Gator News
Home of the Glen Grove Gators - December 13, 2024

¡Traduzca este boletín! 이 뉴스 레터를 번역하세요! Энэ мэдээг орчуулаарай! Przetłumacz ten biuletyn! | Переведите этот информационный бюллетень!
- Watch this short video for instructions on how to translate it into your language.
- Mire este breve video para obtener instrucciones sobre cómo traducirlo a su idioma.
- 귀하의 언어로 번역하는 방법에 대한 지침은이 짧은 비디오를 시청하십시오.
- Үүнийг хэрхэн богино хугацаанд өөрийн хэл рүү хөрвүүлэх зааврыг энэ видеоноос үзээрэй.
- Obejrzyj ten krótki film, aby uzyskać instrukcje, jak przetłumaczyć go na swój język.
- Посмотрите это короткое видео, чтобы узнать, как перевести его на ваш язык.
Glenview District 34
Aspire. Explore. Discover. Connect.
Glen Grove Elementary School
3900 Glenview Road
Glenview, IL 60025
Phone: (847) 998-5030
Fax: (847) 998-5101
Attendance/Health Office: (847) 657-2394
School Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday - 7:45 am - 2:40 pm
Wednesday - 8:45 am - 2:40 pm
Dear Parents and Guardians,
As we approach the joyous holiday season, I am grateful for the wonderful community that makes our school so special. It is my pleasure to extend warm holiday greetings to every one of you.
This time of year allows us to reflect on our students' accomplishments and growth. They are doing an amazing job! Our students' dedication, our educators' tireless efforts, and the unwavering support from families have contributed to our school's success. Through collective effort and collaboration, we create a positive and nurturing environment for our students to learn and grow.
We are wrapping up 2024 with an assembly unveiling our selection for One School, One Book. Ask your Gator about the clues we shared this week! Thanks to the PTA, each child will receive a copy of the book on the 20th. Winter break is a great time to snuggle in with this great book as a family. We encourage students to get started on the book over the break.
May the holiday season bring you joy, peace, and moments of connection with your family and friends. Thank you for entrusting us with your children's education, and we look forward to continuing our partnership in the coming year.
Wishing you and your family a wonderful holiday season and a happy New Year!
In partnership,
Kate Ellison
Glen Grove Principal
December 6, 2024
December 13, 2024
December 16 - December 20 - SPIRIT WEEK!
See below under Service Club News for details
December 16, Monday - Board of Education Meeting, 7:30PM-9:30PM @ Attea Middle School
December 20, Friday - Classroom Winter Holiday Parties
December 23 - January 3 - WINTER BREAK ⛄
January 8, Wednesday - Mongolian BPAC Parent Workshop, 7:00PM-8:30PM @ Westbrook School
Food & Nutrition Services
Monday, December 16 - Waffles with Chicken or Veggie Sausage
Tuesday, December 17 - Orange Chicken or Orange Vegan Chicken & Rice
Wednesday, December 18 - Turkey Pepperoni or Cheese Pizza Slice
Thursday, December 19 - Beef or Bean & Cheese Nachos
Friday, December 20 - Cheeseburger or Vegan Burger
Monday, January 6 - Cheesy Parmesan Breadstick Bites with Marinara
Tuesday, January 7 - Mini Chicken Bites or Vegan Nuggets
Wednesday, January 8 - Turkey Pepperoni or Cheese Pizza Slice
Thursday, January 9 - Beef or Bean & Cheese Nachos
Friday, January 10 - Three Cheese Mac & Cheese
Click this link to access the District Food Services site for more information and access to forms for to apply for free or reduced lunch for your student.
All student absences should be called into the attendance line no later than 7:45 a.m. at (847) 657-2392. The Attendance Line has voicemail so parents can call to leave messages at any time.
If you do not notify your Student's school of your child's absence your student will have an UNEXCUSED ABSENCE for the day.
If your student is sick please keep your child home until he/she is feeling well, symptoms have improved and fever free for over 24 hours without fever reducing medications and no vomiting or diarrhea for more than 24 hours.
New D34 Medication Administration and Emergency Action forms need to be completed for the 2024-2025 School year. The medication forms are valid if dated after June 8,2024.
You may drop-off medications at Glen Grove on or after August 22, 2024. Please be sure you have the D34 Medication Administration form completed and provide the medication in its original container. The medication should not expire before the end of the school year, June 3, 2025. If you have medication Administration questions please contact Jennifer Hastings, Glen Grove School Nurse.
If your student has a food allergy or asthma please provide a Food Allergy Action Plan or an Asthma Action Plan along with the D34 medication Administration Form.
Please be sure to sign section III of the medication administration form ( back of Medication Administration form) Also sign the parent portion Emergency Action form if applicable.
Any health concerns or questions may be directed to the school nurse, Jennifer Hastings, RN, at (847) 657-2394.
Mandatory Health Forms for 2023-2024 Incoming 6th Graders
All incoming 6th grade students MUST have a physical examination (within the last 12 months), including required vaccinations, turned in prior to the first day of school in August, 2025. Your child will NOT be able to start middle school until the physical form is turned in.
Additionally, a dental exam completed after December 31, 2024 will complete the 6th grade dental exam requirement.
If your child's health forms are already complete, you can turn them into the Glen Grove health office any time between now and the last day of school. They will be forwarded to your child's middle school with their health file. If you have any questions, please call Mrs. Hastings, Health Coordinator, at (847) 657-2394. Click here for the health exam form.
Dress for the Weather Everyday!
Will it rain? Will it snow? Will the temperature be in 50's or the 20's?
Be sure to check the weather report to make sure your child has everything they need to be warm and dry!
Please note that if there is snow on the ground, recess is as follows:
- Boots and snowpants - OK to play in the fields
- Boots only - must stay on the woodchips (can play on equipment)
- No boots - must stay on the blacktop
If your child wears boots to school, don't forget to pack gym shoes.
This time of year brings with it a lot of clothing! Please label your child's coat, hat, boots, etc. to make returning any lost items back to the student easier. Thank you!!
Looking Forward
All books that are due before December 1, and not returned by January 12th, will be considered "LOST", and the cost will be billed through PowerSchool. If you pay for a lost book, and then find it during the 2024-2025 school year, return it to school and you may request a refund from the district. We would much rather have the book than your money!
One School, One Book
We are excited to announce this year’s title of our One School, One Book. This year the title will be revealed before break. This will give families the opportunity to read the book over break. Students will receive a bookmark inside their copy with the pacing guide but we encourage families to read at their own pace. We are excited about the fun activities planned after break. Mark your calendars for our OSOB Family Night on Friday, February 7.
Public Library Resources
Students who have a public library card can use the library’s digital resources in the classroom. if they take a photo of their card number with their iPad. Glen Grove School has two digital resources for students: FactCite and Scholastic through Destiny Discover.
eBooks and audioBooks
Students have a variety of resources to access digital content on their iPads. They can check out eBooks through Destiny Discover. Depending on the publisher, some of the titles read aloud as well. Students also have access to Sora through the Digital Library of Illinois (Glenview Public Library).
Battle of the Books
Calling all 4th and 5th graders, Glenview Public Library is hosting a program just for you! Students who go to a Glenview school who are interested in participating need to form a team between 2-6 students. The team will read the 16 selected titles and compete in a fun quiz-style competition to test their knowledge of the books. Teams will be supported by an adult coach. Registration is now open until Friday, December 20. Coaches need to register all team members. For more information on BOB, visit the Glenview Public Library website.
4th grade science is on a roll (pun TOTALLY intended)! Our young physical scientists have been exploring the relationship between potential (PE) and kinetic energy (KE) and how they relate to the changing speeds of an object. Some classrooms have even begun to add additional energy types to their exploration of this topic such as radiant (light), thermal (heat), chemical, etc. Through quick hands-on activities, our Gator scientists have begun to see and consider how energy can move from place to place and transform into different types. There is much more energy learning in store for them as we work our way closer to Winter Break, so stay tuned for 4th grade science updates in the next Gator News edition!
For ALL GG families
If you are looking for any last minute holiday gifts, please check out this discounted membership offer from the Museum of Science and Industry.
And if you're already thinking ahead to spring and summer camp, please check out these offerings from MSI.
Click HERE for the November, 2024 GGCP Newsletter: Carrying the Community
GGCP is looking for volunteers!
The D34 Food & Nutrition Services Department wants to serve your favorite family recipe on the D34 lunch menu this spring.
Submit a recipe for an entree or side dish (fruit, vegetable, or grain). All recipes will be reviewed by a panel of Food & Nutrition Services staff members. Finalists will be updated to meet the federal nutrition guidelines and then tested and rated by students.
The winning recipe will be featured on the school menu this spring! The winning student(s) also will be invited to help serve their recipe at lunch.
Last year, over 300 students at 5 of the District’s schools sampled the recipe finalists and selected the winning recipe. The winning recipe was shared by a Lyon Family and featured on our Spring menu, Yum Yum Chicken! It remains a favorite menu item at both Middle Schools this year. Please submit your favorite family recipe this year!
Share your family’s culture and traditions by sharing your family recipe -
2024-2025 District 34 Calendar
Calendario 2024-2025 del Distrito 34
34-р дүүргийн 2024-2025 оны календарь
Click Here for the following forms:
-Authorization And Permission For Administration Of Medication
-Dental Exam Form (completed for Kindergarten, 2nd, and 6th grades)
-Dental Exam Waiver
-Eye Exam Form
-Eye Exam Waiver
-Child Health Examination Form
-Bus Rider Forms
-Personal Mobile Device Authorization (Cell Phone Use Agreement and Permission Form)
-District Policies/Handbook Info
-Food Guidelines
Follow Us!
We invite you to follow us on Instagram @GlenGrove34 and on Facebook @GlenGroveD34 for news on student, classroom and school accomplishments, important updates, informational items, and a glimpse at amazing moments of teaching and learning. We also encourage you to share your Glen Grove school pride using the hashtags #glengroved34 and #WeAreD34.
Contact Us
Attendance/Health Office: (847) 657-2394
Main Office: (847) 998-5030
Office Fax: (847) 998-5101
Website: https://gg.glenview34.org
Location: 3900 Glenview Road, Glenview, IL 60025
Facebook: facebook.com/GlenGroveD34
Instagram: @glengrove34