Holy Rosary
I cannot do anything on my own; I judge as I hear, and my judgment is just, because I do not seek my own will but the will of the one who sent me.
John 5:30
Hi Everyone,
A really big and beautiful week this week. Our thanks to you for having your children ready for the photos on Monday and Tuesday. Joe Kinder coordinated the days - no mean feat, and we thank him and the two staff from MSP Photography.
Literacy Immersion Day was on Wednesday and the children and their buddies really engaged with this amazing project. There were dinosaurs everywhere!
Rob Flexman was responsible for organising the Interschool Swimming Carnival on Thursday - and very successfully too! We came first! First in Division A, for the first time ever! Another logistical challenge with eight schools involved. Each one had a great time. Thank you Rob and congratulations to you, and to the team who gave their all.
Kindy 2025 is fully subscribed. Kindy 2026 interviews are now well underway, and I look forward to meeting more new families. In nearly all cases, families new to Holy Rosary have a connection here. We do invest in advertising, but overwhelmingly it is ‘word of mouth’ which brings them to our place. For that support we are very, very grateful to you, thankyou. It makes all the difference.
I think that acknowledgement of our P&F Executive - Rose and her Committee - and their supporters is too good to miss! This is a major term for everyone involved.
- Pre-primary Playground Busy Bee. The playground was literally created and extended by parents a few years ago and the sense now is that there is an opportunity to freshen it up. It means a lot.
- Mother’s Day Breakfast! Again, a new approach. Record numbers last year. We hope to see you in town!
- And also see you at the Year Five Assembly afterwards. Yahoo!
- And, of course, May 24 Prom Night! A BIG night for parents, enjoy, enjoy!!!!!
Have a great weekend
Staffing Update
Our Enrolment Officer Kath Hewitt is leaving us! Sad to say Kath finishes Friday next week and is leaving to work in her children's school. Kath, we have loved our time with you. You are an amazing person, and such good fun! We wish you every happiness over there.
Andrea Boots is taking over from Kath and has already started the transition this week. Andrea, we are so pleased that you are joining our admin team, and look forward to a great journey ahead!
Making Jesus Real
Our MJR award winners for Week Three are Amelia F and Zayn d L . They are recognised for displaying the MJR values at Holy Rosary on a daily basis. They displayed kindness and compassion to those around them. Congratulations!!
Merit Award Recipients
Holy Rosary Makes History at CPSSA Division A Swimming Carnival
Dear Holy Rosary Community,
We are thrilled to announce that Holy Rosary Primary School made history at the CPSSA Division A Swimming Carnival held at HBF Stadium on May 2. For the first time ever, our school emerged victorious, claiming the coveted title in a fiercely contested battle.
Facing stiff competition from Ursula Frayne, our swimmers showcased exceptional skill and determination, securing our victory with a mere 23-point lead. With only 146 points separating the top 5 schools, every stroke counted in this intense competition.
We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all our champion swimmers who exemplified the spirit of sportsmanship and excellence:
**Year 5**
1st Place: Sam B
2nd Place: Emme C
3rd Place: Georgie B
**Year 6**
2nd Place: Olivia C
3rd Place: Tayte M
We are immensely proud of our swimmers and commend them for their outstanding achievements. Let us continue to support and celebrate their successes as they continue to shine both in and out of the pool.
Warm regards,
Rob Flexman
P.E Teacher
Whole School Literacy Immersion
On Wednesday, all students from Kindy to Year Six took part in a whole school literacy immersion day. Paired with their buddies, our students spent the morning learning about dinosaurs, by participating in a range of hands-on activities. This helped our students gather information and ideas to supplement the written tasks they completed later in the day with their teachers.
This was a brilliant event, which all students loved being a part of.
We thank Ms Berry, Mrs O’Neill, Mrs Green and Mrs Craig for organising such a fun day!
School Photos
For any Year Six parents who are interested in purchasing some of the special group photos (student leaders, library monitors etc) taken this week, please see the below:
On the day of the school photos, special group images were captured.
These exclusive photos can be viewed and purchased Online via the provided link below at the discounted price of $25.00 per Image until the provided ordering Cut-off Date.
It is essential to note that this website is different from the platform used for ordering portraits and class photos online.
Orders remain open until the cut-off date after which all orders will be printed and sent to the school.
To place your order online, please follow the steps below:
- Visit https://mspphotography.shootproof.com/ or: https://mspphotography.shootproof.com/gallery/24417462/
- Locate your school’s name and select the album titled: 2024 - Holy Rosary School - Special Groups
- Enter the password to access and purchase the album. The password is: HRSSG24
- Online orders will remain open until midnight on Monday the 20th of May 2024
- Please use your child’s Full Name for identification purposes.
Please note: The Final Printed product image will be professionally cropped to fit a 10x8 print.
Saturday 4th May
Confirmation Mass 6-7pm
Sunday 5th May
Confirmation Mass 10-11am
Tuesday 7th May
Sacrament of Confirmation Parent/Child Workshop - Year 6 students
Friday 10 May
Mother's Day Breakfast and Year Five Mother's Day Assembly
Important Dates
Term 2, 2024 - Tues 16 April - Friday 28 June
Term 3, 2024 - Wed 17 July - Friday 20 September
Term 4, 2024 - Monday 7 October - Friday 6 December
Next week is the Scholastic Book Fair in the library. The BOOK FAIR GARDEN, “Catch the Reading Bug” as the theme, is lots of fun, gives our Library Monitors some leadership opportunities and provides lots of FREE new books (and funds) for our school library. There will be no book borrowing while the Fair is on.
We ask that different year groups attend on different days to spread out the crowds and reduce time queueing outside.
Kindy/PP parents are asked to attend on Thursday morning 8.15 - 9am
Year One parents are asked to attend on Thursday afternoon 3 - 3.30pm
Year Two parents are asked to attend on Friday morning 8.15 - 9am
Year Three and Six students will shop on Thursday at lunchtime
Year Four and Five students will shop on Friday at lunchtime
Please note the Book Fair will close after lunch on Friday.
This week, the children were given a brochure in library time, with online payment details overleaf. Next Wednesday, classes are invited to visit the fair in school time to complete their wish list to bring home. Students can pay with cash or the pre-payment form, including the receipt number and amount paid in their shopping time. Please ensure the receipt number and payment amount is clearly noted, and maybe take a copy/screenshot in case it gets mislaid on the way. Kindy - Year Two Parents will have access to the EFT machine during their shopping time.
Thank you to the parents who have volunteered to help. I am desperately in need of more volunteers. If you are able to assist before (8.15am - 9am) or after school (3pm - 3.45pm) on Thursday or before school (8.15am - 9am) on Friday, please contact me via the front office.
Thank you so much for your support.
See you next week for all the fun of the fair!
Mrs Butson
The Catholic Schools Parents WA Inc - AGM
Dear Parents,
The Catholic School Parents WA Inc (CSPWA) Annual General Meeting will take place on Saturday the 8th June, as part of our 70th Anniversary conference. We are currently in the process of setting the agenda and so we are calling for agenda items or motions to be included. Please forward any items to admin@csp.wa.edu.au by Friday 24th May. We also invite members from schools who are financially affiliated with CSPWA to consider nominating to Council at the AGM. In addition to contributing to the work of council at state and local level, Council members have the opportunity to represent CSPWA on national, state and Catholic education sector committees and working parties according to their experience. If this is something you might be interested in or if you would like to find out more, please contact Siobhan Allen, Executive Director CSPWA on 0409 025 683.
Please find below the link to the 2024/25 Council nomination form and AGM flyer.
Thank you so much for your assistance with this matter.
Siobhan Allen
Executive Director
Locavora Lunch Orders
How to setup an account
Please read the attachment below on how to setup an account to order lunch for your child/children from Locavora.
Mothers Day Breakfast - orders close by Monday 6th May at 9pm
80's Night - Friday 7th June
80’s Night is going ahead!!! Thank you to everyone who has purchased their tickets… it’s not too late to grab yours. Link below 👇
GUESS WHAT?? Thanks to the Blackman Family/Holy Rosary Dad Kane who is the Good Sammy CEO….
Good Sammy are supporting our 80s prom attendees by offering a 25% discount on 80s prom outfits at their op shops!
This applies to the Balcatta, Osborne Park and Subiaco Good Sammy’s stores only (the 3 stores closest to school).
Just show your prom invitation at the counter and receive 25% off your outfit …and anything else in that transaction! Valid from now until the ball. (Your prom invite is above)
Good Sammy’s core mission is to provide employment and development opportunities for people with disability, which aligns nicely with our school’s inclusive ethos.
Thank you Kane!! Happy outfit shopping and see you at the prom! 💃 🪩 🕺
P&F Facebook
If you’d like to be kept up to date on current and upcoming events and important information from the P&F please add us on Facebook.
- Five days a week during term time
- Vacation Care during school holidays
- Available for children attending Kindy through to Year Six.
Sacramental Dates for 2024
Our Lady of the Rosary Parish
Parish Office - 9446 2055
Father Peter Hoang OP - 0412 445 199
Holy Rosary School
Email: admin@hrs.wa.edu.au
Website: hrs.wa.edu.au
Location: 35 Williamstown Road, Doubleview WA, Australia
Phone: (08)9203 4500
Facebook: facebook.com/holyrosaryschooldoubleview