Newsletter Week 4 Term 2
Newsletter 14 - Week 4 Term 2
We were lucky with the weather for our cross country. It is always great to see so many of you there supporting your children. Thanks to the huge number of parents who helped with marshalling during the races and also to the many parents who helped with the transporting of students. Thanks also to our teacher in charge of PE and Health, Lorna Dobson and our Sports’ Coordinator Leanne Rankin for organising this successful event.
Our school was the duty club at the football grounds on Saturday. Thanks to the parents who helped with setting up and putting away the soccer nets and flags and also to the many who helped on the food stall. It was great to see a former student Ayden Weber lending a hand in the stall. Thanks everyone.
It is always fantastic to see the number of children playing sports and also the support our children get on the sidelines from our parents. I would like to give a huge thanks to our coaches and managers, I know it is not easy sometimes to get the children practising and playing together cohesively. You all do a marvellous job. Thank you.
On Sunday Chloe Maytham-Windle, Kieran Groves, Amy Wilmoth and Ebbie Luke were baptised, confirmed and made their First Holy Communion at the 10 o’clock Mass. It was a lovely Mass and our children looked stunning. Please pray for them as they embark on their faith journey as Catholics.
On Thursday at 12.15pm we have our Pentecost Liturgy. You could invite parents to this. An Epro 8 team is also battling it out at a semi final at JPC. I wish them well.
We are indeed fortunate to have Baker’s Delight donate the bread and savouries to us to share with the community. Please help yourself to it. If you have any food over and are willing to share please leave it on the sharing stand at the church gate. Sometimes we get requests to help families in the community so if you need anything please let me know
I have had a request from a family for two single beds so if you can help out please let me know.
Have a great week.
Kind Regards
David Macmillan
Message from DRS Bernie Hall
This week we celebrate Pentecost. This feast marks the end of the Easter season for Christians and commemorates the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the early followers of Jesus.
The Church of God, which began on Pentecost which we read about in Acts 2, is given the mission of preaching the Good News of the Kingdom of God. This was a part of God’s much bigger plan, the return of Jesus Christ. On Pentecost Sunday, Christians around the world will celebrate this holy day, with symbols of flames, a dove and wind marked throughout churches.
If you’re in church this Sunday, you’ll likely read a passage from John’s Gospel, which tells of a visit of the Risen Christ to the disciples huddled in fear. “’Peace be with you,’ Jesus says. ‘As the Father sent me, so I am sending you.’ After saying this, Jesus breathed on them and added, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit.’” (John 20:19-23). Pentecost celebrates the reality that we are God-breathed beings.
Though this holy day is not recognised by all Christians, the Pentecost was a monumental turning point in Christian history, considered by many to be the birthday of the church. Pentecost is a great time to witness for your church.
So - Pentecost occurs 10 days after the Ascension of Christ, and 50 days after Easter, it is recorded in Acts 2:1-13, and it is the Birthday of the Church!
Sacraments of Initiation Schedule for those interested in registering:
Attendance at Sunday Mass 10.00am is part of the programme for candidates and their parents.
Sessions will take place at St Mary's Church, Thursday evenings 6pm - 5 August through to 30 September 2021.
First Confession: 17 October. Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Communion likely to be 24 October 2021 subject to confirmation.
REGISTRATION is open at St Mary's Church Office from 1 -25 JULY.
INTERVIEWS WITH PARENTS: Thursday 29 July 5pm to 7pm
PB4L is a Ministry of Education initiative which was developed to help NZ schools build a culture where positive behaviour and learning is a way of life. A key part of this for our school is having our school values at the very heart of the way we live and learn at St.Mary’s.
We have talked about J.O.Y. and COURAGE and RESPECT and this week our focus is....
TO show integrity and confidence to be the best I can be
- Be the best we can be
Do the right thing
God has given us our very own gifts and talents. We want our children to be proud of who they are and strive to use their gifts to the best of their abilities.
We want our children to know that they are filled with potential and it is part of our job to reach that potential and to help others reach theirs. We emphasise being the best we can be and doing the right thing in learning AND in the way we treat others.
You can support this learning at home by encouraging your child to be honest, work hard and finish what they start.
We have students performing at Showquest Bay of Plenty 2021 on 9th June!
We're very pleased to let you know that ticket sales are available:
Ticketek here
The Facebook event is live here with more event information -
The event will run from 7.00pm at Trustpower Arena, Tauranga with doors open from 6.30pm.
Door sales will be available on the night, but tickets may sell out so we would strongly encourage whānau and friends to buy tickets online in advance.
Upcoming School Events
Wednesday 26 May - Cross Country
Thursday 27 May - Pentecost Liturgy
Monday 31st May -Samoan Language Week
Monday June 7th - Queen’s Birthday Weekend.
Wednesday June 9th - Showquest
Monday 16, 17, 18 June - JPC Interviews at St Mary's
Friday 11 June - Feast of the Sacred Heart Mass
Wednesday - 16 - 17 -18 June - JPC Interviews at St Mary's
Monday 28 June - School Photos
Friday 9 July Teacher only Day (last day of Term 2)
Sports News
Winter Sports Update
Starts this Saturday on Turf 2 at 11am.
Your coach will be in touch with more information.
Duty Club Days:
Saturday 9th July (first weekend of School Holidays)
Saturday 28th August
Everyone must be in the same uniform for our sports teams. This is the newer PE Top and PE Shorts. If your child is wearing a top other than the ones shown below, please contact Whaea Leanne ASAP to organise the correct top.
Unless your child is playing miniball this season ALL school issued uniforms must be returned to the School Office by Friday 11th June.
Special Mention
Thank you to our amazing Football whanau who helped organise our Duty Club day at Puarenga Park on Saturday. We had an awesome turn out at the BBQ/ Food Stall which led to a very successful day of fundraising. We have two additional kura/Schools playing under the St Marys School Club this year - St Michael's Catholic Primary School have 2 teams and Te Koutu have 1 team, which is managed by Trudy James. It was great to have Trudy join us on Saturday and lend a hand.
Upcoming Sports Events
Wednesday 26 May Cross Country Years 3-6
Special Mentions
NZ Breakers Game coming to Rotorua
Open Home Foundation
- Becoming a support and / or prayer partner for a foster family
- Becoming a VIP sponsor to provide bicycles, camp attendance, club or sports fees for children already in foster care
Contact Us
Location: 37 Carnot Street, Glenholme, Rotorua 3010, New Zealand
Phone: +64 07 3481701