Mansfield Public Schools
October 9, 2024
Superintendent's Update
Dear Families,
It doesn’t seem possible that we are already into the month of October. By this second month of the school year we find that classroom routines are in place, extracurricular activities are well underway, curriculum nights have been very well-attended, and students, faculty, and staff are very much into the rhythm of the school year. I look forward to all of the successes during the upcoming months.
I hope you have had a chance to see the improvements in our facilities. Refurbished QMS and MHS elevators, revitalized MHS gym, new Robinson playground, new turf & track at Alumni Field, and QMS boilers ready to be fired up as the weather gets colder. I thank you and all the residents of Mansfield who have generously financially supported these projects which have added great value to our schools.
On a personal note, I’d like to share with you that at last evening's School Committee meeting, I announced that I will retire on June 30, 2025. This is my twentieth-year working as an administrator in the Mansfield Public Schools. It has been a highlight of my career in education to serve in multiple capacities, but most recently as the superintendent of this wonderful school district. I am grateful that I have (and will continue to have for 8 1/2 more months) the opportunity to work with this school community to make a difference in the lives of students. The School Committee will begin the process of hiring a new superintendent who will begin next July 1. More information about this process will be communicated in the next few weeks.
On October 16, 2024, we will mail the MCAS Student Reports for the spring 2024 testing (grades 3 - 10). The report shows your child's scores as well as their achievement level. For each subject, the report also provides information that compares your child's performance to performance at the school and state levels as well as information about how your child performed in the major areas of the test and on individual test questions.
The Schools' data team and teachers are busy digging into the information that MCAS provides for each student. Areas of need will be addressed and support will be provided so that students continue to work towards meeting expectations. On October 22, 2024, Assistant Superintendent Mike Connolly and his team will present a summary to the School Committee. A recording of the presentation will be made available to all families.
“Change in education is a process, not an event. As the MCAS results show today, the road back from the pandemic is not short. We’re encouraged to see that students are making gains in science and technology/engineering, but there is still more work to do in English language arts and math,” said Education Secretary Patrick A. Tutwiler. “To address these challenges, the Healey-Driscoll Administration has invested record funding in K-12 education, launched a public awareness campaign about the importance of school attendance that is showing results, created a nation-leading early literacy strategy and made universal school meals permanent. These scores demonstrate the importance of continued assessment and accountability, and we’re going to continue to build, on these efforts to help all of our students realize their dreams and ambitions.”
In addition, it is helpful to remember the variations in how MCAS was administered over the last few years:
- 2019: Full tests in grades 3-8 and high school
- 2020: No MCAS tests administered
- 2021: Half tests in grades 3-8, full tests in high school
- 2022: Full test in grade 3-8 and high school
- 2023: Full test in grade 3-8 and high school
- 2024: Full test in grade 3-8 and high school
Our students, faculty and staff work hard to achieve at high levels. MCAS provides us a snapshot on how we are doing in meeting the expectations of the MA Curriculum Frameworks in three subjects. In Mansfield, we understand the importance of a state-wide common measure to gauge student achievement. But, we also believe it is critical to continue to use multiple measures to assess in all academic areas as well as in the performing and visual arts, and through students' physical, social, and civic development. We take great pride in our students and I, along with faculty and staff, will continue to strive for excellence so that we meet the high accountability expectations set for us by the MA Department of Education.
After reviewing your student's MCAS report, if you have questions about your child's performance, please feel free to call Mr. Booth at MHS, Mr. McGuire at QMS and Ms. daGraca or Mr. Nieratko at Jordan/Jackson.
Teresa Murphy
Contact Information
Email: school.notifications@mansfieldschools.com
Website: www.mansfieldschools.com
Location: 2 Park Row, Mansfield, MA, USA
Phone: 508-261-7500
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MansfieldPublicSchools/