Elizabeth Haddon News
June 5, 2024
6/7 - 4th Grade Ellis Island Trip 7:00am - 4:00pm
6/10-6/14 Spirit Week: See Information Below
6/10 - Move-up day 9:00am
6/10 - Final for 5th Grade Cooking Competition 3:30pm-6:00pm HMS
6/10 Gifted & Talented Open House 5:00pm-7:00pm - EH Library
6/11 - AM Kindergarten Graduation 10:15am APR
6/11 - PM Kindergarten Graduation 2:00pm APR
6/12 - 3S Indian King Tavern Trip 9:00am-1:00pm
6/12 - 5th Grade Promotion Ceremony 6:30pm-8:00pm
6/13 - Community Meeting 1:30pm APR
6/13 - 3C Indian King Tavern Trip 9:00am-1:00pm
6/13 - Ambassador Dogs 9:00am-10:00am
6/14 - 3Y Indian King Tavern Trip 9:00am-1:00pm
6/14 Chess Tournament 3PM-5PM, APR
6/17 - Field Day
6/17 - Half Day - 12:30pm Dismissal
6/18 - 5th Grade Scavenger Hunt
6/18 Bookworm Author Assembly, 1130AM
6/18 - Half Day - 12:30pm Dismissal
6/19 - Last day of school - 12:30pm Dismissal
6/19 - Report Cards on Genesis - All Grades 3:30pm
New School Based News
Spirit Week is Next Week!
Our annual school spirit week is next week. Click Here for each day’s theme. Thank you student council for organizing this!
Pride Month
In June we recognize Pride Month. Click on link to see the lessons.
For incoming 6th graders entering HMS: Choose a book (fiction or nonfiction) related to the sixth grade theme of heroes. The summer reading assignment will ask you to consider the following questions:
a) What is a hero?
b) Can an everyday or ordinary person be a hero?
c) What character traits should a hero possess?
Elizabeth Haddon Mentor Family Program
Every summer, we have several new families move into our school area. Starting the school year without knowing any peers is a common source of anxiety for our new students. To help alleviate this problem, we are starting a mentor family program. Current EH families who participate in this program will be paired with a new family that has a student in the same grade. Mentor families will be asked to arrange at least one meet and greet between the two students before the school year begins. Mentor families can also serve as a resource for the new parents, who may have some questions before the school year begins.
If you may be interested in being a mentor family, please fill out the form below. You will be contacted over the summer to confirm interest, if a possible new family match arises. Filling out the interest form does not confirm your commitment. Please remember, there may be more families expressing interest than new families entering our school.
Check the Lost and Found!
Located outside APR. Any articles remaining after June 19th will be donated to a charitable cause.
Field Day: June 17th
Save the date for Monday, June 17th for Kindergarten-5th grade field day. Preschool has their field day on a different date and will be contacted by Ms. Shari regarding this.
Don’t forget to have your class wear their class color!
K- white
1st- yellow
2nd- green
3rd- blue
5th- wear your class shirts!! :-)
Parent spectators are welcome
All children should bring a water bottle with their name clearly printed on it. There will be multiple water stations around the field and teachers will make sure all children are hydrating. Students will carry their own water.
All children should have sunscreen applied before coming to school.
Students should wear sneakers and light colored clothing. Student might get wet so they should bring an extra set of clothes
Half Days Reminder
Monday June 17th-Wednesday, June 19th are half days.
Preschool Schedule:
6/17 AM Only
6/18 PM Only
6/19 AM Only
Kindergarten Schedule:
AM Half Day Session 8:25 to 11:10 AM
PM Half Day Session 9:45 to 12:30 PM
Grades 1-5: 825AM-1230PM
Student Chromebooks
Students currently in Grades 3-5 should bring their Chromebooks home for the summer. Students are encouraged to use their assigned Chromebook for summer enrichment programs, ESY, and summer activities. Please see a list of Technology activities that students can be doing in the summer.
Students currently in Grade 2 will be assigned a Chromebook on the first day of the 24-25 school year.
For 5th Grade Parents: HMS Supply Kit
Welcome from the HMS PTA! Please join our Facebook group for opportunities to get involved and info on fun events for our kids this coming year. In the meantime, see below for supply kit info to have all your child needs for their 6th grade year at HMS https://www.shopttkits.com/ Account # 89303
Previously Shared School Based News
Yearbook Ordering!
There is still time to order! go to https://tr5.treering.com/validate Use Code: 1014364568362318
Students on School Grounds After School
This is a reminder that students are not permitted to play after school unless a parent or guardian supervises them. As per district policy and the school handbook, students are expected to go directly home at the end of the school day unless supervised by a parent or guardian. After school students are to be supervised by a parent or guardian at all times. I appreciate your cooperation in this matter.
Cell Phone and Smartwatch Use During School
If students need to communicate with you, they should call from the classroom or main office. If a child is using a device without teacher permission it will be confiscated until the end of the day. Frequent occurrences of unauthorized use will result in no longer being allowed to bring these devices to school. Thank you for your assistance with this.
Preschool Modified Schedule
Birthday Celebrations
Pets Prohibited on School Grounds
Dogs are not permitted on the school property during school hours and at drop off and pick up times. Although many children feel safe around animals, some children have adverse reactions to pets even though they may be well trained. We have noticed some families bringing pets onto the school grounds especially at morning line-up or pick-up. Please be considerate of others by cooperating with this policy.
All Community News must be sent to Mr. Chuck Klaus’s office for approval. Community members should submit their news by email to Ms. Channell Jorrin at cjorrin@haddonfield.k12.nj.us in order to be included. Please do not send news directly to the school principals.