PAWS Periodical 12/15/24
PAWS Periodical for Sunday, December 15, 2024
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Principal's Message
Hello Lawrence Leopard Families,
We are in the final stretch before winter break! This week, we will continue with our middle-of-the-year diagnostic testing. Your support in ensuring students attend school, arrive well-rested, and are prepared to do their best is truly appreciated.
To celebrate the season, we invite all students and staff to participate in a Festive Spirit Day this Friday! It will be Pajama Day, and students are welcome to wear their favorite holiday hats or other festive attire to join in the fun.
Thank you for your continued support, and let’s make this a joyful end to the year!
Principal Alberg
ELAC Meeting/RFEP Celebrations
Thursday, Dec 19, 2024, 02:30 PM
Lawrence Elementary School, Calaveras Street, Lodi, CA, USA
Parent Climate Survey
Dear Lodi Unified School District Parents and Guardians,
Each year, the district desires to obtain community input to measure parent and family engagement, including how well the district builds relationships between school staff and families, builds partnerships for student outcomes, and seeks input for decision-making. Each year the district collects this information in part using the Parent Climate Survey. This survey also helps determine the allocation of services included in the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP), and is used to evaluate the School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) for each Title I school site. It is a valuable source of information, and we hope that you take the time to answer thoughtfully. The survey should take about 15 minutes to complete. The survey will be available from December 9th to December 20th. This link will take you to the survey. Your responses will remain anonymous.
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your feedback!
Open Enrollment for 2025-2026 School Year (K-12)
he Board of Education of LUSD Policy 5116.1 regarding Intradistrict Open Enrollment requires us to notify parents of this option at the beginning of each school year. Existing law requires each child is to attend the school in which the residence of the parent or legal guardian is located. Assembly Bill No. 1114 adopted July 20, 1993, required that the governing board of each school district establish a policy of open enrollment within the district.
A child already attending school in the district may request an Open Enrollment agreement to attend another school in the district outside of their attendance area. Pursuant to the policy, an Intradistrict Open Enrollment request can be filed starting December 1st, 2023, and no later than February 1st, 2025, for next year’s enrollment. New students registering for kindergarten have a deadline of February 14th , 2025, to turn in the request.
In K-6 and K-8 schools, applications must be submitted each year. In high schools and middle schools, once the application is approved, it is valid for the remaining years.
Under this policy, parents may apply for enrollment in any district school, however, the following limitations will apply:
▪ Requests for Intradistrict Open Enrollment Agreements must be received by February 1st each year for enrollment the following school year. Applications may be accepted after this time if the principal determines that special circumstances exist.
▪ Students are accepted only if space is available and pupils residing in the attendance area are not displaced.
▪ Schools will retain some seats for projected enrollment of new students coming into their attendance area whenever possible.
▪ The district shall retain authority to maintain appropriate racial and ethnic balance among respective schools.
▪ Transportation shall not be provided for a student on an Open Enrollment Agreement.
Alternative attendance programs within the district include:
▪ Independent Study K-12: Grades K-12 at Independence School in Lodi. Students must meet certain criteria for enrollment.
▪ Valley Robotics Academy
Parents may obtain an open enrollment application from their school. Notification will be no later than July 2025, for grades K-12, of a student's acceptance or denial for entrance to a school, for the 2025-26 school year. If a request is denied, parents may reapply the following school year before February 1st. To appeal a site level decision, parents can contact the Child Welfare and Attendance Office.
Lunch with a Loved One Date & Times:
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