Weekly Update
February, 9 2025
Dear Westside Families
Dear WSES Families:
Consider participating in our Winter Walk To School event on 2/12/25. Families can meet at Hood River Valley Christian Church at 7:00 AM. See additional information and maps below. This update includes information about Outdoor Recess, Spring Conferences, Spring Music Concerts, a new wildcat columnist article and a message from our PTO. Kindergarten Registration is now open for the 25-26 school year! The potential emergency school day on 2/18 is explained below.
Ocean Kuykendall
Westside Elementary School
No School Monday, Feb 17th
Emergency Closure Day 2/18 Explained
If we do not miss any school days between now and 2/14 due to poor weather, we will not have school on Tuesday, 2/18. If we miss school days due to weather between now and 2/14, students will attend school on 2/18.
Listening Session
Did you miss the listening session with Superintendent Newton? Families can attend any session that fits their schedule. Use this community form to submit questions or share feedback about the budget process. Refer to this Budget FAQ document to find answers about common budget-related questions. Listening session schedule below.
Thursday, Feb. 13: Mid Valley Elementary School library, 5:30 PM
Wednesday, Feb. 19: May Street Elementary School (Second Grade Neighborhood), 5:00 PM
Wednesday, Feb. 19: Hood River Valley High School library, 6:00 PM
- Tuesday, Feb. 25: Parkdale Elementary School library, 5:00 P
25-26 Kindergarten Enrollment is Open
Hood River County School District (HRCSD) is enrolling kindergarten students for the 2025-26 school year. Families with children who will be five years old by September 1 can enroll their children here.
Outdoor Recess in Cold, Rainy Weather
We anticipate having students play outside for recess as much as possible during the rain and snow season. Please have students dress for snowy, wet weather. Boots, gloves, hats and a warm jacket are encouraged as well as a spare change of pants & socks. Please reach out if you student needs support with warm clothing.
Teachers will be reaching out to parents to schedule conferences on March 13th, 3:15PM-7:00PM. Not all students will be scheduled for a conference on this date. We will offer a second round of conferences for all students on May 22nd, 3:15-7:00PM
Spring Music Concerts
4th & 5th Grade Music Concert: March 5th, 5:30PM
2nd & 3rd Grade Music Concert: April 16th, 5:30 PM
Kinder & 1st Grad Music Concert: May 14th, 5:30 PM
2nd Grade Swim Lessons
Thanks to Hood River Education Foundation!
Thanks to Hood River Parks and Recreation!
Westside PTO
Message From PTO
Wildcat Columnist
This week's Wildcat Columnist article is a biography on 4th grade teacher, Ms. Penney, written by third grade columnist Ella Rosonke.
Wildcat Nation Gear available!!
All proceeds from Westside Gear go directly to funding programs for the students and to fulfilling Teacher Grants. Thank you for your support and school spirit! Orders are fulfilled weekly and will be ready for pick up in the front office. You'll get a confirmation email when your goods are ready for pick up.
Every Day Matters: Track your student’s attendance
Please be aware of the amount of days your student misses by tracking the days your student is absent. If your child misses 10 days of school each school year, they will have missed 130 days of school by the time they graduate high school. That equals half a year of school missed!
For more information on the importance of attendance, please visit our school district website.
Print this sheet and hang it on your refrigerator or another central place in your home.
WSES is an AVID Elementary
AVID: Advancement Via Individual Determination—fosters a safe and open culture, high expectations for teachers and students, and collaboration in all classrooms. AVID focuses on reinforcing academic behaviors and higher-level thinking. AVID strategies help Elementary students develop the academic habits they will need to be successful in middle school, high school, and college, in an age-appropriate and challenging way. Children learn about organization, study skills, communication, and self-advocacy. AVID Elementary students take structured notes and answer and ask high-level questions that go beyond routine answers.
School Calendar
2/12 Winter Walk and Roll to school
2/17 No School
2/18 Possible Snow Make Up Day or No School
School Communication:
The following methods will be used by the school to communicate with Westside Elementary families:
Weekly Family Update Link will be sent to email and through text message. The weekly newsletter will contain important school information. It is delivered on Sundays at 5:30 pm. It will also be posted on the website
Talking Points: You can opt to receive text messages or download the TalkingPoints for Families mobile app. You can also use TalkingPoints on the web. Talking Points is a great way to communicate with teachers, administrators, and office staff! There is no charge from TalkingPoints to use text messages, the mobile app, or the web. talkingpts.org
All Updates Posted
Calendar Posted
Other School Information
SafeOregon tip line
To submit an anonymous tip or incident report, use one of the three following methods:
- Email tip@safeoregon.com
- Call or text 844-472-3367
- Enter information on SafeOregon website
- Enter information on SafeOregon webpage for Hood River County School District
Parent Volunteers
Peachjar shares resources and opportunities
We are now using Peachjar! Parents/guardians receive digital flyers containing school and community resources that aim to improve the trajectory of students’ lives. This transition will also save our schools time and money while ensuring important information makes it home to parents.
Please visit this Peachjar web page to see current opportunities for Westside Elementary School.
Contact Us:
Ocean Kuykendall Principal ocean.kuykendall@hoodriver.k12.or.us 541-387-5054
Dan Barnard Vice Principal dan.barnard@hoodriver.k12.or.us 541-387-5057
Julie Davis Secretary/Bookkeeper julie.davis@hoodriver.k12.or.us 541-386-1535 ext 4795
Erica Torres Bilingual Secretary erica.torres@hoodriver.k12.or.us 541-386-1535 ext 4796
Araceli Avila Bilingual Family Engagement Specialist araceli.avila@hoodriver.k12.or.us 541-386-1535 ext 4737