Parent Newsletter
January 19, 2025
Parent Greetings!
Goal Setting
We’re halfway through winter and the school year, but we still have to focus on our academic goals. iReady Winter assessment letters will be mailed this week. Please take time to review this important information with your child to help support them to meet or exceed their academic goals this year.
Please review your child’s assignment notebook daily for unfinished class work and project assignments to be completed at home. Students have time throughout the day to complete unfinished class work in advisory, COOL, and the homework club (Tuesdays-Thursdays).
You can also attend the Taborn Morning Meet Ups or Taborn Takeaways to learn more about how you can support your child to be successful at Stratford.
We appreciate your support.
Go Stallions!
Ms. Taborn
Parent Town Hall
We're excited to announce we will be hosting our next Parent Town Hall session on Tuesday, February 11th, from 5:30-7:30 on Social Media Safety.
Parents who attend will be entered into a raffle to win a gift card from one of our local community businesses. The advisory class who has the most parent attendance will win donuts and the students will receive 20 Mega Stallion Medallions!
Please click the link for more information and to RSVP for this event. A light meal and childcare will be provided. We look forward to seeing you there.
8th Grade Parents
Cap and Gown Pictures
The 8th graders will be taking pictures in the cafeteria on Monday, January 27th. Please click the Graduation Pictures Flyer for very important information.
8th Grade T-Shirts
The T-Shirt fundraiser for the Class of 2025 is now live on Image Market. You can place your order today using the link below.
Planning Ahead
8th Grade parent donations and volunteers is needed for the EOY activities. Please reach out to Mrs. Thorsen at thorsen@ccsd93.com for more information and how you can support.
Attendance Matters
Tips for Building Positive Attendance Habits
In examining our student data from previous years, we consistently find that:
Students who miss 1 or 0 days of school per month throughout the school year are twice as likely to meet grade level expectations in reading and math than those who miss 2+ days of school per month.
Students who arrive on time to school also generally outperform those who are frequently tardy.
Without question, on-time attendance truly matters to student success. Knowing this, our goal is to help students and their families to build positive attendance habits this school year, and school administrators will be making an extra effort to monitor attendance more closely than ever. Please review this info sheet for some great tips to ensure your child is consistently in attendance and on time this school year.
Middle School Attendance Habits - English
Middle School Attendance Habits - Spanish
CCSD93 News
Attend CCSD93 Preschool Registration on 1/23
If you have a child who will be age 3 or 4 by September 1, 2025 and are in need of a preschool next year, look no further than CCSD93's award-winning Early Childhood Center (ECC)!
You’re invited to attend Preschool Registration for the 2025-26 school year at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, January 23, 2025 at the ECC 280 Old Gary Ave. in Bloomingdale. Space fills up quickly, and attending Preschool Registration for your best chance at a spot. Be sure to bring a valid photo ID and your child's original birth certificate. For more information, visit www.ccsd93.com/preschool. Preschool Registration is a parents-only event.
Preschool Registration Flyer-English
Asista a la inscripción preescolar de CCSD93 23/1
Si tiene un hijo que cumplirá 3 o 4 años para el 1 de septiembre de 2025 y necesita un preescolar el próximo año, ¡no busque más que el galardonado Centro de Primera Infancia (ECC) del CCSD93!
Estás invitado a asistir a la Inscripción Preescolar para el año escolar 2025-26 a las 5:30 p.m. el jueves 23 de enero de 2025 en ECC 280 Old Gary Ave. en Bloomingdale. El espacio se llena rápidamente y asistir a la inscripción preescolar es tu mejor oportunidad de conseguir un lugar. Asegúrese de traer una identificación con fotografía válida y el certificado de nacimiento original de su hijo. Para obtener más información, visite www.ccsd93.com/preescolar. La inscripción para preescolar es un evento exclusivo para padres.
Be Seen & Heard
Be Seen & Heard Presentation
Reminder: Our school will host the Be Seen and Heard© child sexual abuse prevention program on January 22, 2025-January 24, 2025. This age-appropriate program teaches students about safe vs. unsafe touch, safe vs. unsafe secrets, and the importance of speaking to trusted adults. It meets Erin’s Law, a state mandate adopted in Illinois and 37 other states to help combat child sexual abuse.
In December, all parents were invited to attend a virtual parent meeting to learn more about the program, which explained how this difficult topic will be appropriately addressed across grade levels. All students will participate unless parents complete this digital opt-out form by the evening before the program. If you’ve already submitted the form, no further action is needed.
Learn more about Be Seen and Heard© at http://www.victorpacini.com/peace-of-mind/.
Programa Be Seen & Heard Presentación
Recordatorio: Nuestra escuela organizará el programa de prevención de abuso sexual infantil Be Seen and Heard© el January 22, 2025-January 24, 2025. Este programa apropiado para la edad enseña a los estudiantes sobre el contacto físico seguro versus el inseguro, los secretos seguros versus los inseguros y la importancia de hablar con adultos de confianza. Cumple con la Ley Erin, un mandato estatal adoptado en Illinois y otros 37 estados para ayudar a combatir el abuso sexual infantil.
En diciembre, se invitó a todos los padres a asistir a una reunión virtual de padres para obtener más información sobre el programa, que explicó cómo se abordará adecuadamente este difícil tema en todos los niveles de grado. Todos los estudiantes participarán a menos que los padres completen este formulario de exclusión voluntaria la noche anterior al programa. Si ya envió el formulario, no es necesario realizar ninguna otra acción.
Obtenga más información sobre Ser visto y escuchado© en http://www.victorpacini.com/peace-of-mind/.
Students Dressed for the Weather
It’s wintertime and students should be dressed for the weather at school. We encourage you to check the forecast daily before leaving home and wear warm jackets/coats, hats, gloves, and scarves.
We need our students at school every day feeling well and ready to learn.
*Students enter the building through their grade level door at 7:50 am.
Please join us! Our next meeting is Monday, January 27th at 6:30 pm.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 876 5841 5933
Passcode: 624716
January Reset
Please help us with the academic success of your child by making sure they have all the necessary items like pencils, pens, notebooks, folders, and charged devices to ensure they can participate fully in their studies without interruption due to missing materials.
Key points about students being prepared with school supplies:
Academic success:
Having the proper supplies allows students to actively engage in learning activities without having to borrow from others, potentially impacting their academic performance positively.Organization:
A well-stocked backpack with organized supplies helps students stay focused and manage their time efficiently.Classroom readiness:
Being prepared with supplies shows responsibility and allows students to start class promptly without distractions.
We appreciate your support.
ACCESS Testing
Illinois requires that all students who have been identified as English Learners take the state’s English language proficiency test each year.
EL students participate in the state-mandated Assessment for English Language Acquisition (ACCESS) test annually. This test measures the student's ability to communicate in English for academic and social purposes within the school setting. Students are tested on their reading, writing, speaking and listening proficiencies. Families and staff members receive a yearly report on the student’s overall score for each language domain.
Please review the attached ACCESS letter for more information.
Taborn Morning Meet Up - Taborn Takeaways
Thank you for attending last week's Morning Meet Up and Takeaways. Our next meeting will be Tuesday, February 4th at the following times:
Taborn Morning Meet Up: 8:30 am - 9:15 am
Taborn Takeaway: 4:00 pm - 4:45 pm
I look forward to meeting with you.
Parents' Corner
Planning Ahead: January
Monday 1.20.25
MLK Jr. Holiday - No Attendance
Wednesday 1.22.25
Be Seen & Heard Presentation
Thursday 1.23.25
Be Seen & Heard Presentation
BVB Tryouts 3:30
Friday 1.24.25
Be Seen & Heard Presentation
BVB Tryouts 3:30