Gator Bites
September 5, 2024
Principal's Corner
I wanted to share the staff celebrations of this month as we work hard on building our Gator Nation as a staff! Our culture is empathetic kindness committed to academics and fun!
Examples of Kindness: Greeting and welcoming students. We are helping every child feel seen. By the time they get to their classroom they are greeted by 3+ staff members every day. Our staff is amazing at welcoming and dismissing students.
Examples of Committed: Safety Measures: Every class now has radios and teachers are 100% committed to keep us all safe when we go outside. Our drills have been amazing. Our first lock-down drill with the District had nothing to fix! Our lunch time processes are really helping every child have time to eat and play each day. Finally, our ability grouping processes have been the best we’ve ever had for collaboration and data driven decisions.
Examples of Empathy, Academics, Fun/Joy in classroom: Every teacher has turned in goals to grow Gator Nation and many of these are focused on the joy of learning and the power of quality ability groups. The care for each individual child is apparent as teachers work to make their classrooms inviting and fun.
Our first Dress of Choice is Friday, September 6th. We do have DOC guidelines for what you should wear on a Dress of Choice day. Let’s have a great day Gators!
We will be holding an individual picture day on September 12th. Students who have a birthday on that day should make sure they bring a uniform to wear for official pictures (they can change back into their birthday DOC after their picture is taken).
We want to remind our families that we start the official CDE student count days at the end of September. These days, September 24-October 8 this year, will determine our official student count and thus our financial support from the state. It is important that students attend school during this time and especially on the official “count day” of October 1st. Thank you for your consideration of doctor appointments, etc. during this time.
Let’s go Gators!!
Upcoming Events
Middle School and Specials Newsletters
Chess Demonstration
Pals Chess Club came to LA today for a chess demonstration! They are gearing up for chess club which starts in a couple of weeks. See the flyer below for details!
Happenings in 3rd Grade
Third grade is busy exploring and conducting science experiments around force. We enjoyed constructing ping-pong ball launchers to better understand forces.
Also in 3rd Grade...
Third grade has exciting news—we have baby hamsters! We are looking for loving homes for them. If you're interested in adopting a baby hamster, please email Mrs Graziano by tomorrow morning. Adoption will be first come, first serve. You'll need a cage, bedding, and food ready by Friday, September 6. Please plan on coming after carpool to select your baby hamster. You will need a box with air holes for transporting the hamster home.
Mrs. Graziano
Individual Picture Day is Next Week!
8th Grade Trip - Meeting Recap
Last week we held an information meeting about the 8th grade DC, Gettysburg, and Philly trip. Click to review the presentation and find a link to register.
Payment plans are available and the deadline to register is September 13th.
Feel free to reach out to Mr. Graeber if you have any questions