Bertram Family Connection
December 15, 2024
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Looking Ahead
Dec. 16: Board Meeting
Dec. 19: Bulldog Boogie
Dec. 19: Winter Program @ BMS (3rd, 4th, and 5th grade participating)
Dec. 20: Classroom holiday parties & Early dismissal @ 12:20 pm
Dec. 23-Jan.6: Student Christmas Break
Morning Drop-off Reminders
Student safety is our priority. Students can be dropped off beginning at 7:15 am. Please do not drop students off before 7:15 am as we do not have staff on duty. If going through the car rider line, students must be dropped off on the curb side. When utilizing the drop-off line, please pull all the way forward as this allows many students to be dropped quickly.
Attendance Matters
Bertram's ADA for this past week was 94.96 - it is our second week meeting our 95% attendance goal!
ADA stands for Average Daily Attendance and is defined as the total days of student attendance divided by the total days of instruction. We recognize that illnesses and events take place that necesitate absences, however, we do encourage every student to be in school every day he/she is able.
- Did you know that just 2 absences in a Six Weeks can mean YOUR child is CHRONICALLY ABSENT?
- Do you know the research about Chronically Absent student performance?
- Did you know that when Absences ADD UP this one statistic can contribute to below grade-level achievement and increase in social emotional anxiety for students?
- Attendance matters and absences add up! Make every day count.
12 Days of Christmas - Dec. 16-20
The dress-up days are optional but offer a fun and festive way for students to celebrate the season. We hope your child enjoys participating, but please know it’s completely up to you!
Classroom Christmas Parties
We are excited to invite you to join your student(s) for their designated party times on Friday, December 20th! Please note that this is an Early Release Day, and students will be dismissed at 12:20 PM.
***Please note that school-aged siblings will not be allowed to join Christmas Parties.***
Here are some important details to help the day run smoothly:
Lunch Times
- PreK: 10:30–11:00
- Kindergarten: 10:40–11:10
- 1st Grade: 10:45–11:15
- 2nd Grade: 10:50–11:20
- 3rd Grade: 11:15–11:45
- 4th Grade: 11:20–11:50
- 5th Grade: 11:30–12:00
Event Reminders
- Event Tickets: Were sent home Thursday, Dec. 12th. Please bring the completed Event Ticket with you to check in.
- No Event Ticket? If you do not have an Event Ticket, you must check in at the Front Office with a valid ID. Please be patient, as this will be a high-traffic day.
Early Check-Out
- If you plan to check out your student(s) after the party, you must turn in your completed Check-out Ticket at the front upon entry. Staff will verify the ticket and return it to the classroom. You will use the verified Check-out Ticket to check out when leaving the school.
- If you do not have a Check-out Ticket, you must check out at the office with a valid ID. Once scanned, we will call your student from class. Please allow extra time due to high traffic.
- Anyone checking out a student must be listed in the student's Skyward account as a guardian or emergency contact with approval to check out.
Staff Favorite Things
Lost and Found
We have lots of clothing, lunch boxes, and water bottles that are missing their owners! Please check our Lost and Found on your next visit. Any items remaining after dismissal on Dec. 20th will be donated.
You're Invited....
1st Grade Dyslexia Screener
Dear Parent/Guardian:
Texas Education Code (§38.003) mandates that all first grade students be screened for dyslexia and related disorders no later than January 31, 2025. Prior to screening, all BCISD students receive instructional intervention through the Benchmark Phonics Program. The screening is designed to ensure that all students are appropriately screened, and if necessary, are evaluated further so that reading difficulties will be addressed in a timely manner. The results from the screening will be used to guide instruction at the classroom level, shared with you, and used to determine if additional interventions are required for your student.
If you have any questions about the screening process, please contact Ryan Morris at 512-715-5132
Thank you,
Burnet Consolidated Independent School District
Have you experienced great customer service from a Burnet CISD employee? Has a Burnet CISD co-worker gone the extra mile in supporting you in some way? If so, we want to hear about it!
- What is a Staff Shout Out? A Shout Out is a special recognition that acknowledges a District staff member who has demonstrated a special effort, an outstanding job, caring customer service, a project of high quality workmanship, a team mentality, and/or is helping students CRAFT the FUTURE.
- Who can submit a Staff Shout Out? Students, parents, teachers, auxiliary staff, coworkers, and all community members. Anyone can submit a Staff Shout Out!
- Who can receive a Staff Shout Out? Any employee of Burnet CISD. EVERY staff member is an important part of our team!
Please click the link below to complete a form briefly explaining why this staff member or coworker deserves recognition. All Shout Out will be listed on the Shout Out webpage.
Bertram Elementary School
- 7:15am Student Drop Off/ Breakfast
- 7:25am Office Opens
- 7:40am School Begins
- 7:45am Students arriving after this time are marked tardy
- 9:00am Students not in attendance are marked absent
- 1:30pm Any transportation changes DUE, please email: ber-transportation@burnetcisd.net
- 2:30pm All Early Checkouts must be complete - Remember to bring your picture ID to complete early check out
- 3:20pm Student Dismissal
- 3:45pm Office/School Closes
Email: ber-transportation@burnetcisd.net
Website: https://bes.burnetcisd.net/
Location: 315 Main Street, Bertram, TX, USA
Phone: 512-355-2111
Facebook: facebook.com/bertramelementary
Twitter: @BurnetCISD