Happy Tiger Tuesday!
Featuring Eisenhower Elementary School
Eisenhower Models Kindness in All They Do!
Eisenhower Elementary School has been busy with many kindness themed activities and events this year! They are also gearing up for the annual After School Adventure classes, which have been a tradition for over 30 years!
Eisenhower's teachers, staff and Empathy Team are a great example of how to move the WCS mission forward. They work to support the four Strategic Plan Pillars: Empathy, Experience, Adaptability, and Inclusivity.
S.O.A.R. Student Assemblies
- This is Eisenhower's first year of the S.O.A.R. Student Assemblies. They are 20-30 minutes (depending on the activity) and they occur once a month with the whole student body.
Why are they important?
- The idea was driven from the Empathy team as a way to provide providing ongoing, schoolwide lessons and activities centered around working well with others, think carefully, acting responsibly and overcoming challenges.
What have students learned about so far?
- S--- The cheerleaders created a S.O.A.R. cheer and a chant (in Spanish) to get the students excited about S.O.A.R and Mrs. Moree read a book (Your Fantastic Elastic Brain) to all classes to teach them about growth mindset!
- O--- A group of 6th grade students gave up recess to create and perform a skit during the assembly. They modeled how to handle conflict, communication, and empathy towards others
- A--- Teachers vs. student tug-o-war- The activity modeled positive attitude and perseverance when faced with challenges. After the teachers lost, Mrs. Moree talked through how the teachers persevered and what students noticed about their body language, reactions, etc.
- R--- March/April assemblies are still in development
Schoolwide Kindness Chain
Mrs. Eastwood had the great idea to start a kindness chain. The goal: to spread kindness throughout the school!
The chain starts in the middle of the building and is spreading to both ends of the school as students add their chain links. The students are learning that one act of kindness leads to another, causing a chain reaction. Each act of kindness can make a difference, making the chain grow!
Student and Staff Shoutouts
Throughout the week on morning announcements, Mrs. Moree Jenna highlights students and staff shoutouts.
- Students OR staff can contribute a shoutout for individuals that model the attributes of S.O.A.R, demonstrate kindness to others, or have an academic highlight!
Students can also recognized through Student of the Month awards. They receive a certificate, dog tag, and ice cream!
Adventures After School
What is "Adventures After School?"
- After school classes for students to participate in throughout the month of March
- Each class is offered once a week for an hour
- It has been running for over 30 years and is an event that students look forward to every year!
22 classes will be offered this year
Some unique ones include:
Nail Art
Environmental Science
Lil’ Bakers
Signs and Such
Beginning Spanish
It is offered to all students; class sizes are dependent upon the class/activity
Students can sign up for multiple ones as long as there is space
A fee is tied to each one, but scholarships are available for the fees if students need them so that all students get to participate
There are volunteers and instructors from all over the community! Some of these include:
- Emily Gough, WCHS teacher, and her Environments Science Club WCHS Students;
- Shari Skaggs, Creative Memories specialist;
- Deb Collier's School of Dance;
- Caudill's ATA Martial Arts;
- Drew Shramm, Grace College Coach;
- and many other teachers and parents!
- If you have a club idea for the 2023-24 school year, reach out to jransbottom@warsawchools.org
Our mission is to inspire and equip all students to continuously acquire and apply knowledge and skills while pursuing their dreams and enriching the lives of others.
Email: kpolston@warsawschools.org
Website: www.warsawschools.org
Location: 1 Administration Drive, Warsaw, IN 46580
Phone: 574-371-5098