REMINDER: ACT/PreACT - 04/22/24
April 22, 2024

The ACT and PreACT tomorrow, April 23!
This is a reminder regarding the ACT and the PreACT at Maple Grove Senior High tomorrow, Tuesday, April 23:
9th and 12th graders will stay home and engage in online learning, submitting attendance for each class per their teachers’ direction.
10th and 11th graders must report to their assigned classroom by 7:30 a.m. to take the PreACT or ACT Test.
School transportation will run as normal.
Please ensure students bring their fully-charged Chromebook, a picture ID, and an ACT-approved calculator.
Students are pre-registered for their test.
Due to testing parameters, students who arrive late to school cannot take the test – it is therefore critical that students are in their assigned class no later than 7:30 a.m.
Early dismissal options: It is estimated that PreACT testing will conclude by 11:30 a.m., and ACT testing by 12:15 p.m. Students may depart school after testing or may remain in our media center after lunch until our regular 2:00 p.m. dismissal. School transportation will run as usual.
The lone make-up option is next Tuesday, April 30. If any student is unable to attend on April 23, this is the one opportunity to make-up their test.
**Students who receive special education services in a Level III Connect, Skills or Strategies programs will attend school for instruction. If you have questions, please check with your student's case manager.
Please click here for more information on the ACT, and click here for more information on the PreACT.
Thanks, as always, for your tremendous support of Maple Grove Senior High!
Yours very sincerely,
Bart Becker, Principal
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