Setting up Wordpress
A how to guide
Using Wordpress
This will give you a step by step guide to setting up your Wordpress account and how to set up your first post.
Go to
First you need to select Get Started
Your details
Then add in your blog name and login details.
Get started
From here you can login and go to My Blog and get started.
Your blog
Select your blog from the list. This is also where you can start a new blog
Your Blog
this is what your blog will look like to the world. We need to add in pages and posts. You can change themes etc too.
The dashboard
On the left there is access to the dashboard. Here you can modify all sections of your blog.
Adding pages
Pages give different sections to your blog. We will be adding in a page for each section of the course.
This is the section you can use to change what your blog looks like.
Adding pages
Simply click on all pages and you can see the pages you have created. Click on add to make a new one.
Using wordpress
Using Wordpress
Wordpress is a great tool to document the learning you are doing, give it an audience to show off your work and to use as a revision tool to help revise what you did. Keep it up to date to show what you have achieved.