In the Middle
Scituate Middle School Weekly Update ~03/03/25
"Read Across America" Spirit Week
Spirit Week March 3-7, 2025
In celebration of Read Across America Week, each day next week we will celebrate a Dr. Seuss book. Please see the flyer for the theme of each day.
In addition, period 4 classes will participate in a door decorating contest. The theme is “Bring Your Favorite Book to Life!" Students are invited to show off their creativity and represent the world of literature in a fun and colorful way.
"A Night of Magic" Fundraiser
The Scituate Lions Club presents “A Night of Magic” starring world renowned Master Illusionist, Lyn Dillies. All proceeds of this fundraiser will benefit the family of the late Sgt. Jason Riquier, Scituate PD. The event will be held on Friday night, March 21, 2025 at 7:00 PM. Doors open at 6:30PM at the Scituate High School auditorium. Please visit http://www.Everbrite.com or scituatelionsri.org for a donation of $20 per ticket.
SMS Yearbook Information
Calling all 8th grade families!!
This year we are dedicating a few pages in the yearbook to our special 8th graders. We will be doing "a look back" at their younger years. Please send any photos (solo or group) from elementary school that you would like to see included in the yearbook to
Message from the Yearbook Advisor
Ms. Norton will be creating the middle school yearbook this year. If you have photos that you would like to see included in the yearbook, please email them to sms_yearbook@scituateschoolsri.net This includes photos from all of our SMS Athletic Teams.
Weekly Spotlight
Grade 7
Seventh grade math students spent time preparing for their rational numbers test using Prodigy, which is a video game where the students "battle" each other by solving equations.
Grade 8
Students gathered evidence to prove or refute the question, "Is all light the same?"
Spartan Shout-Outs
Spartan Athletics
SHS Football Informational Meeting
Monday, Mar 3, 2025, 02:30 PM
High School Cafeteria
SMS PTO Updates
Follow Us
Don't forget to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. All links are in our Linktree below
Starting on 3/3 through 3/9, order yourself a tie-dye shirt (or 2) for only $19.99! Spring sale will be starting soon, more info to follow.
SMS Dodgeball Tournement
- Sign up with this link or in the school office, $5 per player (6 players to a team)
- We need volunteers to ensure that the night runs smoothly, if you would like to help, sign up here:
- Teams consist of 6 players. If you have your team, make sure you add the team name to the Zeffy link or the sign up sheet in the office. If you do not have a team, you will be signed up as a FREE AGENT. Free agents will be added as one team or to teams that do not have 6 players.
- Cash only concessions will be available
- Spectators are welcome to cheer on the teams
Save the Date
The Spring Dance "Sneaker Ball" will be coming at the end of this month. Tickets will be available soon on zeffy and in the school office. More info to follow!
Teaching & Learning
Please see each content area for more information about the curriculum, resources, and Curriculum Overview documents per grade level. In Scituate, we strive to make educational decisions based on our students and their unique needs. All information is subject to revision and is meant to serve as guidelines for staff and families.
The Curriculum Overview documents are based on the recommended scope and sequence provided by vendors, departments, or teams. As teachers implement and progress monitor their students, some topics may take longer or shorter than what has been recommended. We use these Overview Documents to reflect on our practices, ensure that our students are exposed to the most important standards, and make instructional decisions when needed.
We pride ourselves on 21st-century learning experiences for all our students. We continue to strive for excellence in teaching, instructional strategies, and differentiated plans to reach all learners.
The school department utilizes learning walks as a means to gauge instructional models, set vision, and determine areas in need of collective improvement.
You may see SSD administrators and teachers in classrooms visiting; we have highlighted many areas of strength in our staff.
Professional learning is another way that our staff stay up-to-date with new requirements and mandates. Most importantly, we model lifelong learning by offering staff and administrators relevant and meaningful learning experiences that are tailored to their individual interests and align with our School Department goals and initiatives.
Learning is a process for continuous improvement. Not only does assessments give the student and families information regarding mastering content but also educators use this data to reflect on their instruction and plan accordingly. There are multiple modes of assessment used in Scituate Schools. See below on what tools are used at each level and the purpose of each form of assessment.
Parent Access to SmartPass
Several parents have reached out to inquire about access to SmartPass to monitor how much time their child is out of class. SmartPass offers a parent account. Please email me for your child's unique access code.
After School Activities
Late Bus & Parent Pick-up Information
Late buses are available Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Buses typically arrive around 3:45-4:00, depending on when the elementary runs are complete. Parents and guardians picking up their children should wait in the high school's main parking lot. Students will exit those doors and not the middle school doors; they would usually get picked up at normal dismissal time.
After-School Activities
- Detention
- Agriculture Club
- Detention
- Math Support
- TSA Club
- Detention
- ELA Support
- Linus Club
Nurse's Corner
School Support Center
Winter Wellness
As winter approaches, some of us may experience a change in our mood that happens as a response to the colder weather and shorter days. This may look like feeling sad or annoyed, having difficulty concentrating, or changes in appetite or sleeping patterns. The winter blues are more commonly known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
Southern Providence County Regional Coalition
Check out SPC's winter newsletter. SPC is a regional coalition that is federally funded organization that provides mental health promotion and substance use prevetnion.
Myths vs. Facts About Teen Depression
Teen depression is a topic often clouded by misconceptions. As parents, caregivers, and advocates, understanding the truth about this condition is crucial for supporting our teens. Let’s tackle some common myths and uncover the facts behind this important issue.
Mental Health and Wellness Solution for Family Engagement
ParentGuidance.Org (a project of The Cook Center for Human Connection) is a new resource for RI schools designed to foster a positive, proactive, and productive culture around Mental Health and Wellness by increasing parent/caregiver engagement. Their portfolio of supports include free and contracted services.
Free services include On-Demand Courses on a variety of topics (anxiety & depression, bullying, body image, technology, grief & loss, meditation & mindfulness, and more) and an Ask A Therapist feature; both from leading mental health experts designed to educate and empower parents/caregivers. Contracted services include Parent/Staff Coaching, Mental Health Family Seminar Series, and Professional Development.
Chartwells Information
The Scituate School Department has partnered with Unite Us to streamline the process of applying for free and/or reduced lunches.
Please click the link which will take you to the meal benefit application on the State of Rhode Island Department of Education website.
Please fill in all fields. Be sure to select Scituate Public Schools in the field “Select the school district that your child will receive school meals from”.
If you have any questions, please call: Jennifer Carnevale, Executive Finance Assistant at 401-647-4100 option 2, then option 3
Important Links
Updates from Northwest Special Education
Community News
Write Rhode Island Graphic Novel Book Group
Whether you’re a lover of graphic novels or just getting into them, this is the perfect chance to connect, learn and share your thoughts. Join us on Wednesday, March 12, 2025, from 6:00-7:00 PM for a virtual discussion hosted by Silvermoon LaRose, Tomaquag Museum. Designed for middle and high school students. Free. Register here. Teachers can assign this book group as extra credit. Write Rhode Island will take attendance. Contact Diana Champa at dianac@school-one.org with questions.
Conscious Discipline Workshops
RIDE and the Rhode Island Parent Information Network (RIPIN) are excited to host the return of virtual Conscious Discipline® workshops in 2025! These workshops are an opportunity to learn proven strategies to support your child's social and emotional development. The training will be presented in Spanish on March 19, 2025, and families can register here. Families can register for the English presentation taking place on March 26, 2025, here.
The Providence Performing Arts Center Announces a Scholarship Opportunity for Middle Schoolers
- $600 Need-Based Scholarships
- For Rhode Island Middle School Students
- To Enroll in Summer Art Experiences of THEIR Choice (music lessons, camps, art classes, etc.)
- Applications Due March 20, 2025.
Details and application at http://ppacri.org/scholarships.
The Scituate School Department does not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, race, religion, national origin, color, creed, political affiliation or disability in any of its educational programs and activities, and in employment and application for employment, as required by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1965, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and other federal and state laws that prohibit discrimination. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Equal Employment Officer, P.O. Box 188, North Scituate, Rhode Island 02857, Telephone: (401) 647-4100; Email: EEO@ScituateSchoolsRI.net. You may also direct inquiries directly to: Office for Civil Rights (Boston Office), U.S. Department of Education, 8th Floor, 5 Post Office Square, Boston, MA 02109-3921, Telephone: (617) 289-0111; Facsimile: (617) 289-0150; Email: OCR.Boston@ed.gov. If you require an accommodation to attend a meeting or program at a school, call the Equal Employment Officer at least two business days in advance of the meeting or program.