LTS News
19th Edition 1/16/25
Early Release Tomorrow, January 17th
Dismissal at 12:10pm
No School Monday, January 20th MLK Holiday
January Events
Upcoming Dates and Info
Winter sports for 6-8 Grade
starts 1/14 Students will be back in time for the bus at end of the day
KEAP Early Release Ski and Ride
Early release ski/ride dates: 1/17, 1/31, 2/14, 3/21
Reach out to with questions.
Afterschool Program Friday 1/17
K-4 Bussing is available for those who sign up through think link at 3pm. Deadline to sign up is Tuesday, January 14
Please click image to complete form.
Powerschool Glitch
On December 18th, Powerschool sent attendance letters to all. This letter stated that your child missed 15 days and needed a meeting. If you child hasn't missed 15 days, please know that this was an error and to disregard. Sorry for the confusion.
Friendly Reminders from the Office Staff
Reporting an absence
If you need to report your child absent, tardy or change their end of day plan, please email If you need to reach the office with a general question, please email
Or, call the office before 8am at 626-3209
Changing end of day plans
If your child will have a change to their end of day plan, please send them with a note in the morning.
We understand plans change, please call us prior to 2pm to ensure that your child gets the message.
Thank you
!!Powerschool and SNAP Portal!!
If you have not logged in and completed the forms please do so as soon as you can. Please click the picture to the right to bring you to the site. Students will not recieve their devices until the forms are complete.
Also- SNAP Portal needs to be complete in order for your child to be treated by our nurses or receive over the counter medications.
Please reach out if you need help with either portal
End of Day Plans
If you have not completed the end of the day form for your student please click this link