Parent Newsletter
February 2, 2025
Parent Greetings
Goal Setting III
Your child’s teachers have been reviewing data with your student and have completed the iReady Data Chat Worksheet with them. Students have been given a copy of this and are encouraged to review this information with their parents.
Please take a moment to review this information with your child and ask the following questions:
What is your Number?
Ask the Questions on the Data Worksheet
What is Know Your Number?
This number is considered the baseline data from the fall iReady assessment and is used to establish growth measures for your child in reading and math. You can review this information from the iReady results sent home last two weeks ago with your child.
This worksheet is completed after each iReady assessment. Please take a moment to review the growth data, discuss the questions with your child and how you can support your child at home.
Daily routines to begin with your child:
Check your child’s assignment notebook daily for unfinished class work that should be completed at home and submitted
Check Google classroom daily for each each of your child’s classes so you will know what your child is expected to learn and complete
Check Teacherease weekly for grade updates or for late and/or missing assignments in each class
Reach out to your child’s teacher often for support
Attend Taborn Morning Meet Up or Taborn Takeaways monthly meetings to learn more about how you can support your child at home
Goal setting tips have been linked in the Parents’ Corner below. Your support at home is critical to your child’s academic success.
We appreciate your support.
Go Stallions!
Ms. Taborn
Parent Town Hall
Parent Town Hall: Social Media Safety
Dear Parents/Guardians,
We are excited to invite you to Part 2 of our Social Media Safety Parent Town Hall Series on Tuesday, February 11th! Last year we had a social media safety presentation that introduced you to various social media apps, features and safety protocols. This year, we are going to have a deeper look and dive into how you can go into specific apps such as TikTok, Snapchat and Instagram to monitor time spent as well as how to adjust settings and features to ensure your child is safe while using them. The presenter will bring iPads for all participants to use.
You are able to bring your own cell phone, iPad or computer, if the apps are already downloaded and accounts are created so we are all starting from the same place.
Please RSVP by clicking the link below!
Gift card raffle for parents!
Your child will receive 20 Medallions from you attending!
Your child will be entered into a competition to win donuts for their Advisory class!
Sandwich wraps and light refreshments will be provided.
Free child care!
LINK→ Registration Link
8th Grade Parents
8th Grade Cap and Gown Pictures Retakes
In the next few weeks, please look for an email from Color Portraits of your child’s cap and gown code. If you would like your child to retake their cap and gown picture, the cost is $10. Picture retakes will take place on Monday, February 24th. Please click the links below for more information.
8th Grade Picture Retakes Flyer
8th Grade T-Shirts
The T-Shirt fundraiser for the Class of 2025 is now live on Image Market. You can place your order today using the link below.
Planning Ahead
8th Grade parent donations and volunteers are needed for the EOY activities. Please reach out to Mrs. Thorsen at thorsen@ccsd93.com for more information and how you can support.
Chinese New Year
As the Chinese New Year comes to a close, it’s a perfect time to reflect on what the upcoming year holds. The holiday, China's biggest, this year falls between January 28 and February 4 and marks the arrival of the Year of the Snake. Lunar New Year, also known as Chinese New Year or Spring Festival, is a significant cultural celebration marking the start of the lunisolar calendar.
With roots tracing back some 3,500 years to ancient China, it signifies the end of winter and the arrival of a new year. The festival holds deep importance in Chinese culture and is observed with various traditions and festivities.
Attendance Matters: Tips for Building Positive Attendance Habits
In examining our student data from previous years, we consistently find that:
Students who miss 1 or 0 days of school per month throughout the school year are twice as likely to meet grade level expectations in reading and math than those who miss 2+ days of school per month.
Students who arrive on time to school also generally outperform those who are frequently tardy.
Without question, on-time attendance truly matters to student success. Knowing this, our goal is to help students and their families to build positive attendance habits this school year, and school administrators will be making an extra effort to monitor attendance more closely than ever. Please review this info sheet for some great tips to ensure your child is consistently in attendance and on time this school year.
Middle School Attendance Habits - English
Middle School Attendance Habits - Spanish
Parents' Corner
Spotlight on A. Phillip Randolph
In 1925, A. Philip Randolph established The Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters (BSCP), the first nationally recognized Black labor union in the United States.
Under Randolph's leadership, the BSCP expanded its mission to advocate for broader social and economic justice, paving the way for the modern Civil Rights Movement. Randolph went on to organize the famous March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in 1963.
Studying the Pullman Porters
"Freedom is never given. It is won."
-- A. Phillip Randolph
Pullman Porters Shift
Click for a BET series on the Pullman Porters
Pullman Porter Cap
Click to find all kinds of artifacts from the OG Pullman Porters.
Click to learn more about the A. Phillip Randolph stamp.
PTA Upcoming Fundraisers
Candy Grams
Beginning this week, our PTA will be selling Valentine’s Candy Grams for $1. Students can purchase a candy gram for a friend. There are two QR codes on the flyer. They can scan the 1st QR code to pay or pay in the office. The students will scan the 2nd QR code to complete the gram they want to send to their friend.
Candy Gram sales will end on Monday, February 10th and will be delivered on Friday, February 14th.
Community Fundraisers!
Get ready for our upcoming fundraiser that launches on Friday, February 14th! Stratford PTA’s Mane Event Fundraiser will be looking to raise $6,700 for all grade level activities.
Exciting prizes from our local community will be raffled off. A Year of Nothing Bundt Cakes, $100 Shake Shack gift card, dinners for two from Steak Burrito, Texas Roadhouse and Anyways Pub, McDonalds swag bag are some of the prizes to win. Students will also get Stallion Medallions too!
So look for the link in a few weeks. We appreciate your support!
Follow us:
Parent-Student Reminders
Cell Phones/Headphones/AirPods Reminder
Students are required to remove their airpods/headphones when they enter the building and place their cell phones in their locker before they enter their advisory class.
All students are required to have wired headphones in their classes for assignments. Please ensure your child has a pair of wired headphones to use with their iPad (6th/7th grade) and MacBook (8th grade). Wireless headphones cannot be used for class assignments.
Cell phones
Students are required to put their cell phones in their locker for the day before they enter their advisory class and it should be turned off.
Unless it’s for a medical reason, no student can have their phone on their person. If a student does not comply with that expectation, their parents will be contacted and their cell phone will be kept in the office each day.
Parent/Student Communication During the Day
If your child is not feeling well, they should not text you to be picked up for an early dismissal. Instead, the student must be seen by our school nurse. If it is necessary for your child to go home, the nurse will contact you. If you need to contact your child, please call the office. The secretary will deliver the message to your child’s teacher.
Thank you for your understanding and support.
Taborn Morning Meet Up/Taborn Takeaways
The purpose of the meeting is to build relationships with our parents and encourage support for our students and school wide initiatives for school improvement. Our next meeting will be Wednesday, February 12th at the following times:
Taborn Morning Meet Up: 8:30 am
Taborn Takeaways: 4:00 pm
Please review the February agenda and plan to meet at one of the following times. I look forward to meeting with you.
Planning Ahead: February
Tuesday 2.4.25
Taborn Morning Meet Up 8:30
Taborn Takeaways 4:00
Wednesday 2.5.25
Stratford Winter Band Concert 6:30