Cardinal Communicator
January Newsletter Memorial School
Greetings Families!
It is hard to believe we are almost finished with the first semester. As we continue to model for children what it looks and sounds like to be respectful, responsible citizens, it is imperative for us, as parents, to also be good role models for our children. I recently read an article that was great advice for parents and I am including the link below for you! I hope you enjoy this article as much as I did. It has some great reminders! Please watch how you behave in public and treat other people. Your children will model how you speak and behave. Children are sponges and soak in everything we say and do, it is our job to work together to make them the best humans possible. I encourage you to reach out by email if you need anything or have any questions/concerns. We look forward to finishing the rest of the 2024-2025 school year!
Mrs. Dinkins
Thank you!
Principal Dinkins
Dinkins note here
This month, we had a Winter Holiday Dance and students needed 13 Memorial Bucks to attend. They had a blast dancing to DJ Neal's music! The strobe lights were pumping and students enjoyed themselves!
For the month of January, the Incentive is Open Gym ! Scholars need to earn 17 Memorial bucks! They can also spend their Memorial dollars in the store on different items! Scholars earn their Memorial bucks by displaying respect, and responsibility, and being ready to learn in their classrooms, hallways, bathroom, cafeteria, outside areas, buses, offices or clinics, computer labs, or at arrival and dismissal.
Families, you can support this initiative by discussing positive behaviors and what respect looks like and sounds like with your child/children.
Greetings Families!
I am so honored and proud to be a part of the Memorial team and work with all parents and community members to support our youth in their academic, social, and emotional growth.
The dedication by the Memorial staff and parents for our students and community is outstanding to be a part of. I would like to use this platform to say thank you to all staff, parents, and community members for showing up daily and ensuring our students are ready for success!
As with tradition, many people set new goals for the New Year. I encourage you to set goals with your child/children whether it be an academic goal, an athletic goal, a social goal, or any goal you would like. Set a goal and try to reach it. Setting goals helps trigger new behaviors. It gives you something to focus on and manage improvements in different areas of your life.
How wonderful is it when you've accomplished a goal and can celebrate success!
Finally, have a fun and relaxing break! We look forward to kicking off the 2nd half of the school year when the students return from their Winter Break!
Mrs. Wadsworth
The family support specialist supports families by providing access to community resources and building connections between family, community, and school. If you need assistance and/or support and do not know where to go, please contact Cassandra Klein, the Family Support Specialist at Memorial school.
Phone: 216-319-0037
Email: Cklein@sayyescleveland.org
Do you need a Winter Coat? Memorial has received winter coats from Operation Warm. If your child is in need of a winter coat, please contact Ms. Klein!
If your child needs to have a chromebook or ipad replaced, the cost of replacement is $50. If they are missing their charger, the cost of chargers is $15.
PRE-K NEWS Keane & Williams
Students have been working hard to learn about our five senses, different seasons, and the different types of weather. We have also been talking about different holidays celebrated during the month of December. We have learned about Hanukkah and how it is 8 days and 8 nights long. We learned that a candle is lit every night in the Menorah and that children celebrate Hanukkah by playing the Dreidel game with Chocolate coins and we can eat Jelly donuts. We also learned about the holiday of Kwanzaa and how Kwanzaa is 7 days in which we light a candle each night of Kwanzaa. We learned that the candle holder is called the Kinara and that there are three different colors of candles on the Kinara; red, green, and black. Lastly, we had a special visitor come to our room to pass out gifts to our class, and we celebrated the holiday break with a Polar Express themed classroom. Holiday work packets and writing journals have been sent home for the break.
Families have an amazing break filled with family time, rest, and relaxation.
Ms. McNamee's Kindergarten News
Kindergarten students are becoming readers! We continue to practice letters, sounds, blending, and sight words, and everything is starting to connect so that the students are reading sentences! They are so proud of themselves! Help your child find familiar words in the storybooks that you are reading to them every night. Winter Break is a great time to spend reading while curled up on the couch, under a soft blanket, and sipping hot chocolate! When we return from break on January 06, 2025, we will begin our Math unit on addition and subtraction within 5, using various strategies. Stay tuned! Have a blessed, relaxing, and fun holiday season!
Students have been working hard to learn to decode words, becoming better readers. In math they learned about 2D and 3D shapes. We had so much fun making edible slime in science. In social studies we continued learning about our communities.
Have a wonderful winter break!
December has been a hectic month!
Students have been practicing using addition within 20 to solve word problems and number sentences, making 10 when one addend is 9, applying properties of operations as strategies to add, reading and spelling open syllables with long vowel sounds, and identifying ending sounds and letters in CVC words. Students have also been working on creating mental images, making predictions, making connections, story structure, and cause & effect for reading comprehension, as well as exploring the topic of self-awareness through various stories including Hollywood Chicken and If the Shoe Fits.
We’ve had visits from Santa and the Grinch!
The students put on a fantastic singing performance at this year’s winter concert. Everyone’s singing voices sounded amazing! Thank you to Mrs. Skeabeck-Gilbert, Mrs. Hopkins, our administrators, and all of the staff for ensuring this experience was fun and memorable for our students and families!
Congratulations to Cori Prince on earning room 112’s Student of the Month for December!
I hope everyone has a happy, healthy, safe, and restful winter break. Looking forward to 2025!
PreK-Kdg students have been busy making gloves and mittens for Mrs. Skeabeck-Gilbert’s Winter Program.
1st grade students finished making snowflakes to “blow in the wind” during their song for the winter program.
2nd graders learned that a Charango is a type of guitar. They designed a guitar and added a menorah in celebration of Hanukkah.
3rd graders created cool Hip Hop Reindeers to use for the winter program.
4th grade students made 2 types of trees. A palm tree and a fir tree. They used paint markers to decorate both trees, and will display them for the winter program!
5th & 6th grade students are learning about perspective in art. We are making 4 snowmen in a huddle from the perspective of the ground.
7th & 8th grade students have been working with the use of light in artwork. We are painting lampposts in a winter scene.
Art Club students have been making bracelets and helping with the winter program.
Grade 4 scholars began the month with PBIS Game Day and many enjoyed playing board games such as Chess, Headbands, Connect 4 and Jenga.
In math Grade 4 has been working on using place value strategies to multiply and divide within 1,000. We learned the division dance to help us remember the steps to long division. Grade 3 has been working on using strategies to multiply with factors up to 10. If you need flash cards to practice at home, please let me know.
The focus in reading has been on decoding multisyllabic words and learning our “rules” for open and closed syllables. We continue to work on reading fluently, building vocabulaty and answering questions about what we read using the RACES strategy. All scholars should have books to read at home and I will be sure they have a new one before break. Have a safe and peaceful holiday. See you in the New Year!
In English Language Arts we are finishing Module 4, Better Together. We spent a lot of time learning about open and closed syllables during this module. In Math we have continued sharpening our addition and subtraction skills, using Math Mountains and Fact Families. In Social Studies we learned about Families and Cultures. Our time during Science taught us about the parts of a plant. Wishing you all an amazing winter break. See you on Monday, January 6th, 2025!
Our Fabulous First Graders are working hard on open and closed syllables with our English Language Arts module! We are also working hard on our plant unit in Science and fact families in math! We thank everyone for their work on the Holiday Concert and participating in Spirit Week! Have a great break!
The second grade students have been working hard on subtracting 2-digit numbers, with and without regrouping. Subtracting with regrouping tends to be difficult for some of our scholars. We will continue to tackle this standard after the holidays. In Social Studies, we learned about how human beings’ actions can affect our planet. I wish all of our families a most blessed, fun filled, and safe holiday season.
In the 4th grade we have been working on many different reading skills. The story that we just finished reading was based on Greek Mythology. We’ve had fun learning about the Greek Gods. We are also working with Ms. Whitney Meyers from Food Corp. She comes once a week to help with a science lesson. We have enjoyed having Ms. Whitney in our class and look forward to the exciting project she has planned for the new year.
Wishing you all a safe and relaxing holiday.
Yours in Education,
Mrs. Petro
In 4th grade we are working hard in math on multiplying 2-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers using our place value understanding and area models. When we return from break we will begin fractions and algebraic thinking! An important component of 4th grade math success is having math facts memorized, so please work with your child nightly on their math facts.
When we return from winter break 4th graders will begin learning about the founding of America and Ohio in social studies. They will also learn about the indigenous people that lived in Ohio prior to its colonization. Students will also begin researching a notable Black innovator about whom they will write a biographical flipbook. I hope you all get a chance over break and during the weekends in January to visit your local public library and do some exploring of the rich and foundational history of Black Americans with your child!
In social-emotional learning mini-lessons each morning, 4th graders are learning about the transformational power of kindness. They are taking time to reflect on how they can be kinder people in their thoughts and actions. They are also making connections between kindness and all the other character virtues that help make us good members of our various communities. These last two weeks before break students have been writing thank you notes to people who have provided them with kindness and support. After all, showing appreciation is an act of kindness!
I wish you all a wonderful winter break filled with days that are merry and bright!
Happy Holidays,
Happy Holidays!
We are on Unit 3 in ELA: Finding Courage. The essential question that the students are focusing on is how to find courage in the face of fear? In Social Studies, we are using the Cornell Notetaking method as we read about the Geography, City-States, Economy, Religion and Social System of the Akkadian Empire. (Parks)
Math, we are finishing up fractions and starting decimals in January. As for Science, we are talking about fossils and minerals/rocks. (Crocker)
Please, continue to check your child’s grades on POWERSCHOOL HUB. The second quarter ends December 20, 2024 and the 3rd quarter starts when we return in January. As the new year quickly approaches, please replenish your child’s pencils. Also, remember as you are buying those special gifts your child most certainly deserves, please consider replacing their laptop if their laptop is broken. It is an investment in their education. Ms. Klein is willing to take payments. A laptop is $50 and a cord is $10. CashApp: $MemorialCardinals
Thank you for your support this year and See You in 2025!!!
The students did an amazing job in the Holiday Program both this morning and this afternoon and I am zSuper Proud of them.
We have been very busy with our subjects this 2nd Quarter. In Reading, we have learned about the Wild West and after Winter Break, we will be in Module 5 learning about Project Earth and completing activities and reading selections related to this topic.
In Math we have been working hard on Division. Some students are having difficulty because they do not know their math facts, so I am asking again if you would continue working on facts with your scholar. These 2 weeks of Break will be a great time to focus on this. After break, we will be moving into learning about fractions and students will have to add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions, therefore, they have to know their facts.
In Science we are learning about the Ecosystem and we will continue completing lessons on the Ecosystem after break.
In Social Studies we are learning about Latitude and Longitude and we will be working on this after break also,
We are still in need of pencils. It would be greatly appreciated if you would consider donating pencils to our class. Some students have been very disruptive during Dancing Classrooms in which they participate every Monday and Friday. I am asking you to please work with us and go over behavior expectations with your child.
Please continue checking your child’s grades in Powerschool. We will finish up the second Quarter strong. Many students are not completing Spelling Homework and this is affecting their Reading Grade. Please monitor and make sure that your child is completing all homework assignments as homework is a reinforcement of skills being taught in class. Chronic missed homework assignments will result in Detentions. Please also note that students receive a Detention for every 3 tardies. I teach Math 1st and 2nd Periods so it’s imperative for your child to be at school on time and ready to learn.
As always, Thank You for your time, support, and cooperation in advance because we all know that when the parent, teacher, and child all work together, the student will be more successful.
I would like to wish you and your family a Happy Holiday Season and I look forward to working with you and your child in the New Year!!!
Be Blessed!!!
‘Tis the season to be jolly!!!!
6th, 7th and 8th grade ELA
6th grade- We are in Unit 3 and have read Fears and Phobias. Skills:Text Feature and Citing Evidence. 7th grade- We are in Unit 3 and have read Martian Metropolis. Skills: Analyze Central Ideas and Analyze Structure. 8th grade- We are in Unit 3 and have read My Favorite Chaperone. Skills: Analyze Plot and Analyze Character. I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable winter break. Please encourage your children to find something festive or interesting to read over break. See you in 2025!!!
Hello everyone!
As the 2024 year comes to end I want to say it has been a trying but fun year. Students have been working hard. There have been some minor improvements, so we will celebrate the small wins.
Please be sure to have your student(s) partake in something educational to keep the mind going but also make sure they relax and enjoy the break!
SEE YOU ALL IN 2025!!!!!
Wow! The end of the 2nd quarter. The 7th grade scholars just wrapped up the 2nd Unit in Into Literature, and the 8th grade scholars continue to work on Unit 3.
Please look out for information in January, as I am going to start tutoring in preparation for the OST.
Over break, encourage your scholar to rest, play, and relax. The 2nd half of the year is extremely rigorous, and as we know the OST pops up very quickly.
Happy Holidays!
Kdg students have been doing movement locomotor skills and have started to do hand/eye coordination using scarfs. 1-3 students have been doing exercises thru various movements and finishing up unit with long and short jump ropes. 4-8 students continue to do some type of fitness and finishing up volleyball unit.
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