The ARECC Announcements
"Translate Newsletter" and "Select Language."
ఇతర భాషల కోసం, కుడి వైపున ఉన్న "వార్తాలేఖను అనువదించండి" క్లిక్ చేసి, "భాషను ఎంచుకోండి."
Upcoming Dates
- 10/1/24 - H&S Dining Out Day Today - Andy's Frozen Custard (details below)
- 10/4/24 - The American Parent - Teacher Conference Training (details below)
- 10/8/24 - H&S Virtual Meeting 9:00 AM (details below)
- 10/8/24 - Toilet Training Webinar (details below)
- 10/10/24 - No School - Institute Day/Teacher Conferences- Teacher Lunch Sign Up Below
- 10/11/24 - No School - Parent Teacher Conferences
- 10/16/24 - Home & School Fall Fest
Informative Session: The American Parent - Teacher Conference Process
Join us for a special event designed to support our multilingual families! We will be hosting an informative session on the American Parent-Teacher conference process. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn how these conferences work, what to expect, and how to effectively communicate with your child’s teachers.
Date: Friday, October 4th
Time: 5-6 pm
Location: Ann Reid Early Childhood Center
Please complete this Google Form if you are interested in attending:
We look forward to seeing you there and helping you navigate this important aspect of your child’s education. Refreshments will be provided, and translation services will be available. Don’t miss out on this valuable event!
Are you interested in learning more about the Free Birth to Three program offered through Ann Reid Early Childhood Center? Early Connections is a grant-funded program that focuses on promoting optimal early development, learning, and health for children from birth to three years old. We also provide support and engagement for parents and caregivers of young children in this age group. To find out how to qualify click on the link below or contact.: 630.961.5060
Notes from the Nurse
Welcome to Ann Reid! If your student is attending Ann Reid for the FIRST time, please submit their most recent physical examination (completed within the last year) and immunization records to the health office as soon as possible. This is a health requirement by the Illinois State Board of Education.
These documents can be sent via fax (630-637-4033), dropped off at the front office, or emailed to If you have any questions about this requirement, please call the Ann Reid Health Office at 630-848-3969. We look forward to hearing from you!
Home & School
Information and News
Today is the day for Ann Reid's Home and School Fundraiser at Andy's Frozen Custard! (450 E. Ogden Ave.) One dollar from each item purchased today, October 1st, will be donated back to Ann Reid Home and School. Please make sure to bring the flyer that went home with your child last week or look on our Facebook page!
Shop more, give back! Now’s your chance to make a difference while scoring 20% off your favorite styles! Use code SDF24ANNREID at checkout on before Tuesday, 10/8, and not only will you save, but Tea Collection will donate 15% of your purchase to Ann Reid Home and School! It’s a win-win! Don’t wait—start shopping now and help us give back!
Please help us provide lunch to our Ann Reid Staff next week for Parent Teacher Conferences.
Please click on this link to support!
Join us for our next Home & School Meeting: October 8, 2024 at 9:00. Here is the virtual link:
Erin Marker is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 966 900 4374
Community News
Naperville North Playhouses for Sale
Here are some basic details about the playhouses for sale built by student in Geometry in Construction.
Long: 9 feet 9 inches
Wide: 8 feet and 1-1/2 inch
Tall: 10 feet 2 inches
Materials: framing lumber, plywood, weather shingles, and weather resistant paint.
The price for the playhouse: $1,500
If you have any questions please email either of the Geometry in construction teachers (Henry Gleamza: and Howard Phelan: )
Our Successful Toilet Training Journey Family Webinar
Our Successful Toilet Training Journey Family Webinar
October 8, 2024 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM (Login: 6:15PM)
See the attached flyer for details!