Half Day
Best of Me
Many classes the first week of school do 'get to know you' activities with students. In this particular exercise students described their best features to one another.
Upcoming Events
Chorus: Begins the week of September 11, registration required
4th-Grade Orchestra: Register by Monday, Sept. 11
Parent Band Meeting: Tuesday, Sept. 12
Late Arrival: Schools begins at 10:30 a.m. Thursday, Sept. 14
ASA Registration: Closes Thursday, Sept. 14
Principal Coffee: Tuesday, Sept. 19 (Third-grade families only)
We encourage you to subscribe to the Half Day calendar so meetings and events can automatically be added to your personal calendar. Copy the calendar. Right click the url to a new tab. Download the calendar to your personal calendar.
Celebrating Fall Holidays
The Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah (September 15-17), and the Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur (September 24-25), are two of the most important holidays for our Jewish families. District 103 wishes our Jewish families a very Happy New Year! You may find these short clips on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur useful if you would like to learn more about the High Holiday season.
Diwali, the festival of lights, is celebrated (November 12). The festival gets its name from the row (avali) of clay lamps (deepa) that are lit outside homes to symbolize the inner light that protects from spiritual darkness. We wish all of our families who celebrate this holiday happiness and prosperity.
We understand students will be absent on religious holidays of all faiths throughout the year, and we know how important it is for us to support our students as they practice their faith. Please refer to our procedure, Homework Procedures and Religious Holidays, that District 103 uses to guide students during their absence.
Please notify your child's school in advance of a planned absence using the following methods:
Sprague: 847-945-6686 or Ls_attendance@d103.org
Half Day: 847-634-1484 or Hd_attendance@d103.org
Daniel Wright: 847-604-5280 or DW_attendance@d103.org
District 103 is committed to being flexible to ensure all of our students can practice their faith and feel supported. Thank you for partnering with us as we raise our Leaders in Learning.
All the best,
Scott Warren, Ed.D
Superintendent of D103 Schools
Musical Groups
Read the chorus flyer for more information and sign up on the RevTrak Web Store.
Beginner band information is available to families of fifth-graders. Fill out the general interest form.
Read the quick facts for fourth- and fifth-graders interested in joining orchestra. Register for orchestra on the RevTrak Web Store.
Parents Prepare! Download PikMyKid App Now!!
In our ongoing efforts to enhance your children’s safety, Sprague and Half Day Schools will begin using the PikMyKid Dismissal Application beginning Monday, Sept. 18. PikMyKid has been proven to simplify dismissal, reduce traffic congestion, and most importantly, improve overall safety.
Partnership News
LFF Legacy Brick Fundraiser
Surprise your student with their name engraved in a Learning Fund Foundation brick placed along the Daniel Wright pathway at the school's entrance. Donations to the Learning Fund Foundation are tax deductible.
The Power of Play - How Play Can Help Children Learn Lessons for Life
In this virtual presentation, parents will hear from Dr. Rebecca Isbell, an internationally renowned educator & speaker on how play can be utilized to help advance learning for children. We will also be joined by Ms. Ann Hofmeier, principal at Sprague School, who will reflect on how teachers at Sprague use play daily to promote educational concepts in their classrooms.
- Register -> bit.ly/45PdK6e
Spirit Wear Discount
PTO is offering all PTO members a 15% discount off any Spirit Wear items now through Tuesday, Sept. 19. Please log in to our spirit wear provider SquadLocker to see the offerings. PTO members should have received a separate email with the discount code. Not a PTO Member? Now is the perfect time to sign up and take advantage of the discount.
Community News
SHS Theater
Stevenson High School welcomes you to join us for a Theatre for Young Audiences production of "The Bully Plays" on Saturday, Sept. 23, at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. in the SHS Little Theater.
Boo Bash
Save the Date for Lincolnshire's annual Boo Bash from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. Friday, Oct. 27, North Park.
Cub Scouts
Join us in the adventure of a lifetime! Lincolnshire Cub Scouts Pack 78 is a great way for kids to learn new skills, make new friends, and have fun. We have exciting activities planned throughout the year that will challenge and inspire your child. Sign up today and be part of our pack!
Half Day Information
- Half Day Calendar
- Archived newsletters
- YouTube Principals
- Principal Jill Mau
- Assistant Principal Laura Delagrange
- 847-634-1484
- Hd_attendance@d103.org