Bridgeview School Bulletin
January 2025
Dates to Remember
January 6 Classes Resume
January 15 End of Quarter 2
January 20 No School - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 22 Q2 Report Cards Issued (electronically)
January 23 Behavior Expectations Review Assembly (Kinder - 4th Grade)
January 24 Behavior Expectations Review Assembly (5th & 6th Grade)
January 27 - 31 Winter MAP Testing
From the Desk of Mrs. Del Prete
Happy New Year, Bridgeview Families!
I hope you all had a joyful and restful holiday season filled with family, friends, and cherished moments. As we welcome 2025, it’s a perfect time to reflect on the accomplishments of the past year and set goals for the months ahead.
The start of January brings a renewed focus on learning, growth, and community. Our students continue to amaze us with their curiosity, creativity, and resilience, and we’re excited to build on that momentum as we dive into the second half of the school year.
Important Updates & Events
- Winter Weather Reminder: Please ensure your child comes to school dressed warmly for outdoor recess. Layers, hats, and gloves are essential as we navigate chilly temperatures.
- MAP Testing: Mid-year assessments will take place the week of January 27th - 31st. These assessments help us measure student progress and identify areas where we can provide additional support.
- Behavior Expectations Review Assemblies: On January 23rd and 24th students will have the chance to test their knowledge of our building-wide expectations during a "game show" themed assembly. Click here to review the expectations with your child.
As always, thank you for your continued partnership in making Bridgeview School a fantastic place to learn and grow. Here’s to a wonderful year ahead!
Stay warm and well,
Bobcat Business with Mrs. Borst
Winter Concert
On Monday, December 16, the Band and Orchestra from Wilkins Junior High came to Bridgeview Elementary to entertain us with many holiday tunes. It was an extra special treat when our whole student body sang along.
'Tis the Season
The week before break was spent enjoying all that the season brings. Several classes learned how many different cultures and countries celebrate their important and special holidays. We also enjoyed a Bobcat Leader's sponsored Spirit Week. Look at these awesome snowmen!
You Can't Catch Me, I'm The Gingerbread Man
Or in our case....the Gingerbread Kindergarten Teachers!! Imagine how excited the student's were to be greeted by these three on our last day! The laughter and awe was heard throughout our halls!!
Hello Bobcat Families!
Following procedures from last year, we have an online form for attendance reporting. While guardians will still be able to call in, we are also offering an attendance form for families to submit attendance digitally. If your student will be absent, please use this Attendance Reporting Form or call us at 708-496-8713 to report the absence.
Thank you!
Bridgeview Office Staff
Does Your Child Have a Cell Phone at School?
Is Your Child Celebrating a Birthay?
If your child has a birthday during the school year and you would like to recognize the special day, please think about sending non-edible items such as pencils, stickers, erasers, etc.
For Our Bus Riders
All lunch menus will be shared weekly by the district on Parent Square.
Don't Be Late!
8:10AM 1st Bell
8:15AM Tardy Bell
2:30PM School Dismissed
All students arriving late to school (after 8:15AM) must report to the office for a tardy slip. Every 5th tardy a note will be sent home. Continuous tardiness may constitute other disciplinary consequences. Our goal is for all students to arrive at school on time each day. When students are late, they miss instructional opportunities. Please keep in mind that students arriving after 9:15AM are no longer considered tardy, but will instead receive a half day absence.
Being late is detrimental to all students' learning, especially if it occurs on a consistent basis. Be sure to do all you can to prevent tardiness. Your child will thank you for it!
Lawn Care Application Notice
Calling All Substitutes!
Indian Springs SD #109 is looking to add to its list of available substitute teachers and paraprofessionals. If you are interested in being a substitute in our school district, please contact Marilyn Leja, School District Receptionist, at (708) 796-8700. The eligibility requirement to be a substitute teacher is to possess a teaching license or substitute teacher license (the substitute teacher license requires a Bachelor's Degree). The eligibility requirement to be a substitute paraprofessional is to possess a paraprofessional license. Feel free to contact Marilyn Leja for further details.
Bridgeview Elementary School
Email: cdelprete@isd109.org
Website: www.isd109.org
Location: 7800 S Thomas Ave Bridgeview, IL 60455
Phone: 708-496-8713
Instagram & Twitter: @BVGoBobcats