LaLiberte Weekly Update
November 22, 2024
Dear Families:
Mark your calendars:
ALL Children pre-K through Grade 8
Where children can shop for family gifts for free!
Saturday December 14, 2024 9am-3pm
BR High School Cafeteria
● Note: This is NOT a drop off event. All children must be
accompanied by a parent/guardian.
● Coffee/Hot Chocolate provided for parents/guardians by
BRidging L.I.V.E.S!
● FREE ICECREAM for kids by Sweet 16 Ice Cream of Raynham!
Please help!
We are looking for gently used items that can be re-gifted! Games,
toys, kitchen items, knick knacks, sports items and more!
Our gracious office staff will accept donations at the high school
between the hours of 7:45 AM and 1:45 PM now through December
13th. Thank you to everyone for your continued support!
Gr. 3 Gets a Visit from the Whalemobile!! Thank you LPO!!
Update from LPO
Next Meeting: Wednesday December 11th @ 6:30 PM in the library! Come hear important updates and see what we have planned for the school year. Babysitting available.
Stock the Lounge: Please be on the lookout for a signup genius to help contribute to stock the teachers lounge for the holidays. We plan to collect donations December 2nd-6th and stock the lounge on December 9th. Thank you in advance for all donations!
Holiday Pajama Party: We are trying something new this year and are planning on a pajama party with holiday festivities. Each grade will come on their assigned days and enjoy crafts, games, music and holiday movies! Be on the lookout for the signup genius as we will need lots of parent volunteers ! Grade 3 will come Tuesday December 17th, Grade 4 Wednesday December 18th and Grade 2 Thursday December 19th.
Online Spirit Wear: Get all the Laliberte attire you may need all year long thru Spirit Wear. Holiday sale with 25% off now thru Dec. 10th !!
🗓 Coming Up!
Nov. 26- RaynWater STEAM Inventor's Club
Nov. 27- Early Release 12:05. Lunch will be served
Nov. 28 & 29- Thanksgiving Break
Dec. 4- RaynWater STEAM Early Release STEM club
Dec. 4- Early Release 12:05. Lunch will be served
Dec. 11- LPO meeting 6:30
💡 Reminders
2025 LaLiberte MCAS Schedule
- Grade 3 ELA April 7 and 8
- Grade 3 Math May 12 and 13
- Grade 4 ELA April 10 and 11
- Grade 4 Math May 14 and 15