Munhall Bulletin
August 23, 2024
Munhall Elementary School
Email: amy.dunne@d303.org
Website: http://munhall.d303.org/
Location: 1400 South 13th Avenue
Phone: 331-228-2600
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Munhall-Elementary-1459358344296891/
Twitter: @MunhallD303
From the Principal
- We had a great full week here at Munhall! I continue to see our students putting forth a strong effort in the classroom. In addition, students are focused on following our schoolwide expectations.
- By now Mrs. Heuser and myself have been to every classroom for a review of expectations. We were so impressed by the focus our students provided us. It was fun and allows us to continue to build our relationships!
- As a reminder, next week is our first early release (8/28). Students are dismissed 2:35.
- We will have our lockdown drill on Monday, August 26. August 26, 2024 - Munhall Lockdown Drill.docx
- As a reminder, students have NO SCHOOL on Friday, August 30.
- If you are picking up on 13th avenue and in our line, please do not get out of your car. In addition, please only pick your students up in our yellow loading zone. This area is not the grass. Thank you!
- Picture day is Thursday, September 5th.
- Half - Day Kindergarten students hours on early release: AM (9:05 - 11:15) & PM (12:25 - 2:35).
Upcoming Dates
8/26 - Lockdown Drill
8/28 - Early Release (2:35 Dismissal)
8/30 - NO SCHOOL (School Improvement Day)
9/2 - NO SCHOOL (Labor Day)
9/5 - Picture Day
9/6 - Fire Drill
Notes from the front office
What a great first full week
- For excused absence please call the attendance line at 331-228-2600
- If you are picking your student up early or if they have a late arrival please call the front office at 630-228-2600.
- If your student does not come to school and is in an aftercare program, please make sure to call their aftercare and let them know
Salvation Army
Mini Woodard
E: Dianne.Woodard@usc.salvationarmy.org
P: 630-377-2769 X 202
Baker Station
Jazmine Lara
School Age Day Programs and Camps Supervisor
P: (630)513-4331
Picture Day
Yearbook information
Join the Band!
It's not too late to join the 5th-grade band program! If your child is interested in playing the flute, clarinet, alto sax, trumpet, trombone, baritone or percussion please use THIS LINK to enroll in our program. Our band lessons will begin the week of August 26, so don't delay! Have questions about the program? Reach out to Mrs. Lydigsen at jennifer.lydigsen@d303.org.
Calling all FUTURE Girl Scouts and Brownies!
Lost & Found
We have a few items
Volunteer form
https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#search/vounteer+form?projector=1Student absence procedures
Early pick up procedures