The Lord is My Shepherd.' Dean John came to worship on Thursday and explored how Jesus is the Good Shepherd and they explored how he fed the 5000 with five loaves and two fishes.
Thank you Mrs Baker!
24 Years at Cathedral School
It is very sad that due to family circumstances Mrs Baker has taken the decision to leave Ripon Cathedral School. She has been at the school for over 24 years and helped and supported many children. I know that we will all miss her kindness, compassion and care. Thank you Mrs Baker you have been an absolute star and a treasured member of the Cathedral School team.
Colour Run 2024 - Sponsored by Dagger Diving Services
A huge thank you to Dagger Diving Services who have very kindly offered to sponsor our Colour Run 2024 to raise funds for recommended reading books. We will provide more details about this event before the half term break!
Class Photos
Please check your email inbox for class photo proofs and information on how to order. Please note that hard copy proofs are no longer sent out by Tempest Photography. If you wish to qualify for free postage via the group delivery to school, your order must be placed within 7 days of today.
Stars of the Week
We always enjoy sharing who our Stars of the Week are in our special Celebration Worship on Friday.
Lunnah for her fabulous independent writing.
Harry for embracing provision on the topic of life cycles of a plant and drawing his own life cycle at home. Well done Harry.
Year 1
Ellie for fabulous expression in her reading. Well done Ellie.
Year 2
Elliot for always working hard and giving his best to all tasks. He contributes in class and discussions and will help friends in need.
Year 3
Isabella for having a fantastic attitude to her learning and being a super supportive partner in class.
Year 4
Vinnie for creating a wonderful acrostic poem.
Year 5
Evelyn for her excellent story writing. She managed to include great characterised speech and description. Well done.
Year 6
Eva for taking an active role in arithmetic sessions.
Oscar's Wraparound Care
We are delighted to be able to offer some holiday club dates in the summer break. Booking is now open for Tuesday 23rd to Thursday 25th July and Tuesday 27th to Thursday 30th August. Please note that there is a flat charge of £50 for all three days in both weeks. You simply need to book the Tuesday on our booking system and your place for all three days is confirmed. Booking is essential for all Oscar's sessions, including the holiday club.
If you have not used Oscar's before, please use this link to access our Oscar's booking site https://riponcathedralschool.magicbooking.co.uk/ Click 'Don't have an account yet? Create one here' and you will be on your way! You will need our Ofsted number 121581, if you intend to use childcare vouchers, Tax Free Childcare, or if Universal Credit will reimburse you.
Booking for the new school year will go live next week. We will send a text to notify parents. If you know that you need certain sessions due to work commitments, it is worth booking early.
Dates for Diaries
Monday 6th May - May Day (school closed)
Wednesday 8th May - Year 1 Worship at 9am
Thursday 9th May - Deadline to order class photos
Monday 13th - Friday 17th May - Year 6 SATS week
Wednesday 15th May - Year 5 at St Peters in Leeds
Friday 17th May - Friends school disco
Wednesday 22nd May - Reception Worship at 9am
Wednesday 22nd May - Duck Race 5.00pm - ducks on sale during the week before
Friday 24th May - School closes for half term
Monday 3rd June - School reopens for second half of the summer term
Thursday 13th June - Sports Day
Week beginning 24th June - Enterprise Week
Tuesday 2nd July - Early Years and Key Stage 1 production (2pm and 6.30pm)
Wednesday 3rd July - Early Years and Key Stage 1 Production (2pm)
Monday 9th and Tuesday 9th July - Year transition days
Thursday 11th July - Year 6 Leavers Event at 6.00pm
Tuesday 16th July - Key Stage 2 Production (1.30pm and 6.30pm)
Wednesday 17th July - Early Years and Key Stage 1 Celebration Worship
Wednesday 17th July - Key Stage 2 Production (6.30pm)
Thursday 18th July - Key Stage 2 Celebration Worship
Friday 19th July - School closes for the summer holidays
Tuesday 23rd - Thursday 25th July - Oscar's summer holiday club (booking essential)
Tuesday 27th - Thursday 29th August - Oscar's summer holiday club (booking essential)
Our dates for diaries includes events that we currently have planned. As a school we try to communicate these in advance to support families, however at times dates and times can change due to a range of circumstances. We will add more dates over the term so please do check each week for new events.
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Email: admin@riponcathedral.n-yorks.sch.uk
Website: www.riponcathedralschool.org.uk
Location: HG41LT, United Kingdom
Phone: 01765 602355
Facebook: facebook.com/riponcathschool
Twitter: @riponcathschool