The Eagle Express
May 3, 2024
Important Dates
Sat., May 4 & Sun,. May 5 - First Communion at St. Eugene
Sun., May 5 - Registration Fees withdraw in FACTS
Sun., May 5 - Youth Group (RSVP)
***May 5-11 - Teacher Appreciation Week***
Tues., May 7 - PTO General Meeting - 6pm
Tues., May 7 - Fine Arts Night - 6:30pm
Thurs., May 9 - School Mass - 8:15am
Fri., May 10 - $5 Free Dress Friday
Fri., May 10 - ALL Library Books Due
Tues., May 14 - Happy birthday, Mrs. Hamilton!
Tues., May 14 - MS Project Day
Wed., May 15 - FACTS Fin. Aid App. Due
Thurs., May 16 - Muffins with Mom
Thurs., May 16 - School Mass - 8:15am
Fri. May 17 - Happy birthday, Mrs. Whitmire!
Fri. May 17 - 8th Grade Graduation Mass
Check out the calendar on the school webpage for more
A Note from Mrs. Goldsworthy
Hello St. Eugene families,
For Monday morning: Please make sure you have turned in your PCTC award letter as I requested in my email last week so Mrs. Metz can make necessary tuition adjustments in FACTs. That letter should list the “Approved Amount,” “Installment Amount” and “Remaining Amount” if your award is for Spring 2024 and Fall 2024 at CSSE. Mrs. Metz deserves so much appreciation for the next-level job she has done as Tuition Director. Her workload has grown exponentially since the implementation of the PCTC, and she has taken on all the extra duties with grace. Thank you, Mrs. Metz!
At CSSE, our goal is to create balanced and successful communities of learners. Our classroom teachers and administration carefully work as a team to prepare class lists for the next school year using certain criteria. A well-balanced class allows the students and teachers to perform at their best. While most students can be successful in any classroom, parents wishing to provide additional input for next year regarding their current PreK-5th student may fill out the linked information form and return it to the office by May 23, 2024 through the mail, or email to principal@steugeneschool.org with subject “Placement Input.” Please note that specific teacher requests are not accepted. This is NOT required for all students.
Next Thursday we will celebrate ALL May birthdays after mass. The following week will be June birthdays, then July birthdays at our final school mass for the school year.
We are looking forward to finishing strong this school year. Please visit with your child each day about how they can be the best version of themselves each and every day to finish the school year!
Faith Forward,
Mrs. Goldsworthy
Teacher Appreciation Week!
The staff at St. Eugene are one in a million! Help us show our appreciation for all the ways they care for our kids during Teacher Appreciation Week, May 6-10. See the graphic below for some suggestions on how to celebrate! View teacher wish lists and favorites at www.steugeneschool.org/wishlists
Fr. Jim Service Challenge
Last week at school mass, Fr. Jim gave the 4th grade class $50 to perform one more service learning project before the end of the school year. The class voted, and will be collecting monetary donations and gently used sports equipment donations for Cleats for Kids. Please drop off all donations to the 4th grade classrooms by Monday, May 6th.
Fine Arts Night Next Week!
Please mark your calendar for Fine Arts Night next Tuesday! We have a great lineup of performances, and we can’t wait to see and taste all the yummy cupcakes! Fine Arts Night will be in Ross Hall following the PTO General Meeting. PTO Meeting begins at 6pm.
Look for Lost Library Books!
All school library books are due on Friday, May 10. Please make sure all fines for overdues and lost books are turned in this coming week. After May 13th, fines and fees will be billed through FACTS. If you have any questions, contact Mrs. Hattaway. Students are welcome to come check the shelves if they think they turned in a book that has been marked as overdue/lost.
There have been a lot of emails bounced back regarding late books. Please make sure to add media@steugeneschool.org to your list of email contacts.
Clear the Lost & Found
Our Lost and Found is full again. Missing an item? Please have your student check the rack by the gym by Tuesday of next week. After the PTO meeting/Fine Arts Night, everything left in Lost & Found will be cleared, washed, and donated.
PTO News
PTO General Meeting PTO will hold a general meeting Tuesday, May 7th at 6pm in Ross Hall. Come meet your officers, and find out what PTO has to offer. Stay for Fine Arts Night afterward (should start around 6:30pm)
Become a PTO Officer! -Every parent and teacher is a part of PTO -- working together to supplement and enrich the educational experience of all of our students.
PTO supports our school in so many ways, including…
- Supporting school needs through fundraising
- Sponsoring and organizing community events (Eagle Run, Trunk or Treat, etc)
- Welcoming new families & serving as ambassadors for our school
- Supporting teachers by helping with class projects and celebrations
- Providing teacher “perks” such as birthday treats and celebration lunches
- Running the FREE Uniform Exchange
- Providing official spirit wear options for purchase
Consider volunteering a PTO officer for the 2024-25 school year to help ensure their good work continues! Email Emelia at PTO@steugeneschool.org.
Seeking Track Coordinator!
Our CSSE Athletics Commission is seeking a volunteer to serve as Track Coordinator next school year. Track Coordinator will help prepare students for the CGSAA Track Meet. For more information, contact athletics@steugeneschool.org.
Eagle Excellence!
Mrs. Hattaway celebrated National School Library month in April with some fun activities for library students. Students were invited to enter a bookmark design contest, and she had ~70 creative submissions! Students voted, and the top 8 bookmarks that were printed and shared in the library were designed by: Emily Birmingham, Samuel Goldsworthy, Ellison Thompson, Legima Nukuna, Annabell Meiseman, Madeline Birmingham, Azariah Wilson, & Stella VonTungeln.
Congrats to the students who scored a Book Bingo by reading at least 4 books (plus FREE space) and making a bingo on their Book Bingo card this past month! Bingos scored by Louis LeFevre, Annabell Meiseman, Maren Knecht, Hsiu-Hsiu Hu, Evan Varghese, Annelise Boyle, Maddie de Keratry, Aliza Meiseman, & Lola Bandele.
Have some good news to share about a student, alumni, or school family? We want to celebrate all your proud moments with you! Share your Eagle Excellence for inclusion in the EE!
Youth Group
Let’s TACO ‘bout Prayer! Come for the T.A.C.O.S (S)...
T- Thanksgiving
A- Adoration
C- Confession
O- Others
S- Self
(S) - Silence…and stay for tacos! May 5th from 6:15-8pm in the parish meeting rooms. Our special guest will be Mr. Lyle Henry from the St. Eugene Knights of Columbus. RSVP for the 5th.
Save the Date for Hike & Mass! Due to weather, we rescheduled our much anticipated hike to the end of the school year and a great way to start the summer-- Saturday, May 25th! Please sign up to attend!
Upcoming Activities
3rd-5th Summer Art Camp
Open to incoming 3rd-5th graders. Fill out the 3rd-5th Art Camp form and turn in your fee by Saturday, June 1st to reserve your space for the week of June 3rd, while availability lasts. Cash or check written out to Kara Whitmire with memo "Art Club- [student name]" can be dropped off in the school office or you can Venmo Ms. Whitmire directly @Kara-Lane-20. Summer Camp fee is $250.
MS Artists' Workshop
The Artist’s Workshop is open to incoming 6th-8th graders + 2024 Alumni. Fill out the Artist’s Workshop form and turn in your fee by Saturday, June 1st to reserve your space for the week of June 10th, while availability lasts. Cash or check written out to Kara Whitmire with memo "Art Club- [student name]" can be dropped off in the school office or you can Venmo Ms. Whitmire directly @Kara-Lane-20. Summer Artist's Workshop fee is $250.
2024 Eagle Basketball Camp
Lets Build a Better Team! - Sign up your students for basketball skills camp at St. Eugene this summer! Click the flier for more information. Sign up is open now!
Summer Music Camps
If your child is interested in learning to play an instrument, check out some options for summer music camp. Mr. Soltani was our Violin Enrichment Cluster instructor, and has continued teaching violin at St. Eugene for several students.
Parish News
Sunday Breakfast Ministry - Sign up to help out with our Sunday Breakfast ministry!
Subscribe to the church newsletter, the St. Eugene E-Pistle. Read notes from our priests, find out what events are going on in the church and diocese, and more!
Please Pray For...
Please pray for the healing of the grandmother of Hannah and Rebecca Pianalto. She was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. | Please pray for the healing of Jake Stone, former school parent, as he battles cancer. | Please pray for Carl Greuel, grandfather of Teddy Hattaway, who is in need of prayers for healing.
If you would like to include something in the Prayer requests, please contact Kim Hattaway at media@steugeneschool.org.
Around the Arch
Irish Softball Camp
Irish Softball Camp is scheduled for May 29-31 from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m.
Participants will receive a t-shirt and a water bottle sticker.
Softball Camp is open to grades K thru 8, and is $95 per registrant.
If you have any questions, please contact Maureen LeBlanc, Head Coach.
Rocket Summer Camps
MSM athletic summer camps are open for registration!
Click the link below to learn more about MSM summer camps and register today!
Camp Rocket for K-8th
Quick Links
The Catholic School of St. Eugene
Email: media@steugeneschool.org
Website: www.steugeneschool.org
Location: 2400 West Hefner Road, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 72120
Phone: 4057510067
Facebook: facebook.com/csseokc