RCPS Newsletter
Update - December 1, 2024
As we welcome the month of December we look forward to the holiday break where we can spend some special time with family and friends. Until then, students continue to be engaged and grow in their learning. Staff are reaching out to families to offer interview options to discuss student progress thus far. Please find time to connect with your child's teacher because partnerships with parents and guardians are crucial to the success and well-being of every student.
We are looking forward to our Winter Solstice Celebration again this year which will take place on December 18th. Please visit the details below and plan to come out to celebrate with us!
We are always grateful to our School Council who work hark to raise funds for 'extras' for our students. Please see the fundraiser information below and keep a watch out for Hot Lunch information coming soon!
If we do not see you before the Holiday Break, we wish all of our students and families a safe and happy holiday filled with joy and warmth!
Thank you, Miigwech, Merci.
Yours in Education Partnership,
Mary Jane Corradetti
Principal, Roseneath Centennial P.S.
Spirit Week - December 16-20, 2024
Monday - Winter/Holiday Sweater
Tuesday - Lumberjack Day - Plaid or Flannel
Wednesday - Pajama Day
Thursday - Penguin Day - Black and White
Friday - Winter Hat Day
RCPS Winter Solstice Celebration - December 18, 5:30-7:00 PM
Everyone is welcome to join us for an evening to celebrate the Winter Solstice. There will be fire and story telling, music and raffles. We hope to see you there at 5:30 pm on December 18th.
Please check out the flyer below.
Holiday Assembly - December 19, 2024
All are welcome to our Holiday Assembly on Thursday at 11:45. Hope to see you there!
Final Call! Order Your MacMillan's Treats by December 2!
From Your School Council:
Hello, Aaniin, Bonjour,
The countdown is on! There’s only one week left to place your orders for our RCPS Family Fundraiser! Let’s finish strong to fund amazing experiences like school trips and hands-on learning workshops for our students.
It’s been a fantastic few weeks of fundraising, and we’re so grateful for everyone who has already ordered. If you haven’t yet, now’s the time! All orders are due by December 2 and will be ready for pickup on December 16.
💻 How to Order: 1. Go to macmillansfundraising.online
2. Choose “Shop Our Products.”
3. Pick your favorites and checkout, selecting Roseneath from the organization menu!
FAQ for Parents and Friends:
· When and How will I receive my order? Orders will be delivered to the school on December 16
· How can I easily refer a friend or a family member? Share our link, visit the school website or we are happy to provide brochures if preferred.
· Will I have to pay for shipping? Not at all – no fees for school delivery.
Thank you, Miigwech, Merci!
The School Council Fundraising Team
Winter Busing Information from STSCO
Winter weather is fast approaching, and it is very important that everyone using the school busing system is familiar with STSCO’s winter weather procedures.
On winter mornings, inclement weather and poor road conditions may lead to the delay or cancellation of school transportation services. The decision to cancel bus service due to inclement weather is made based on the daily weather forecast and in consultation with area bus companies between 5:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. All cancellation alerts are posted on STSCO’s website www.stsco.ca by 6:15 a.m. Radio stations and STSCO’s social media accounts are also updated at the same time.
Please see below for more information.
Grade 8 Information Nights
KPR secondary schools are hosting information nights for incoming Grade 8 students between November and January. Schools look forward to welcoming parents, caregivers and Grade 8 students to learn more about the exciting programs and opportunities KPR has to offer! Follow @kprschools on Instagram and Facebook for more information, or visit the board website for event dates and times.
Upcoming Events
- December 2 - Intermediate Girl's Volleyball
- December 3 - HKPR Health Unit Kindness and Positivity Presentation, Grade 6
- December 4 - HKPR Health Unit Anti-Vaping Assembly Presentation, Grade 7-8
- December 5 - Intermediate Boy's Volleyball
- December 10 - HKPR Health Unit Social Emotional Learning Presentations, K-5
- December 16 - MacMillan's pick-up
- December 17 - Pizza Lunch
- December 18 - Winter Solstice Celebration 5:30-7:00pm
- December 19 - Holiday Assembly @ 11:45 am
- December 20 - Last Day of School Before Holidays
- January 6, 2025 - Return from holidays
Contact Us
Email: roseneathps@kprdsb.ca
Website: https://roseneath.kprdsb.ca/
Location: 9047 County Road 45, Roseneath, ON, Canada
Phone: 905-352-2161