Kokopu Newsletter
Term 2 Week 6 - Tuesday 7th June 2022
Principals Message
It has been busy the last two weeks with a number of staff and students isolating at home. I would like to thank our wonderful team of relief teachers for answering my late night and early morning phone calls to come in. The students have really enjoyed the lessons and activities they have provided. I would also like to thank parents for keeping their children home when we were short of teachers. We are lucky that this is only the first time we have had to do this. Many other schools are having their second or third wave of high numbers away.
Lately, we have been having a number enquires from new families wanting to come to our wonderful little school. So, if you know of anyone who is thinking of enrolling, get them to give us a call or they can use our online enrolment system on our website. www.kokopu.school.nz/enrolments
Property Update
In week 8 we will be having new carpet and lino installed in rooms 1/2 and the office. Rooms 4 and 6 will also get new lino for their cloak bays. If you would like to come in and help move some furniture and equipment please let us know.
Nga Mihi
Yaron Overeem
PJ Day
The school council are holding a Pyjama Day on Friday 10th June to fundraise for sandpit toys. So don't worry about getting dressed on Friday morning just come to school in your PJ's and bring a gold coin donation please.
Year 7 and 8 Careers Day
Next Friday 17th June there is a careers day that all our year 7 and 8 students will attend. Careers education is part of the year 7 and 8 program and this is a good opportunity for our senior students to start thinking about their high school topics which will lead them into a career. A notice will come out this week regarding transport and parent help.
Planting Day
We were very lucky to have some fruit trees donated by Balance Fertilizer. A group from Balance called out to school last week with the trees and helped our students plant them in our orchard. They will be a welcome source of food once they start producing.
Year 4-6 Winter Sports
School Production Postponed
Due to ongoing staff and student absences we have decided to postpone our school production of Peter Pan until the end of term 3. Our tentative dates are Wednesday 21st September for practice and Thursday 22nd September for a matinee and evening performance.
School Photos Postponed Until 16th June
Teachers Paid Union Meetings
Teachers in our school will be attending paid union meetings in the week of June 13th in the run up to the re-negotiation of their collective agreement. The meetings will discuss the teachers’ Time 4 Tamariki | Wāwāhi Tahā campaign, which aims to win smaller class sizes, more support for high needs students, better recognition of cultural skills, greater job security for our essential relievers and to fairly value and recognise teachers’ work.
Our union, NZEI Te Riu Roa, has scheduled online meetings to minimise disruption to teaching and learning and our school will aim to ensure the least disruption to your children’s learning while upholding the right of teachers to participate in their union meeting.
- Carpark and gate. Please come to the gate in the carpark to collect your children at the end of the day. We do not want children walking through the carpark without an adult as it is unsafe with the amount of cars and limited parking. We have a teacher on duty at the gate each day to supervise. Can we ask parents and visitors to make sure they close the gates if you use them? We have a few children that may be prone to walking out an open gate. Thank you.
- Absences. A reminder that it is important to contact the school before 9.30am when your child will be absent. You can either phone, email or let us know via our Skool Loop app. We need to know where your children are so we know they are safe and can mark them correctly on the roll. See details in this newsletter on how to download our Skool Loop App.
- Iceblock Sales. Ice Blocks are for sale again to raise funds for the school. Many children who come to school with $2 like to buy their friend an ice block. Please could you send a note to say they are allowed to do this? The Room 6 children do ask but a note would be easier for them.
- Term Dates. Term 1 03/02— 14/04 Term 2 02/05— 08/07 Term 3 25/07— 30/09 Term 4 17/10— 15/12
Key Dates
- Term 2 02/05— 08/07
- 5 May - Kapa Haka every 2nd Thursday
- 10 June - PJ Day School Council Fundraiser
- 16th June - School Photos
- 17 June - Yr 7 & 8 Career Day
- 24 June - Matariki Day long weekend
- 1 July - School Council BBQ Fundraiser
- 8 July - House Day Winter Sports and Last day of term
School Policies and Procedures Schooldocs
School Accounts
Community Notices
Tauraroa Area School Open Day
OPEN DAY - Friday 5th August 2022
Please return this registration form by Thursday 4th August 2022. To complete the form follow this link: https://forms.gle/YGDyry96dwHxm5QH7
Ruatangata Indoor Bowls
Kokopu School
Email: office@kokopu.school.nz
Website: www.kokopu.school.nz
Location: 921 Kokopu Road, Kokopu, New Zealand
Phone: 094346765
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kokopuschool