WJHS Highlights
A Message from the Administrative Team
Dear WJHS Families,
The last week of school is here! Please see below for more information and details for next week:
8th Grade Families:
Friday, May 31: The PTO is hosting an 8th Grade Graduation Party from 7:00-9:30pm, at WJHS. This festive party is provided by the WJHS PTO for graduating 8th graders and will include Dancing❗Inflatables❗Games❗Photo Booth❗Refreshments❗
Parents: Many hands are needed to make this party a success. Any amount of your time will be appreciated. Sign up HERE!
PLEASE NOTE: No cell phones allowed, per school policy. If phones are brought they will be locked at the door and returned at the end of the evening.
Monday, June 3: 8th grade field trip to Great America. Students will go to homeroom, then head to the buses. Buses will return to school at 6:00 pm that evening. Students who are not going to Great America will be at WJHS for the day with an adult supervisor and should bring a book and things to work on.
8th grade graduation will take place on Wednesday, June 5 at 5:30pm in the new Winnetka Main Gym, at the Winnetka Campus of New Trier High School on Wednesday, June 5, 2023. The doors to the gym will open at 4:45 pm that evening, with students expected to be in the field house below the gym by 5:00 pm. Please find the most recent information sent home HERE.
The New Trier incoming/new student web page is something to bookmark! Important information is now posted regarding registration and upcoming events. Click HERE to access.
7th Grade Families:
School will operate as normal until Thursday, when students will dismiss at 11:20 AM. Teachers and teams have many fun things planned for the week!
Kate, Eric and Nicole
Library Due Dates
Below are important library dates for the end of the year:
- May 17 - Last day that students may check out a book
- May 24 – All students and staff books are due
- Math teachers: Students may keep textbooks until May 29
- June 5 - Equipment that has been checked out from the LC is due
We will continue to distribute overdue notices on a weekly basis. Please allow students time during homeroom to go to their lockers and/or the LC to return the books. Thank you to everyone for your help!
Lost & Found
All lost and found will be donated at the end of the school year. Please encourage your child to check it out at lunch. Parents also can come look through the lost & found for that sweatshirt that your child can't seem to find anywhere, or the hat that your student keeps telling you they lost. It might be here in the WJHS cafeteria lost and found!
Tech Tidbit
As we near the end of the 2023-2024 school year, please mark your calendars for iPad Collection Day. This year iPad collection day will take place on the following dates:
Tuesday, June 4th for all 8th-graders (during Homeroom)
Wednesday, June 5th for all 7th-graders (during Homeroom)
7th-graders will be returning the iPad and case only. They should come to school ready to return their device during homeroom on June 5th.
8th-graders will return their iPad, charging cord, brick, and case. Students should come prepared to return their device and accessories on June 4th. Click here for information on how to prepare the device for return.
If you have any questions, email Support@wilmette39.org
PTO Highlights
7:00-9:30pm at WJHS for 8th graders only
FREE - Sponsored by the WJHS PTO
Best DJ ever❗Photo Booth❗Games❗Refreshments❗Inflatables❗
Many hands are needed to make this party a success. Any amount of your time will be appreciated. Sign up HERE!
ALL of your student’s school supplies in ONE BOX! No running around, going to multiple stores. Save time and money by purchasing an EduKit school supply box and IT WILL BE WAITING FOR THEM IN THE CLASSROOM ON THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL. Order today HERE! THE WJHS PTO DOES NOT BUY EXTRA KITS- JUNE 30TH is the last day to order! PLEASE NOTE school supply kits are separate from the instructional materials fee paid during registration. Questions? Contact president-elect@wjhspto.com.
THE WJHS PTO DOES NOT BUY EXTRA KITS! Due to shipment concerns, there will be a “Last Chance” sale during the summer. JUNE 30TH is the last day to order! PLEASE NOTE school supply kits are separate from the instructional materials fee paid during registration. Questions? Contact president-elect@wjhspto.com.
You can pick up your FREE sign at 728 Romona Road (it’s the house with the BLUE door- look on the front porch!) complements of the WJHS PTO. Stop by at your convenience. ONE SIGN PER GRADUATE PLEASE. Congratulations to all our 8th graders from the WJHS PTO!
The end of year school supply recycling drive takes place from June 3rd - 7th. Bins will be in the lobby of WJHS and any school supplies can be dropped off. Questions? Contact claireblasko@gmail.com.
In memory of Avani Khanna, the WJHS 8th grade student who sadly passed away earlier this year, the PTO is passing along this message from her Girl Scout Troop #45589:
“We are honoring our classmate Avani Khanna by raising money to plant a tree in her honor at Mallinckrodt park in Wilmette. On Tuesday, June 4th during 8th grade lunch, students who wish to contribute may purchase paper leaves ($5) or birds ($10). These will be placed on a large poster and given to Avani’s family to represent the tree to be dedicated. Please tell your student to bring CASH to school next Tuesday 6/4 if they wish to donate. We hope to have the dedication ceremony on Saturday, June 8th in the gazebo at Mallinckrodt park. Thank you for helping us honor Avani’s life with your support!
Sincerely, Girl Scout Troop #45589”
District News
As families begin to prepare for the conclusion of the 2023-24 school year AND look ahead to the 2024-25 school year, I encourage those who have students making school transitions this coming Fall to check out our most recent Parent Education recording titled “Supporting School Transitions.” This presentation provides an overview of the many ways in which our schools partner to support student and family transitions between schools. Whether you have a child moving from EC-K, 4th-5th, 6th-7th, or 8th to high school, this is a “must-watch” for any family! Please visit our D39 Parent Education website to find archived recordings of our wonderful and informative Parent Education events.
Upcoming Important Dates
Please keep in mind these important upcoming dates. Refer to your school principal’s newsletter for other important year-end happenings within our buildings.
Monday, May 27 – NO SCHOOL (Memorial Day)
Wednesday, June 5 – WJHS 8th Grade Graduation
Wednesday, June 5 – Last Day of Regular Attendance for Lechner Early Education Program
Thursday, June 6 – Last Day of School for K-8 (early release day); Park Day for LEEP Students
Wilmette Junior High School
Email: office-wjhs@wilmette39.org
Website: http://wjhs.wilmette39.org/
Location: 620 Locust Rd, Wilmette, IL, USA
Phone: 847-512-6600
Instagram: @hawkwolf39
Twitter: @hawkwolf39
Principal at Wilmette Junior High School; love being an educator and working with young people; value spending time with friends and family