Little Spartans News
August 2024
A Note From the Director/Principal:
LSP Staff is so excited to meet all our new students and families! Our theme this year is DREAM BIG! Title and Developmental Preschool programs will have an Open House on Thursday, August 8th, 5:00-6:00pm. Head Start Orientation will take place on Thursday, August 15th. Orientation will begin at 6:00pm and last approximately one hour.
First Days of School
The first day of school for Title and Developmental Preschool will be Monday, August 12th. The first day of school for Head Start will be Monday, August 19th.
Dismissal Procedures
Dismissal procedures will start on the first day with students (see arrival/dismissal procedures later in the newsletter). Adults picking up students MUST have an ID with them. If an adult is not on the student's authorized pick-up list, then they will not be able to take the student with them. Keeping our young learners safe is always our number one priority!....Please be patient on the first few days of school. Our dismissal lines typically run a little slower so we can ensure all students are with their authorized adult. Once we get to know families, then the lines will run quicker.
Safety, Safety, Safety
Don't be alarmed if you notice police presence at LSP! The Connersville Police Department and the Fayette County Sherriff's Department regularly visit to make sure our students and staff are safe. If there ever is an emergency, families will be notified via Powerschool Messenger, ClassDojo, and Social Media (Facebook/Twitter). If your phone number changes for any reason, please notify the office so we can update our system!
Little Spartans Preschool regularly practice emergency drills! During the first week of student attendance we will have a practice fire drill. Fire drills will be practiced at least once a month. We will also practice severe weather and lockdown drills each semester. Be sure to talk about the importance of being safe with your child!
Staff Professional Development
The first Friday of each month (excluding December) will be no student days. Staff will participate in professional development. No class days for professional development will be the following: 9/6, 10/4, 11/1, 1/10, 2/7, 3/7, 4/4, and 5/2.
Bookmobile/Fayette County Public Library
This year we have partnered with the Fayette County Public Library. The bookmobile will be visiting LSP two times each month after Fall Break. The Fayette County Public Library will also be reading and doing crafts with our classrooms......Did you know Fayette County Public Library has family events? Be sure to check out their calendar HERE.
Important Dates to Note:
-August 8th- Title/Dev. Open House @5:00-6:00pm
-August 12th- First Day of School (Title and Dev.)
-August 15th- Head Start Orientation @6:00pm
-August 16th- Head Start Policy Council @8:30am
-August 22nd- Food Pantry/Clothing Closet Open @LSP @4:00-6:00pm
-September 2nd- No School- Labor Day
-September 6th- No Students- Staff Professional Development
Please reach out if you need anything at all.
Ms. Mallory
School Phone: 765-827-0191
Email: mcameron@fayette.k12.in.us
Theme 2024-2025: Dream Big!
Mission: Provide comprehensive and high quality education in an inclusive social setting by professional, competent, and compassionate staff. Promote the growth and development of children and families while improving their quality of life in an ever changing society.
Front Door Security
Safety is always our number one priority! In order to keep our front lobby more secure, the front doors will ONLY be unlocked from 7:50-8:15a.m. A buzzer/intercom system has been installed on the right hand side of the front doors. If the front doors are locked, just push the green button and someone from the office will be right with you. The left door will then be unlocked so you can enter the lobby.
Safety Protocol
School Bus Stop Arm
Arrival/Dismissal Procedures (Title/Dev.)
Title/Developmental Preschool
*Car tags will be handed out during Open House.*
If your child is a car rider, arrival and dismissal will be a car line procedure in the back of the building on Conwell. To enter the car line, you must follow 17th St. and turn LEFT on East Street, follow it around the curve (turns into Fairmont Street) and then turn LEFT on Conwell. Your passenger side door should be parallel to the sidewalk. We will dismiss car by car at the gate (look for the orange cones), so please pull up to the spot directly next to the cones when it’s your turn. Please remain in your car, and a staff member will help escort your child into the building and then back to the car at dismissal. You will be provided a tag for your mirror that MUST be displayed.
If you are DROPPING OFF your child for the PM session, please FLIP your tag backwards. This allows staff to dismiss children from the AM session more efficiently.
*AM drop off will begin at 7:50a.m. Gates will close at 8:00a.m., unless there are cars in line. PM drop off will begin at 11:20a.m. Gates will close at about 11:40a.m., unless there are cars in line. We ask all adults to stay in their vehicles during pick-up/drop-off. We will get students out of the car and put them back in. If your child is unable to fasten their carseat/booster straps after they are loaded, then we ask you to pull up ahead of car line before getting out to fasten.*
Arrival/Dismissal Procedures (Head Start)
Head Start
*Car tags will be handed out during Home Visits.*
If your child is a car rider, arrival and dismissal will be a car line procedure in the front of the building on Eastern Ave. To enter the car line, use 17th Street or Eastern Ave. Do not enter from 18th Street. We will dismiss car by car at the awning, so please pull up to the spot directly next to the awning when it’s your turn. Your passenger side door should be parallel to the sidewalk. Please remain in your car, and a staff member will help escort your child into the building and then back to the car at dismissal. You will be provided a tag for your mirror that MUST be displayed. *DO NOT BLOCK ALLEY WITH CAR LINE. IT IS A BUS ROUTE.*
If you are DROPPING OFF your child for the PM session, please FLIP your tag backwards. This allows staff to dismiss children from the AM session more efficiently.
*AM drop off will begin at 7:50a.m. PM drop off will begin at 11:20a.m. Be prepared to show your ID to staff for authorization of pick-up.*
LSP Preschool Options
- Head Start- 3-5 year old children, income based, Monday-Thursday 1/2 day OR Monday-Friday full day (4-5 year old children only)
- Title One Preschool- 4-5 year old children, Monday-Friday 1/2 day
- Developmental Preschool- 3-5 year old children, Monday-Friday 1/2 day
Half Day Sessions
8:00-11:30a.m. OR 11:30a.m.-3:00p.m.
Full Day Sessions
Teaching Staff
-Jenny Amrhein- Head Start Preschool Teacher
-Amanda Brown- Head Start Preschool Teacher
-Jenny Fralick- Title Preschool Teacher
-Kristen Frost- Title Preschool Teacher
-Brittney Harmeyer- Head Start Preschool Teacher
-Erin Loyd- Head Start Teacher
-Scarlett Lux- Developmental Preschool Teacher
-Charlene Stanley- Head Start Preschool Teacher
-Melissa Rowe- Head Start Preschool Teacher
-Kelly Wenta- Head Start Preschool Teacher
-Vanessa Willis- Developmental Preschool Teacher
FCSC Calendar
Community Resources
Little Spartans Preschool
Email: mcameron@fayette.k12.in.us
Website: https://earlychild.fayette.k12.in.us/o/preschool
Location: 1800 North Eastern Avenue, Connersville, IN, USA
Phone: (765) 827-0191
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/School/Little-Spartans-Preschool-101332685186386/
Twitter: @MCameronFCSC