The Current
2024-2025 Q1 Newsletter Camdenton R-III School District

Welcome Back, Lakers!
Homecoming 2024
Homecoming Royalty Lane and Archibald
Seniors Kole Lane and Brooke Archibald were crowned Homecoming King and Queen on Friday, October 11th, at Bob Shore Stadium during half-time of the varsity football game. The Camdenton Laker Football team took on the Hickman Kewpies and secured a Homecoming victory with a final score of 38-21.
Board of Education
Not pictured: Student Advisors- Lexi Keeth and Meagan Thompson
Enrollment by Building
Tax Rates by District
Waynesville R-VI $2.95
Camdenton R-III $3.06 *
Richland R-IV $3.0907
School of the Osage $3.449
Laclede County C-5 $3.30
Stoutland R-II $3.53
Eldon R-I $3.727
Macks Creek R-V $3.85
Lebanon R-III $4.49
* Maximum Levy Authorized for Operations $2.75 + $.31 Tax Required for Debt Retirement
* State average tax rate for Missouri public schools for the 2023 tax year is $4.0967 per $100 assessed valuation (of those reporting to DESE as of 10/05/23).
District Financial Data
2024-2025 Budget as originally adopted:
2023 Assessed Valuation: $1,339,801,563
2024 Adjusted Tax Rate:
Incidental $1.37
Teachers $1.18
Debt Service $0.31
Capital Projects $0.20
Total $3.06
2024-2025 Revenue Sources:
Local 78.0124%
County 1.8929%
State 12.8592%
Federal 7.0598%
Other 0.1757%
New Educators
Welcome, New Educators 2024-2025!
Sherry Basler
Hali Claiborn
Dogwood Elementary- First Grade Teacher
Karen Den Hartog
Dogwood Elementary- Kindergarten Teacher
Mary Foster
Whitney Hawk
Christie Horning
Megan Morgan
Alexandria Stamper
Amy Walls
Karmen Zabala
Carol Ivkovich Flint
Hawthorn Elementary- Music Teacher
Madison Hatfield
Keelie Minor Rothove
Madison Stark
Jamie Hedrick
Brittany Scurlock
Michelle Stephens
Tammi Hoecker
Felicia Powell
Peggy Aubuchon
Gregory Crosby
Diane Steingrubey
Justin Allen
Desiree Carrillo
Haile Farris
Lynette Franklin
Caden Kirksey
Jennifer McCray
Paige Pemberton
Cade Rear
Robert Sangster
Tina Phillips
Hallie Thompson
Kristopher Paschel
Megan Spradling
Kala Chambers Doyle
Lake Career and Technical Center- Language Arts
Camdenton R-III School District Education Foundation, Inc.
“Steering the Course for the Future”
Welcome back, Lakers! The Foundation hopes you have a very successful school year! The Education Foundation is pleased to announce that three educator scholarships for advanced degrees were awarded at the school’s back-to-school faculty assembly on August 19. Foundation member Brett Eidson awarded the scholarships of $600.00 each to Susan Dennison, a special education teacher at Hawthorn Elementary, Lisset Holt, a Spanish teacher at Camdenton High School, and Stephanie Baldwin, a social studies teacher at Camdenton High School. Susan is pursuing a Master's Degree with an emphasis in Special Education. Lisset is seeking a Graduate Certificate in Spanish and Stephanie plans to receive a Specialist's Degree with an emphasis in Educational Leadership. The Foundation Board is proud to assist these teachers in fulfilling their advanced degrees.
Save the date! The Foundation is excited to announce that the major fundraiser for CEF, the Elegant Evening, will be held on April 25, 2025. As in previous years, students’ artistic talents will be showcased as well as the celebration of Hall of Leaders recipients.
If you would like to support Camdenton students or faculty, please consider donating to the Camdenton R-III School District Education Foundation. You may donate online or by check to the Camdenton Education Foundation, P.O. Box 1409, Camdenton, MO 65020. The Education Foundation is a 501 (c) 3 charitable organization.
The Camdenton R-III School District Education Foundation’s mission is to generate and manage resources to enhance learning opportunities for students and staff in our school district.
Stephanie Baldwin
Susan Dennison
Lisset Holt
Education Foundation Scholarship Recipient
Donation Direct
Scan this code to donate to the Camdenton R-III School District Education Foundation. Your support is greatly appreciated!
Veterans Day Ceremony
Veterans Day Ceremony
Breakfast for Veterans: 8:30 AM
Procession: 9:30-9:45 AM
Ceremony: 9:45 AM
JROTC will escort Veterans into the main gym by their service flag.
This event is open to all Veterans, and we hope that all area Veterans will join us for this special event!
Friday, Nov 8, 2024, 08:30 AM
Camdenton High School, Laker Pride Rd, Camdenton, MO, USA
Camdenton Pride of the Lake Marching Band
2024 Marching Season
Starting mid-summer and lasting through late fall, the band prepares for its competitive marching season. With approximately 150 students, this program is making a huge impact in the lives of youth; Director of Bands Dominic Zanaboni often states that he is "not just in the business of teaching music but in the business of making good humans."
The Camdenton Band provides opportunities that promote and develop musical skills, life skills, and personal enrichment through education. The band encourages teamwork, the importance of group over self, civic pride, and self-reliance through self-accountability. Students learn the importance of contributing their personal best to achieve a unified group goal. Band gives students a sense of community involving students at all levels of interest and ability.
The 2023 season resulted in many awards including the following:
- 1st Place Prelims, 1st Place Finals - Sullivan Marching Festival
- 1st in Class AA Prelims, 5th Place Finals- Bands of America Iowa Regional
- 2nd Place Class AA Prelims, 6th Place Finals- Bentonville Marching Invitational
- 2nd Place Class 5 Prelims, 1st Place Finals- Ft. Zumwalt North River City Showcase
- 20th Place Prelims (out of 66 bands) - Bands of America Super Regional
Previous awards:
- 2021 Bands of America Iowa Regional Champions
- 2018 Bands of America Grand Nationals SEMI-FINALIST
Watch the band compete in the 2024 marching season and follow them on social media @camdenton _band (Instagram), Camdenton Bands (Facebook), and camdentonbands.org!
2024 Schedule:
09/13, 09/20, 10/11, 10/18, 10/25- TBD- Bob Shore Stadium
09/29- Marching Festival, Ozark, MO- 1st Place Prelims, 3rd Place Finals
10/05- Marching Festival, Columbia, MO- 1st Place Prelims, 1st Place Finals
10/26- Bands of America Super Regionals, St. Louis, MO
11/14 - 11/16- Bands of America Grand Nationals, Indianapolis, IN
Laker Theatre Company Fall Musical
Between The Lines
Camdenton High School's Laker Theatre Company presents Between the Lines, an empowering and enchanting new musical based on a novel by international best-selling author Jodi Picoult and Samantha van Leer. This musical is for anyone who has sought their place in the world. An outsider in a new town and a new school, Delilah seeks comfort in the pages of her favorite book, where she feels heard and understood by the handsome Prince Oliver. But as the lines between fantasy and reality begin to blur in both extraordinary and astonishing ways, Delilah discovers how to find her place in the real world while keeping her dreams alive. Don't miss this incredible, family-friendly show!
Performances will take place on the following dates:
- November 22nd at 7 pm (silent auction and reception to follow)
- November 23rd at 2 pm and 7 pm (food trucks in the CHS parking lot between performances)
Tickets now on sale at https://camdentonhs.seatyourself.biz
Contact Tabitha Myers with questions at tmyers@camdentonschools.org.
Faculty Members Earn Advanced Degrees
Kyla Brown
Marilyn Collier-Brannin
Amy Fraze
Emma Hantelman
Master's Degree- Camdenton High School
Katelyn Harmon
Master's Degree- Camdenton High School
Michael Hemphill
Master's Degree- Camdenton High School
Kari Kemp
Master's Degree- Osage Beach Elementary
Angela Koons
Master's Degree- Camdenton High School
Stacy Lear
Master's Degree- Dogwood Elementary
Chelsea McDaniel
Master's Degree- Osage Beach Elementary
Brittany Miller
Master's Degree- Camdenton High School
Daria Scheuerman
Master's Degree- Dogwood Elementary
Dominic Zanaboni
Master's Degree- Camdenton High School
Stacy Asante
Specialist's Degree- Oak Ridge Intermediate
Tyler Dinsdale
Specialist's Degree- Camdenton Middle School
Whitney Dinsdale
Specialist's Degree- Hawthorn Elementary
Amanda Edgar
Specialist's Degree- Oak Ridge Intermediate
Jamin English
Specialist's Degree- Camdenton Middle School
Monica Gross
Specialist's Degree- Oak Ridge Intermediate
Allison Hoffner
Specialist's Degree- Camdenton High School
Andrew Nolting
Specialist's Degree- Camdenton Middle School
Austin Walker
Specialist's Degree- Camdenton High School
Lindsey Wyatt
Specialist's Degree- Camdenton Middle School
Parents as Teachers Preschool Screenings
District Fitness Classes
2024-2025 School Calendar
Aug. 6-8 New Teacher Academy
Aug. 12-19 Teacher Work Days
Aug. 14 Meet the Teacher Night – Gr. 5-12 Oak Ridge, Horizons, HS, MS, LCTC
Aug. 15 Meet the Teacher Night – Gr. K-4 OBE, HD, Dogwood, Hawthorn
Aug. 20 1st Day of School
Aug. 30-Sept. 2 Labor Day Weekend – No School
Sept. 23 PLC Day, No Students
Oct. 11 Homecoming
Oct. 17 Last Day of 1st Quarter (40 days)
Oct. 21 PLC Day- No Students
Oct. 21 Parent/Teacher Conf. ORI, MS, HS, LCTC (4:00-7:00 p.m.)
Oct. 22 Parent/Teacher Conf. DE, HAW, HDE, OBE (4:00-7:00 p.m.)
Oct. 24 Early Release for Students, 1:00 p.m.
Oct. 24 Parent/Teacher Conf., All (4:00-7:00 p.m.)
Nov. 1 Comp Day for Parent/Teacher Conf.- No Students or Teachers
Nov. 11 PLC Day- No Students
Nov. 25-29 Thanksgiving Vacation
Dec. 20 Christmas Vacation Begins at 1:00 p.m. Last Day of 2nd Quarter (38 days)
Dec. 23-Jan. 3 Winter Break
Jan. 6 PLC Day- No Students
Jan. 7 School Resumes
Jan. 20 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day – No School
Feb. 10 PLC Day- No Students
Feb. 17 Presidents’ Day – No School
Mar. 10-14 Spring Break
Mar. 20 Last Day of 3rd Quarter (45 days)
Mar. 24 PLC Day- No Students
Apr. 17 PLC Day- No Students
Apr. 18-21 Easter Break
May 15 Graduation
May 22 School Term Ends, Early Dismissal for Students 1:00 p.m.
Last Day of 4th Quarter (41 days)
May 23 PLC Day- No Students
May 26 Memorial Day
164 Student School Days
179 Teacher Contract Days
No AMI days are needed for inclement weather. AMI days may be
used for other school closures at the school board's discretion.
Half Days are 4.4 Hours
Full Days are 6.8 Hours