The Odyssey
June 7, 2024
From the Principal
Hello MQSCA Families-
Congratulations to the Mary Queen of Saints Catholic Academy Class of 2024! Last night, on Thursday, June 6th, we celebrated the graduation of another class of 8th-grade students. Once again, the majority of our 8th-grade students are moving on to Catholic or private high schools. Marquette University High School, Pius, Catholic Memorial, and St. Thomas More will be welcoming our graduates this fall. We wish them all the best in their future endeavors.
As teachers, this is a bittersweet moment for us. While we are excited for our students as they finish the school year, we also feel the sadness of saying goodbye to the relationships we have built. I would like to take this moment to express our gratitude to two teachers who will not be returning to our MQSCA family in the fall. Mr. McNerney will be returning home to Virginia to teach in the same school as his mom, which is pretty cool! MQSCA will miss his compassion for our students and the energy he brought to the after-school camp program. Mrs. Bojarski will also be pursuing her focus area and passion by taking a position with the Archdiocese. We thank her for her service to MQSCA and for the joyful attitude she brought to our staff and the classroom. She always brought joy to both the 4th and 5th-grade students and was always willing to lend a hand wherever needed.
This will be the last weekly Odyssey until August. The Odyssey will be published every other or every third Friday over the summer. Below are the summer hours for the office.
Thank you to all of our students, teachers, and MQSCA families for a wonderful year!
In Christ-
Mr. Lee
End of School Year Important Info!
Here is a list of the end of year events at MQSCA!
No before and afterschool camp Monday June 10th and Tuesday June 11th.
6/10 MAP Celebration Bounce House
6/11 Last day of School 10:30 Dismissal
Camp Announcement:
The last day of before and afterschool camp is on June 7th. There will be no before and afterschool camp on June 10th and June 11th.
Summer Office Hours
Summer office hours will begin June 12th. Summer hours will be limited to 8:00am - 12:00pm. If you need assistance outside of those hours you may contact: 414-269-3745 or
Upcoming office closures: 6/13, 6/14, 6/17, 6/18, 6/19, 6/20, 6/21
For the most up to date office hours please refer to this calendar: Live Google Calendar
Fall Sports Sign Ups
We need your son or daughter! Please sign up for a fall sport, we want to have our own MQSCA teams!
MQSCA will be offering two sports for the fall season. Soccer is for students in grades K5-8, while Volleyball is for students in grades 5-8. It's important to sign up your children now, as practices begin before the school year starts, and we cannot add players after the first day of school.
Fall Volleyball Sign Up (5th-8th only)
2024-2025 School Calendar
Click here to view the 2024-2025 school calendar. We will begin adding the school's functions to the school's Google calendar. All parents and guardians are encouraged to add the MQSCA Google calendar to your calendars!
MQS Burger Special
Crafty Cow has extended the MQS Burger Special until Sunday, June 10th! This gives MQS two extra weeks to earn money towards a basketball hoop. All the proceeds from this burger will go towards buying a new basketball hoop for MQS. The MQS Burger Special is a double smash burger patty that is topped with American cheese, tomato, mac & cheese, and Taki dust. Get yours now before they are no longer available!
Summer Storytime in the Garden
We are so excited to announce that we will be hosting Storytime in the Garden this summer in our church garden area. Books will be geared towards children ages 2-5, parents must be present for the entirety of the time. For details, dates, and times, check out this link: Storytime in the Garden
Milwaukee Robotics Academy
All students entering 8th-12th grade for the 2024-2025 school year is invited to join the Milwaukee Robotics Academy. Please click here or the flyer for more information! See their Facebook page here.
Lost & Found Clean Out - June 11th
Missing anything?
Make sure you check out the lost & found by June 11th - anything left after this date will be thrown out.
Spirit Stick Award for the Week of May 27th!
Mr. Nazarian and the 3rd grade class!
Spirit Phoenix for the Week of May 27th
Mrs. Springer and the K5!
Spirit Stick for the Week of May 20th!
Mrs. Guerrero and the 7th and 8th Grade!
Spirit Phoenix for the Week of May 20th
Mrs. Schilling and the 1st Grade!
Help MQSCA get known! Like our page on Facebook!
Want to help spread the word of our school? Take these four easy steps:
1. Like our Facebook page.
2. Share our postings.
3. Write a positive review of why our school is great.
4. Continue liking and sharing our posts in the future.
These simply actions help our school more than you know!
June Menus
Please click on the links provided to see the Breakfast and Lunch menus for the month of June.
6/4/24 7th Grade Leads Mass-->Candle Passing Ceremony
6/6/24 8th Grade Graduation 6:00 pm
6/7/24 Field Day/Last Day of Before and After School Camp
6/11/24 Last Day of School 10:30 Dismissal
6/21-6/23 MPH Parish Festival (106th St)
6/25/24 Storytime in the Garden
7/9/24 Storytime in the Garden
7/16/24 Storytime in the Garden
7/17/24 Summer Pic-Nick
7/23/24 Storytime in the Garden
7/30/24 Storytime in the Garden
8/3/24 Storytime in the Garden
8/16-8/18 West Allis Catholic Parish Festival (St. Rita's)
8/20/24 Back to School Night
8/26/24 First Day of School!
MQSCA Mission Statement:
We, the Christian Community of Mary Queen of Saints Catholic Academy, in collaboration with the Catholic parishes of West Allis and West Milwaukee, are called to integrate the Teachings of Jesus Christ into the spiritual, academic, and social development of each individual