Board of Education News & Notes
Flemington-Raritan Regional School District
Board Meeting Highlights - 11/14/24
The Flemington-Raritan Regional Board of Education held a regular meeting on November 14, 2024. Below is a recap of the meeting:
- The Board swore in new member Dr. Warren Buckleitner, who represents Flemington Borough.
- All motions were approved with an amendment made to the bills list: Agenda.
- District Principals presented building goals, linked here.
- Dr. McGann presented Action Steps to Achieving District Goals, linked here.
- The Board acknowledged outgoing Board of Education Member, Mr. Jeffrey Cain, and thanked him for his commitment, dedication and service.
- Click to access Audio Recordings of Board of Education Meetings.
Board Committee Reports
Please click this link to view Board Committee Reports prepared by the Board and presented by each Committee Chairperson during the meeting. Each summary provides a brief overview of the notable business of each Board committee that was discussed and approved this month but is not a comprehensive list of action items.
Policy & Regulation Update
The Board adopted the following revised policies and regulations:
1. P 0141 - Board Member Number and Term
3. P 2200 - Curriculum Content (M)
4. R 2260 - Equity in School and Classroom Practices Complaint Procedure (M)
5. P 2431.4 - Prevention and Treatment of Sports-Related Concussions and Head Injuries (M)
6. R 2431.4 - Prevention and Treatment of Sports-Related Concussions and Head Injuries (M)
7. P 3160 - Physical Examination (M)
8. R 3160 - Physical Examination (M)
9. P 4160 - Physical Examination (M)
10. R 4160 - Physical Examination (M)
11. P 5337 - Service Animals
12. P 5350 - Student Suicide Prevention (M)
13. P 5842 - Equal Access of Student Organizations
14. P 7510 - Use of School Facilities
15. R 7510.1 - Classification and Facility Use Fee Schedule
16. P 8420 - Emergency and Crisis Situations (M)
17. P 8467 - Firearms and Weapons (M)
18. R 8467 - Firearms and Weapons (M)
19. P 9128 - School Feedback Surveys
The Board abolished the following policies:
1. P 0164.6 - Remote Public Board Meetings During a Declared Emergency (M)
All Board-approved policies and regulations are available online here.
Next Meeting - December 19
The next regular meeting of the Board will be held on Thursday, December 19, 2024. Please note that this is a change in the Board's schedule as the original date was December 12, but was changed due to a scheduling conflict.
Board Members (2024)
About the Board of Education
Board Committees & Contacts
Board Meeting Schedule, Agendas & Minutes
Our Mission:
As a Community of One, WE:
Foster social, emotional, and academic growth within a connected learning community;
Respect, honor and embrace diverse family and community values by building collaborative partnerships;
Strengthen opportunities that nurture creative and critical thinkers;
Develop and inspire personal excellence.
Every Student - Every Day - Every Opportunity