EWIMS + EduPaths
Early Warning Intervention and Monitoring System
EWIMS - Early Warning Intervention and Monitoring System
Early Warning and Intervention Monitoring System (EWIMS): Overview
- Understand what EWIMS is and why it is important
- Identify ways that an early warning system can benefit your students
- Identify resources that can assist you as you develop your own intervention process
To view this course series, please visit: https://www.edupaths.org/catalog?Search=ewims
EWIMS Step 1: Establish Roles and Responsibilities
Step 1 of the EWIMS process is about pulling your team together. Course objectives include how to:
- Establish an EWIMS team at your school or district.
- Establish meeting routines and common agendas.
- Identify individuals who will be responsible for entering data.
EWIMS Step 2: Use an Early Warning Data Tool
Step 2 of the EWIMS process addresses setting up your Early Warning data system. Anticipated outcomes in this step are:
- Understanding of the basic features of the Michigan Data Hub EWS Tool and early warning data reports by all team members.
- Designated district or school technology specialist(s) who are responsible for loading the tool with student data in a regular and timely manner.
- Fully populated tool with up-to-date information that is based on regular import or entry according to the established schedule.
EWIMS Step 3: Review Early Warning Data
- Identify individual students who show signs of risk for dropping out of high school
- Understand and clarify patterns across groups of students and over time
- Identify the type of additional information that will be needed
- Assign responsibilities for gathering additional information and data
To view this course series, please visit: https://www.edupaths.org/catalog?Search=ewims
EWIMS Step 4: Interpret Early Warning Data
Step 4 of the EWIMS process is taking the data from Step 3 and interpreting it to benefit students. This course provides support as you:
- Articulate reasons that individual students, and groups of students, are flagged as being at risk.
- Identify individual and common needs among groups of students.
To view this course series, please visit: https://www.edupaths.org/catalog?Search=ewims
EWIMS Step 5: Assign and Provide Interventions
Step 5 of the EWIMS process is using the data that you gathered and interpreted so students can be best assisted. This course will walk you through:
- Create or expand on your inventory of supports and interventions available to students in the school.
- Assign flagged students to supports and interventions based on student needs identified in Steps 3 and 4.
- Identify gaps in the available supports and interventions.
- Recommend school-wide support strategies aimed at addressing the most common student needs identified in Steps 3 and 4.
To view this course series, please visit: https://www.edupaths.org/catalog?Search=ewims
EWIMS Step 6: Monitor Students and Interventions
Step 6 of the EWIMS process addresses how to assign students to appropriate interventions and providing time for interventions to work. This course will walk you through:
- Make decisions about continuing, reassigning or terminating interventions for flagged students.
- Identify gaps in the available supports and interventions for students and recommendations for new intervention strategies that are based on early warning data.
- Use data from students participating in interventions to make decisions about the general effectiveness of interventions.
- Share information with appropriate stakeholders about student needs; the impact of existing interventions; and the need for additional interventions, where applicable.
To view this course series, please visit: https://www.edupaths.org/catalog?Search=ewims
EWIMS Step 7: Evaluate and Refine the EWIMS Process
Step 7 of the EWIMS process emphasizes a continued evaluation and refinement of your process. How did it go? What to keep and what to eliminate?. This course will walk you through:
- Identify the strengths and challenges of the EWIMS process.
- Clarify opportunities for improving your EWIMS process.
- Identify your district/school EWIMS team for the next school year.
- Validate indicators that substantiate the early warning data in your school and district.
To view this course series, please visit: https://www.edupaths.org/catalog?Search=ewims
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Email: edupaths@gomaisa.org
Website: https://www.edupaths.org